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Hello everyone out there in Pojo Land! Once
again it's time for those oh so
delectable biographies! Today we take time to pay
tribute to one the most
despicable and most devious characters in all of the
Magic series- Vuel! And
remember, don't be afraid to request biographies
on your favorite
characters! Just drop me a line and I'll look into their
Born of Dominarian origin to the great Kondo and brother
to the great
Gerrard Capashen, Vuel was a very intelligent and
particularly devious
individual, as he often showed signs that he had large
amounts of prowess in
the way of his actions and courses of actions.
However, his heart soon
became corrupt, twisting and turning with the dark onset
of the Phyrexians
warping his mind into a dark soulless shell of a
human being, but into the
full bloom of a demon.
Once Vuel had agreed to join Phyrexia as it's Evincar
over Rath, he was soon
given the biological and technological enhancing that
all Evincars pass
through when they become ruler of Rath. Once the
transformation was
complete, Vuel was no longer a man, but rather a
monster. His skin became
and eerie whitish color as it became very smooth,
he visage became very
symmetrical and boyish as his features were melted away.
At the end, his
physical humanity had been whittled away to form a
demon, much like his mind
was. Most interestingly though, Vuel was given the
incredible power of
being able to shape shift into different forms as well
as having the ability
to activate control rods and psychically command
flowstone to do his
bidding. With his new title of Evincar, Vuel
tossed aside the name he had
been given as a boy, adopting the name we all know him
by today- Volrath.
The era of tyranny of Rath renewed as Volrath claimed
the throne, however,
the vile shapeshifter was more sinister that those
before him, such as Gix
or Davvol, as his casual cruelty and regular beatings to
his servants was
far more severe than anything they had seen before.
Volrath soon found he
had a liking to Commander Greven il-Vec, a liking to
torture him. Because of
the control rod in place in Greven's spine,
Volrath had the ability to
inflict tremendous amounts of pain onto the great
warrior merely by thinking
about it, something which he enjoyed doing for any
slight flaw in Greven's
behavior or tasks. By the end, the great warrior who had
feared no one and
who all had feared became cowardly in front of his
master, buckling like an
old horse carrying weight it can no longer hold.
When he had capture the Captain of the Weatherlight,
Sisay, he knew the
rescue attempt for her by his brother Gerrard was
imminent, thus he had
prepared another shapeshifter to pose as Volrath as he
had much more
important things to attend to. During this time,
Volrath took the chance to
take control over the daughter of Starke, yet another
shapeshifter. Once
this had been done, Volrath set out to make Starke pay,
for he saw him as
nothing but a coward. Using his ability to control
Starke's daughter Takara,
he made her attack her father, slashing across his face
and blinding him.
Gerrard soon found the impostor Volrath- thinking he was
the real one,
Gerrard unleashed his brotherly love upon the
shapeshifter, easily
slaughtering it. Once Sisay had been rescued and was
carted onto the
Weatherlight, along with a blinded Starke, Gerrard found
a red haired woman
running around the Stronghold in fear. His
conscience getting the better
of him, he brought the woman aboard the Weatherlight.
Once they had landed in the plane of Mercadia, they soon
discover the woman
was not scared, and even more so, it wasn't even a
woman! Volrath revealed
his true form, for he had set out to complete the task
of disposing of
Starke where Takara had not. Starke was slain by the
demonic man with little
effort and little resistance, once the event had
unfolded Volrath escaped
back to Rath.
Unknown to Volrath at the time, Phyrexia had thought his
flee to Mercadia
had been treachery against them brandishing him a
traitor and trying to
locate his replacement as Evincar of Rath. This was the
initial purpose for
the artificial being Belbe, as she soon found two
suitable replacements who
would contend between each other- Ertai and Crovax.
After a long string of
complex events, Belbe was ready to name Crovax as the
new Evincar, however,
Greven il-Vec and a Kor man interrupted the event. In a
fit of rage, Crovax
tried to activate Greven's control rod, however, it
would not budge.
Enraged by this inability, Crovax tried to run a shiv of
flowstone through
the Kor man, however, the flowstone was fizzled out
somehow. Infuriated by
this, when Crovax finally asked the Kor who he was, the
Kor man suddenly
began to warp and distort to form a near perfect figure
with eerie white
skin- Volrath had returned to reclaim his throne.
Belbe knew that there
could only be on Evincar of Rath, thus she proclaimed
that Volrath and
Crovax would duel it out, to the victor Evincarhood, to
the loser death.
The two battled hard against one another, each one
matching each other's
blows. However, for all his brutality, Crovax was
no match for Volrath and
the former Evincar began pummeling the behemoth.
Knocking Crovax to the
floor, Volrath prepare to slash off Crovax's head in a
single slice,
however, a miracle occurred for the brutish Crovax-
Volrath's blade glowed
purple and begin to weigh down, giving Crovax the
opportunity to best the
former Evincar. Later on, this event was revealed
to be nothing more than
another trick by the crafty Ertai who had been badly
tortured by Crovax who
had oddly enough save him.
Once the cremation of the fallen Belbe had been followed
through with, the
execution of Volrath was scheduled. The once
God-like figure had his
Phyrexian components removed by Rathi scientists and was
no more than the
man he had once been. Properly addressed by his
original name, Vuel, he was
led before his former subjects half naked and strapped
down. Ertai, now
having a semblance to Greven so much so that you would
assume they were
relatives, prepared the execution- an injection of
flowstone into Vuel's
arteries programmed with the command 'dismantle'.
In a gory spectacle, Vuel
was reduced to nothing more than a bloody mess of
organic materials, finally
ending the era of one of the most diabolical individuals
in the history of
Magic: The Gathering.