Dragon's Den
Name: DeQuan Watson
readers have gathered a lot of information about me
through my
writings. For those of you that haven't though, this
should tell you a
little more.
I'm 23 years old and I own my own
business. Well, more accurately I own a
game store. The Game Closet, my store is one of the
premiere places to play
in the Texas. I play Magic on a pretty regular
basis. I help people build
decks and teach the game to people multiple times a week.
Owning a store is
neat, because it gives me another perspective to write my
articles from. I
can usually tell what the average player likes and can
judge some of the
tendencies of the average player a little better.
However, I know a decent bit about pro
level play as well. I myself have
played on the Pro Tour. I have multiple Top 8
finishes at Pro Tour
Qualifiers. I also have made Day Two at two Grand
Prix tournaments. I was
also invited to the Event horizons Invitational last year.
These are not
stellar achievements, but high enough to let you know I
have my head on
straight when talking about the game. I also spend lots of
time each week
talking to, e-mailing, or chatting with top level players.
I get to see
their perspective on a lot of things as well.
Between the two, I think I get
a good sense of balance of the game.
Most importantly, I still enjoy the
game for the sake of the game itself.
I like the time, the competition, and the general
interaction of players. I
plan to be playing it until it goes away...if it ever
MTG Fan Articles
Card Strategy
Deck Tips &
Peasant Magic
Featured Articles
Book Reviews

3.21.02 - Regionals
So here we are
again. Let first apologize for my long absence from
writing. You guys may not have seen me, but I have
been highly active in the Magic community still. And
of course I have been doing my daily job reviewing cards
for Card of the Day.
Let me get a few things out of the way. I want to
say thank you to all of the readers/fans of our website.
We are gradually getting more and more hits every
day. Also, the quality of your submissions has
gone way up. That helps make the site worth
reading and we really appreciate that.
Also, I got some e-mail from people stating
"rumors" that our store was broken in to.
Well, unfortunately, those rumors are true. We
did have a burglary. We lost some money, but our
little store should survive. We're behind a couple
of bills, but it shouldn't be anything that we can't
handle. However, if you're in the area, you're
always welcome to come play.
The Writer's War is still going. We are going to
try and keep everyone up to date with links, so you can
vote for your favorite Pojo writers. Just be aware
that right now John Hornberg is up in his second rounds.
I believe that my second round starts next week
and Fletcher's should be the week after that.
There is a new site you guys should check out. It's
a new small site being run by Pro Tour regular, Andrew
Johnson. The site is called
It's a good new community site for the Magic community.
Many parts are still under construction, but it's
entertaining and worth a look.
Another site, WWW.AGYPSY.COM
has made some improvements as well. It would be
appreciated if all of you readers that can sign up for
the service. It's a useful program, has
a good database, and they are a sponsor. Them
getting paid helps us pay the bills around here. Which
leads me to?...
....The new premium program. Is
there anything wrong with that? I don't think so.
If people don't use the sponsors on the site, then
the site can't get paid. The good writer's may
want to get paid. Honestly, I say they deserve the
money. Are there players out there that would
write for free? Most definitely. Would the
writing be the same quality and draw in as many readers?
Probably not. I am not a huge reader of the
stuff on However, if I were, I
would gladly pay the price for premium service. I'm
a firm believer in supporting the places you use. I
expect people to help my store out if they are going to
game here, so why not do the same for a website?
Well, that felt good, I finally got all the community
issues out of the way.
We now have to look at something almost everyone will be
participating in....Regionals. People have been
holding out on Standard (Type 2 for you old schoolers)
tech. I can't say that I blame them. I have
a couple of decks that I've been working on and even at
my store, I am keeping them to myself a bit. I do
break them out for occasional playtesting and for Friday
Night Magic. I do have to get some real testing in
after all. The real secret is that they are
holding out, because the field is so wide open. I
think that anyone that serious takes the time to look
can see how one or two different card choices or
sideboard choices and shift the metagame.
Just go back and review the Type 2 scene from the past
three months. A few changes here and a few changes
there and some cards and even decks become useless.
However, on that same note, some cards/decks that were
useless are now good again.
Well, I may not be able to tell you exactly what to
play, but I can definitely go over a few key deck types
and card choices to give you a bit of a head start.
Honestly knowing what decks to look for helps out
a whole lot. You always need somewhere to get
There basically only two versions of decks that fit this
theme. There are those that are creature heavy.
The creatures include Ichorid, Nantuko Shade,
Faceless Butcher, Mesmeric Fiend, and Sengir Vampire.
