Card Strategy
& Rants
Our Chat!
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It seems as though we are seeing a lot of creativity in
the world of Magic these days. There are a number of
factors that are contributing to this rush of creativity.
First of all, the quality of cards available in all the
different color right now is insane. I would even venture
to say that overall, right now, there are more powerful
cards in the game than ever before. I have been compiling
some results locally to see how variable the format really
is right now.
In our Friday Night Magic tournament last week (July
13th), we had 19 participants. The only decks that were
similar, were two blue/white control decks and two fires
decks. The final eight decks had two fires deck and the
other 6 were all different.
The very next day, we held another Standard (Type 2)
tournament. This tournament was slightly smaller. It had
16 participants. The field was again totally diverse with
only two decks being similar. The final eight decks were
ALL different.
How long has it been since there are a time when the
top eight decks of any given tournament were all
different? Better yet, how long has it been since they
were all different and still all competitive? From what I
can tell, it's been a long time. This latest rotation of
cards has so many people breaking out cards for
deckbuilding again. It is truly a great time to be a magic
Another thing to make mention of is the Peasant Magic
tournament that Wizards is supporting for GenCon. I will
be at GenCon, but I may not have time to catch the
tournament. Anyway, this apparently has brought out the
creative juices in a lot of people. I personally was
always a fan of Red/Green decks when I started and that's
probably what I would go with. My deck would look
something like this:
4 Llanowar Elves 4 Kird Ape 4 Lightning Bolt 4 Giant
Growth 4 Rogue Elephant 3 Invigorate
Actually, I'm not sure what else I would put in :) Id
have to look over some of the older card. Regardless, I
think it is a fun format. Maybe I can stop by the battle
ground during the weekend and get a report to you guys.
Something else I find interesting is that there are
several cards available that do similar effects. I think
that's part of what is helping with the influx of creative
decks. People are starting to build decks with cards that
enjoy or feel comfortable with. This leads to a larger
variety of cards being played in any given tournament.
Some players you talk to are dead set on playing Seal of
Cleansing. However, there are several other players that
prefer disenchant. If you want to be even more strategic
you could be playing Dismantling Blow if you are playing
Blue/White. There's also Orim's Thunder if you are playing
Red/White. Then again, it just depends on your preference.
The funny thing about all of this is that there are
still people that believe that one is just outright better
than the others. I think they are wrong. However, I think
it is irrelevant even if they are right. When helping kids
in the store build new decks, I try to find out what cards
they already play with or enjoy playing. The main reason I
do this is because I believe in what I call "card
Sometimes you understand some cards better than other.
You might better understand the timing of its effects. It
might fit better in your style of decks because of it's
casting cost. Regardless, I believe you have to have a
solid comfort level with a deck. I also think comfort
level of the individual cards in the deck can be even more
important than the comfort level for the deck as a whole.
Granted this only really applies when the card sin
question are key cards to winning with the deck. Sometimes
when I can't decide what cards to top a deck off with, I
just go to some of my favorite cards that I know are good.
They make decent space fillers until I decide what else I
need or want to replace. The more you like a card, the
less you have to think to play it. The fewer judgment
calls you leave yourself, the better. It can drastically
help reduce your number of errors. Give that some though
next time. Why play a "good" card, if its going
to mess up your game play?
I wish I knew who to thank at Wizards for this whole
swing in the environment. We are seeing everything from
monocolor decks to domain decks. The variability is fun.
It also increases tournament attendance. More players like
showing up to play when all the decks are different. Also,
you can build decks with a variety of cards and still be
competitive right now. Many newer players see this as a
good thing, because they don't have to own all the
"good" cards to be competitive.
Funny thing is, I've had several people trying to get
me to reveal what the metagame is. My honest answer has
been that there is no set metagame. There probably won't
be one for months. Right now, if a metagame ever starts to
form, it's going to be torn apart by a few people that
build a new creative deck to beat whatever is being played
and then it starts all over again. That's another neat
thing. Right now, there are decent answers to EVERY card
and/or deck in the environment.
I need to apologize for the shortness here, but I will
make up for it by bringing you some decklists here pretty
quick. Maybe I will scrounge up some stuff from our Friday
Night Magic event or our Saturday event this week.
Regardless, stay tuned, as the site has a lot coming your
Until next time,
DeQuan Watson
a.k.a. PowrDragn
PS If anyone knows where I can get a copy of the GenCon
tournament schedule, please e-mail me and let me know. I
need to play in one or two Standard (Type 2) events and go
2-0 drop to ensure my invitation to New Orleans.
Name: DeQuan Watson
readers have gathered a lot of information about me
through my
writings. For those of you that haven't though, this
should tell you a
little more.
I'm 23 years old and I own my own
business. Well, more accurately I own a
game store. The Game Closet, my store is one of the
premiere places to play
in the Texas. I play Magic on a pretty regular
basis. I help people build
decks and teach the game to people multiple times a week.
Owning a store is
neat, because it gives me another perspective to write my
articles from. I
can usually tell what the average player likes and can
judge some of the
tendencies of the average player a little better.
However, I know a decent bit about pro
level play as well. I myself have
played on the Pro Tour. I have multiple Top 8
finishes at Pro Tour
Qualifiers. I also have made Day Two at two Grand
Prix tournaments. I was
also invited to the Event horizons Invitational last year.
These are not
stellar achievements, but high enough to let you know I
have my head on
straight when talking about the game. I also spend lots of
time each week
talking to, e-mailing, or chatting with top level players.
I get to see
their perspective on a lot of things as well.
Between the two, I think I get
a good sense of balance of the game.
Most importantly, I still enjoy the
game for the sake of the game itself.
I like the time, the competition, and the general
interaction of players. I
plan to be playing it until it goes away...if it ever