
- Here's
my OBC deck - J.M.
Chainer’s Edict
4 Last Rites
4 Faceless Butcher
4 Rites of Spring
4 Basking Rootwalla
4 Wild Mongrel
4 Grizzly Fate
4 Arrogant Wurm
4 Roar of the Wurm
4 Tainted Wood
10 Forest
10 Swamp
Combining the excellent creature base of Green with the
disruption and removal of Black has created some
environment defining decks in the past. I see no
reason why G/B can't repeat this past success in OBC.
OBC touts the BEST green creature base of any block,
period. Mono-Black control is a serious metagame
deck currently in OBC due to all the powerful removal
and disruption available like Chainer's Edict.
Combining these two colors can create a simple deck
using good creatures and removal to just WIN.
Having said that, Living Wish adds a wrinkle to the
strategy that is by no means simple. With the
surplus of silver bullet creatures in black and green
Living Wish suddenly gives this "simple"
strategy the ability to combat any enemy it runs into.
Clearly I feel that G/B needs Living Wish to plant it
firmly as a Tier 1 contender.
4 Basking Rootwalla
4 Wild Mongrel
3 Crypt Creeper - recurse with Genesis to hurt opposing
Thresh, Flash, and Wurms
4 Mesmeric Fiend - Great way to make an opponents early
hand suck
3 Phantom Centaur - just too damn efficient not to play
3 Faceless Butcher - Take that token creatures!
2 Genesis - Have you noticed how good Genesis works with
all the above creatures?
3 Cabal Therapy - grab Quiet Speculation while you can!
4 Living Wish - will get you whatever you want in a
given situation
4 Chainer's Edict
2 Last Rites - Can put Genesis into grave and wreck
opponents last cards in hand!
4 Tainted Wood
11 Swamps
9 Forests
4 Seedtime
4 Druid Lyrist
1 Spellbane Centaur - Blue targets your creatures with
alot more than bounce!
1 Phantom Centaur
1 Faceless Butcher
1 Leaf Dancer - a great way to go offensive early versus
and deck with a forest
1 Cabal Patriarch - late game will RULE the board
1 Laquatus Champion - a great finisher, also kills wurms
dead and survives!!
1 Cabal Pitt - incase your land light early, also kills
stuff later on!
Yes, this deck makes a shameless attempt to recreate the
combo of Vampiric Tudor + Yawgmoth's Will by using
Living Wish + Genesis. 1 Silver Bullet is nice...
being able to use that silver bullet over and over again
is often brutal.
Don't play this deck to much like a combo deck tho' as
the are plenty of ways to beat down. The main deck
is designed to drop a few early threats and prevent the
opponent from stabilizing with pinpoint discard and just
enought removal. If the game goes into the late
game that's where the recursion and tudoring will really
take over giving you a much better late game than a
mindless beatdown deck.
Hope this helps... have fun!