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by Brian "Motumbo"
Going back over the years,
there is only one color that has truly stood out and has
stayed both balanced and powerful. That color, my
friends, is blue. Blue has either the ability to win
very quickly or the power to take control over the board
and make the game last as long as the blue player wants.
This article is not to go back
over the years of magic and evaluate every arch-type of
blue or to examine how blue has evolved. This article is
to examine why blue is still good, how it will be good
in the future, and to give a few pointers on some decks
that I have been playtesting and winning tourneys with.
Let me first start off by
telling you a few things about me. I have gone by the
name "Motumbo" for about 6 years now. I really
don't know why one of my friends called me that one
time, but it seems to have stuck ever since. I also love
to trade. You will never see me at a magic tournament
and not see me trade. Most everyone knows me for the
trading that I get done. And lastly, I love to play
blue. For me, playing blue comes very easy. Even though
blue is a very difficult color to play if you are
playing slow, control-type decks, I love to sit there
and have to think how each possible play will effect the
I always hear people say,
"Blue doesn't take any skill to play. It's just all
about counter spells. All you have to do is counter
everything." That is very misleading. Blue is not
always about countering everything. You have to know
what to counter and what to let through. You also need
to be able to know what is going to happen over the next
few turns if you let something through, or have to tap
out to do something. To play blue correctly, just like
any other color for that fact, you have to think before
you take any action.
Let's first take a look at the
fast side of blue. The main choices on this end of the
color are none other than "Skies" and "Merfolk."
The typical merfolk deck has been around for a very long
time unlike the skies deck that came around during the
Masques Block season. When playing these two decks, the
whole point is to get out a couple of creatures early
and to deny your opponent of any threats that will stop
your onslaught.
We will take a look at
everyone's favorite blue creature type first - merfolks.
Of course, these fun loving, huggable water dwellers are
#1 on everybody's list. Now of course, everyone in his
or her right mind has either played with or against a
merfolk deck. This deck is a very difficult deck to beat
if it is built correctly and played correctly. This
reason this deck works so well, is because it is just as
fast as rebels and speed black, and is combined with
permission, card drawing, and bounce. What better of a
deck to have both speed and control of every kind.
When playing merfolk, you do
need to consider the fact that playing so many
creatures so fast and bouncing permanents to your
opponents hand is going to empty out your hand very
quickly. This is a problem easily solved when playing
blue. The first good option for card drawing is
"opt." This is a one casting cost card that
lets you look at the top card and either take it, or if
you don't like it, put it at the bottom and then draw
the next card of your library. Next is one of everyone's
favorite cards in blue, accumulated knowledge. This is a
great card drawer. It can effectively net you 10 cards,
well depending on how many you draw, or your opponent
draws for that matter. Since you get to draw one card no
matter what, it is a bonus to let you draw an additional
card for each knowledge in each players graveyards. To
top off card drawing, you have fact or fiction. Don't
even get me started on this card. This card is so good,
I could talk hours about this card.
Next, let's take a look at removal for merfolk. One of
the oldest yet effective cards to date is
"Boomerang." This card, of course, for "UU"
will let you bounce any permanent on the board. This is
great against cards that will not let you get through,
cards like tangle wire and parallax wave, and even
Circle of Protection: Blue. Boomerang is always my
choice when looking for a bounce spell since its not
limited to a creature or land, it's just that good.
Well, what else is there that is any good to play? Well,
one of the newer cards in invasion is
"Repulse." This is a great card in 2 ways.
First of all repulse lets you bounce a creature to its
owners' hand, but on top of that, it lets you draw a
card. Why would anyone look past this great card. Of
course you also have the very cost efficient "unsummon"
and "Seal of Removal." For only "U",
these cards are a very good addition to any deck that is
in need of a little more bounce.
Now, of course when playing
merfolk, you look to the almighty "Lord of
Atlantis" to help you beat your opponent to the
ground. Lord of Atlantis is a great card. Not only is he
cost efficient being a 2/2 for "UU" but he
gives all merfolk +1/+1 and island walk. So the more
Lords you get out in play, the bigger all of your
merfolk get and the shorter the game is going to last.
