Pre-Constructed Deck Review
Zombies Unleashed
Rating: 5 out of 5
Now THIS is a
When I started researching this pre-con, I had no idea
what was in it. I have to say, I was really surprised!
Wizards has actually put together a very well-balanced
deck. Good creatures, excellent removal, decent tempo.
In all honesty, this is probably the best
pre-constructed deck I've seen to date. I haven't
reviewed the Sliver deck yet, but I think it will be
hard pressed to compete with this well-focused
Zombies Unleashed deck.
Let me
give you the deck listing, and then we'll go over some
of the cards:
Yeah... I
really like this deck! It has
excellent focus. It's myriad of removal really
balances it out, too. Let's go over some of the better
cards here:
Knitter will give your Zombies regeneration, and
since you're running a ton of them, very nice. I might
consider adding one or more of these to the deck if you
feel you'll be running into fatties or other creatures
you deck won't be able to handle otherwise. Also will
get you to the late game, where you can use Gempalm
Polluter, Dirge of Dread and Smokespew
Invoker to help you finish your opponent off.
Shepherd of Rot can really work to your advantage if
you can get your opponent's life total lower than yours,
and you feel you have board control. Keep pinging him
with it, or send a final blow to their life total.
Skinthinner is non-black creature removal - nice.
He's a morph, so he can hit the board early as a 2/2. A
bit expensive to flip, but worth it if you can off a
nasty creature when you do.
Smokespew Invoker is great if you make it to the
late game, or if you end up in a standoff of creatures.
If you find that happening, this guy can pick off your
opponent's board until you have enough to break through
for a big onslaught.
Ghastly Remains in and of itself is nothing great,
but has very good synergy in this deck. Coupled with
Corpse Harvester and Infernal Caretaker, this
guy can be pretty huge.
Deathmark Prelate is pretty nice here. Throw one of
your weenie Zombies at something and kill it. Decently
Soulless One is just too good in this deck. I highly
suggest you beg, borrow or trade to put more of these
into this deck. This avatar has the distinct
advantage over the other color avatars in that it also
counts the Creatures in the grave for it's P/T. Niiiiice.
Harvester works really well here. Block, then sac
your blocker to go get another Zombie and a Swamp....
Noxious Ghoul - Even more removal. Bring multiple
Zombies into play to eliminate bigger threats.
Gempalm Polluter can be a great finisher!
Cycle it for BB, and your opponent loses life (better
than damage), and it's not counterable since it's a
cycling ability. Or, you can hard cast it as a 4/3.
Great card in this deck! You may want to consider adding
of Dread - Dirge gives all of your creatures fear,
which means they can only be blocked by Black or
Artifact creatures. This card can end games. It can also
cycle if you need to draw or see it early and need the
Revival - This is really nice removal, as well as a
way of getting something back from the grave.
Consider adding a couple more to the deck.
that can be cut:
Embalmed Brawler - crap.
Dripping Dread - Expensive crap.
Withered Wretch - In most cases useless. Play it
in your side board.
Zombies Unleashed has a great advantage over most
other pre-cons in that it is already very solid in it's
build. Just a few minor changes, and you have a
super-tuned pre-con that can win you games.
Important! Be sure to keep your deck right at
60 cards. When you add a card, remove a less useful one
from your deck. The smaller your deck, the more it
increases your odds of drawing a good card.
to other Precons, I'd rate this one a 5 out of 5 as
is, and 5 when modified.
that you can also go outside of the cards used here by
Wizards. You can use the Pre-cons as a base for a deck,
and then add some of your favorite stronger cards that
you feel will be helpful. Remember not to stray too far
away from the focus or theme of a deck, as that will
generally weaken it.
Most of
all, have fun with it! Be constantly on the lookout for
cards that you can add to your deck to make it better. If
you are a good trader, you should be able to do it all
for a small investment, and eventually have a much
improved deck!
For those
of you that are interested in the list of Precons, you
can check them out here:
www.ShuffleAndCutGames.com. That will give you an
idea of the different decks available and their pricing.
I'll review a new deck again soon, so...
next time...