
So You've Found The Internet...Now What?
by Andrew Stokinger
I played in an unsanctioned
tournament the other day at my quiet little store in the
middle of Massachusetts. A few kids showed up and I
figured I'd play and have some fun and help these kids
out. These kids are the ones that a little bit of
Internet can go a long way to help. They are past the
point of not being able to get the right cards for the
deck, and are where their decks that they play exceed
their skill level.
For example, the first kid I
played had a red/black control deck. It wasn't amazing,
but since someone had made it for him, it had just the
right mix of hand destruction, creature pressure, and 4x
edict and innocent blood, so that it can handle a good
Psychatog deck. I think, fine, he's a kid, I'll bring in
my extra deep analysis, and some persecutes to level his
hand since he has no card drawing. Well someone had also
told him how to sideboard against Psychatog. He wasn't
told how to board against any other deck mind you, just
11 cards against tog.
So he brings in at least
Skeletal Scrying, Ichorids, Engineered Plague and Boil.
He begins the game with double duress, while I work my
way up to a persecute, which knocks the 4 creatures out
of his hand, Nantuko shade X2 and Phyrexian Rager x2,
and another random black card. The next turn he tries to
Skeletal Scrying during his main phase for 4 using a
single black mana. I'm worried now and wondering, what
the hell is this? He has 3 lands and can do it for two,
but he obviously doesn't know the card, or even how good
it is, he just added it to the deck and shuffled up. I
tell him he actually has to pay the mana as well as
remove the cards in his graveyard, so he holds onto it
for later. The card is really good against my deck, so
if it was sanctioned and something was on the line, like
a PTQ or GP, I could have called him on it and made him
use the Scrying for either 0 or for 2. But if I was the
judge, I probably would have had a heart and let the kid
take it back too at anything below REL 3.
So a few turns later he drops
an Ichorid and swings into my Psychatog . The next turn
he tries to bring it back during his main phase. I
inform him on how the card how works and when to use it.
The following turn he uses the ability during his upkeep
and tries to bring it back to his hand instead of to
play. I tell him by "bring it back", I meant
bring it back into play. Ichorid is impossible for tog
to handle with an upheaval because it comes back without
any mana cost, and doesn't return to hand. Tog can only
stop it with Nightscape familiars or for a turn with
repulse. The fact he played an engineered plague that
turn to kill my Nightscape Familiars was rather
significant. So, I eventually lose the match to Ichorid
and Engineered Plague.
The next round I play against a
red-green burn deck. His deck contains the normal beat
down creatures, some extra burn than normal (Fiery
Temper), and then both Barbarian Rings and a Keldon
Necropolis. "My deck is really
anti-Psychatog," he says as he forgets to swing
with his turn one rootwalla after playing a Wild Mongrel
on turn 2. I drop a Turn 3 Psychatog to stop the
beatings and start blocking rootwallas and Elves that
are getting sent in while the Mongrel eats my life away.
I don't draw enough card drawing and end up having to
burn my graveyard to live though a Flametounge Kavu. The
game ends with a Urza's Rage to the dome, maybe 2 turns
after he could have had me dead (he had barbarian ring
out). Ok, this kid isn't terrible, and his deck is
pretty fast. I bring in 4 demises, and take out recoils
and probes. Making him discard didn't sound like a great
Game 2 brings a new definition
to the term "speed". Turn 3, he attacks with a
mongrel I couldn't counter because I Force Spiked a
rootwalla turn 1, and my next counter was a Circular
Logic. During the attack he pitches 2 Fiery tempers to
the mongrel to deal me 10 damage. I have nothing yet, so
I take it, play a third land and say go. He attacks
again and pitches Violent Eruption paying the madness. I
counter this time, but I go to 7. I get down a tog, but
he still has everything on his side, with me a 7, a
barbarian ring in play, and plenty of uncounterable burn
in his deck, never mind burn he can throw at me while
I'm tapped out. Yet the game from that point goes on at
least another 10-12 turns while he doesn't attack in
with all the creatures he had out. His strategy wasn't
bad, he had decided just to sit and wait until he had 7
points of uncounterable damage. The thing that perplexed
me was when he talked to me afterwards about what he
boarded in and why. The cards weren't that bad,
Engulfing Flames and such, but his reason for what he
did was because his friend told him to play them, and he
really didn't know that the Nightscape familiars that I
never drew are very integral to the match up.
Now, I understand that there
has been a very good reason for people just to try to
memorize the way to beat the current Psychatog decks.
They are very hard to beat, and the most played deck in
the format. I also understand that players in
constructed don't really need to realize why they are
doing certain things to be able to play constructed. But
let us consider the following situation. I saw the
following deck last week at a tournament at Hammer's
Comics in NH.
4 Nightscape Familiar
3 Blazing Specter
4 Duress
3 Shadowmage Infiltrator
4 Counterspell
4 Memory Lapse
4 Fact or Fiction
4 Flametounge Kavu
4 Urza's Rage
2 Obliterate |
24 land, including some of the following:
Underground river
Shivan Reef
Shadowblood Ridge
Salt Marsh
Darkwater Catacombs
Swamp |
Now it's not an amazing
deck, but it did well considering the field had some
decent players in it, and bares a lot of similarity to
Psychatog although only in certain ways. Now if either
player from above couldn't either identify that it was a
Psychatog like deck, or assumed it was exactly like
Psychatog they could be in trouble. If you are going to
play a deck, or are giving a deck to someone, knowing
something about the deck you are playing is very
In the above example, the first player might get wrecked
if he brings in Boils and Engineer plagues, because
there are very few islands, and with Flametounges the
deck no longer has such serious issues with needing to
keep a Familiar around. But Ichorid is still amazing in
this match up, so not boarding would be bad. As for the
second deck, He would want to leave in his Shivan Wurms
because there is no bounce in the deck, and a 7/7 is
hard to burn away, but still probably needs engulfing
flames to get rid of the familiars. He might have other
sideboard cards like Jade Leech or some other large
creature that would make it a better match for him,
which he would definitely never bring in against tog.
The point is, besides to
showcase the above mediocre deck, that sure we can all
read online and grab a good deck, and hell, maybe even
learn something about it. But to be a great player, to
get up to the level where only a little luck stands
between you and winning the tournament, requires an
understanding of both what that cards do, and what you
are trying to accomplish with them. So the next time you
copy a deck, please read the article that goes along
with it (and by the way, don't copy the above deck!) so
that you can understand the deck better, and make a more
informed decision on whether you actually want to play
it. There is a lot to playing a deck besides just
copying the list, and that difference may just be the
distance you are from the Pro Tour.
Andrew Stokinger