Then there are those that are more control-ish.
These version play more creature kill spells and
capitalize on big "x" spells for the finisher.
Stuff along the lines of Soul Burn and Corrupt.
Well, this one is pretty obvious. The only time
cards choices differ depends on what the creator decides
the local metagame will be. Some pack more burn
and raw speed with the likes of Raging Kavu. While
many versions I have seen go for cheap early creature
then later fatties with Kavu Titan and Skizzik.
You also have some of the Frog in a Blender variety.
It's just a matter of preference. Red/Green
obviously has some good cards to work with right now.
There appear to be quite a few decks that fall into this
category. The first one is the threshold deck.
It tries to utilize, Werebear, Nimble Mongoose,
and Wild Mongrel to their fullest.
The next version is an Upheaval deck. It is very
potent with cheap creatures, like the mongoose, to drop
after the upheaval.
With the inclusion of Torment there is one more type of
deck and it's the madness deck. This type takes
full advantage of cards such as Arrogant Wurm and
Basking Rootwalla.
The choice of counterspells is going to vary from deck
to deck. They will most likely all be playing
Counterspell. After that it can be Exclude,
Syncopate, or even Circular Logic. Just take note
of what works better.
Well, there are a few different versions of counter
burn. They play a decent bit of cheap burn with
Shock and Firebolt. They also play both Fact or
Fiction and Prophetic Bolt. This usually means,
you have to hurry, or they can rush through their deck
and find an answer. I think this is a viable deck
that is overlooked due to its lack of win conditions.
Burn or no?
Well, this looks just like the above deck, but adds
white for some key spells. Usually these are
Absorb and Lightning Angel. I've seen a few that
main deck Orim's Chant. I don't think it's a great
idea, but I guess that is a metagame call. The
most popular deck of this variety is Star Spangled
Slaughter. However, this extra color can open sideboard
options. This isn't a bad choice either as you are
given a few more options.
This verdict is still out here. Is it better to
play Divine Sacrament or Glorious Anthem. Is it
better to play Pianna, Nomad Captain or no? Plus
it also comes back to figuring out if you even want it
to stay mono white. The main weakness to this deck
is finding ways to deal/recover from Pernicious Deed.
The enchantments are almost a must to win games
against some decks.
These decks come in two varieties. Psychatog and
non-Psychatog. The straight Blue/Black control
seems to be inferior to the Psychatog variety, however.
The newest things for the Atog decks is to play
Upheaval. I haven't tried this out yet. However,
I can see how it would help some of their troubled
matchups. 'Tog may not be the sure thing it was
four weeks ago, but rest assured that it is not dead.
I haven't actually seen many of these around. The
only ones I have seen recently tried to capitalize on
all the life gain that is available and hang in long
enough to Millstone/Traumatize you out. Not a bad
strategy. I'm just not sure that it is fast
enough. This is probably my least favorite choice
in Type 2 right now. In addition to that, it is
probably the slowest deck you can play right now.
Many people think this deck is just no good. Why
they have those thoughts I have no idea. It may
not be the clear out and out winner, but it's still a
contender. With card choices like Terminate,
Chainer's Edict, and Urza's Rage, it can still hang with
the big boys. There is a good review in a strategy
section by Paul Hagan. He does a complete rundown
on this deck (including a decklist for you lazy bums out
there). I'm not gonna pick this deck to WIN
Regionals. I will say, to be prepared for it just
in case though.
My personal recommendation would have to be to play
creatures at Regionals. This year is not a good
year for control it seems. Well, at least not
traditional control. The best method of winning
right now is turning creatures sideways. Unfortunately,
I have only seen one decent combo deck. Notice I
said decent, not good :) It's hard to find a good
one in this environment really. Also, when you do,
it has to be able to get set up fast.
Don't get me wrong, the above list is by no means all of
the contenders. After all, I didn't go into the
three and four color decks. Those alone will open
up other strategies. Just consider this a small
stepping on point for Regionals. Just some ideas
to look at. Maybe it will help you get some ideas
I might spend some time writing up some good playtesting
tips and sideboarding strategies next time around.
Both of these take some time and thought. Also,
both are VERY key to having a successful day at a long
tournament like Regionals.
I will get to put some quality testing in this weekend.
Maybe, if things go well, I'll have a better view
on the format. I want to at least have my deck
choice narrowed down to two solid deck within two weeks
so I can spend the whole last week making changes and
getting comfortable with the deck.
Until next time...
DeQuan Watson
a.k.a. PowrDragn