Now, when playing merfolk, I always have had luck to
play 2 "Dream Thrush." This little 1/1 flier
is no merfolk, but he will help in the end. Not only can
he fly over for 1 every turn, but use his ability to tap
him and make any land in play a land type of your choice
until end of turn. This can help deny your opponent of
mana, or change his land to an island and make those
island-walking merfolk unblockable.
Now of course when playing
skies, you want to basically beat your opponent into the
ground as fast as you can but using flying creatures.
This deck mostly plays good fliers like Rishidan
Airship, Stronghold Zeppelin, Spiketail Hatchling, and
Troublesome Spirits. These creatures are very cost
effective for their power and abilities. Most of the
creatures in this deck have a power of 3 except for that
of Spiketail hatchling. The reason the deck plays this
card is because it is a 1/1 flier for "1U" and
you can sacrifice it to counter a spell unless your
opponent pays 1 more mana. This is good since you will
be tapped out most of the time when playing this deck
thanks to that of Troublesome Spirit. This monster 3 / 4
flier is great for "2UU" and the only drawback
is that you have to tap your lands at the end of each of
your turns. Not a bad price to pay when there are so
many cards in blue that can be free.
Since tapping out with
Troublesome Spirit and dropping creatures left and
right, there are some cards that you may not want to
overlook. These cards are gush, thwart, and foil. Now
gush lets you draw 2 cards if you return two islands to
your hand. This is a great card in use with that of
foil. And foil and thwart are great surprise cards at
any time. Also, misdirection is a great card that can be
used to redirect some removal back at one of your
opponents permanents if need be.
Now with all this speed in
blue, blue is also capable of controlling the board and
denying your opponent of not being able to do anything.
This is the way that some players and I like to play
this game. By playing control blue for a while, it can
help you learn to play other decks well. By being able
what is most likely to happen when you are playing blue,
this will give you some insight when playing against it
as well. I have been to 3 tournaments in the past 3
weeks and have played the same blue deck and won each of
the tournaments. Here is the deck list to the deck that
I am currently playing:
4 Counterspell
4 Accumulated Knowledge
3 Thieving Magpie
3 Repulse
3 Exclude
3 Dominate
3 Thwart
3 Foil
3 Boomerang
2 Mahamoti Djinn
2 Fact or Fiction
2 Confiscate
1 Force Spike
1 Opportunity
2 Dustbowl
22 Island
The way that this deck is
put together, you rarely get a draw that is ineffective
against any deck. Of course, as with any deck, this deck
is in no way invincible, but if played right, can be
very close to it.
With all the playtesting that I
have done with this deck, I have noticed one weakness.
This deck is weak to rebel decks. Just straight white
rebel decks. This deck has no problem with counter
rebel, but a small problem with straight rebels. So
because of that problem, I have added 1 extra Dominate
and 1 extra boomerang. These additions served very well
in the last tourney I played in because they would
eitehr let me take their searchers or put 'em back in
their hands and buy me another turn. Wizards bringing
back Thieving Magpie to type 2 is insane. This card is
so incredibly good, that it needs to be in every blue
deck. Being able to attack for 1 every turn with a flier
and getting to draw a card if it damages your opponent
is insane, especially for blue. Blue is trying to let
the least amount of permanents hit the board on the
other side that it needs a lot of cards to do so. This
mystical magical bird just lets you do that.
After sideboarding there are a
few cards to worry about as with any other color. The
first one that needs to be looked at is
"Boil." This card can just end the game if
successfully cast against blue. I mean what else is a
blue deck going to do without any islands in play? So
always be on the lookout for boil. The other main
concern for blue is that of "Obliterate". This
is an uncounterable spell that destroys everything in
play except for enchantments. So when your opponent gets
to 8 mana, watch out, this could be devastating. So
don't go out and get cocky when you think you have the
game locked down. Simply play conservable and hold back
a little so you have something to go off of if
Obliterate gets cast against you.
This is really what blue is all
about. Being able to know when to cast things and
knowing when to hold back. This should help you out on
the quest to build the perfect blue deck or just get an
opinion of what cards you should be playing in your deck
to make it just that much better. I hope that I have
been of some help to all of you that have read this and
I will be back to bring you some other great articles.
If you have any questions, you can email me at