
6.07.02 My
Two Cents
everyone has been catching me while online asking what I
think of the new Extended rotation. I figured
since everyone else has put their feelings about it on
the table, I should as well. Besides, it gives
everyone something fun and interesting to read.
First of al, let me say, IT SUCKS!!! No, just
kidding. Seriously, I think it's great. How
can you not like it? From what I could tell
everyone was just getting bored with the old Extended
situation. A lot of decks just didn't get played
because they were out muscled by other decks. It
was getting to the point that many players I knew didn't
even want to check out sideboard coverage of Extended
events anymore. They would look at the beginning to see
what everyone was playing. They would then go back
later to see where everyone finished. That's not
what you want in a format. It should be
interesting from the beginning to end.
People were trying to say that Extended was no worse
than the current Standard environment. Their
comparison is Psychatog to Donate (notice how Blue
always becomes the problem. R&D needs to get
one this!). That's not really the same comparison.
The main reason being that right now almost any
deck in the Standard environment can be tuned to beat
any other deck. Granted, by targeting specific
decks, you do give up your natural "given"
advantage against other decks. However, in the
current Extended format, that's just not the case.
some decks just have a near impossible time trying
to win against a couple of the big decks. At least
in the Standard format you will see decks that don't fit
the every day mold able to beat Psychatog.
Now that that's out the way, let me switch gears for a
second. I think the format change is great for the
players. I also think that with the format
changing, more players will want to attend Extended
events. However, there are a ton of card dealers
that have Dual Lands that they have been trading,
selling, and stockpiling for years. Does this
effect the average retailer or dealer? Of course.
Truthfully though, it doesn't effect them
negatively at all.
Let's think about this for a second. If there are
only 3-5 big decks at any given time your sells will be
HUGE on cards for those few decks. However, you
will have less players competing in those tournaments,
so you are already limited to how much you are going to
make. Plus it is harder to stock up on say, THIRTY
Donates, as opposed to having six copies of five
different cards that people need. In the new
environment, many experienced players are pointing out a
myriad of decks that become playable. So, from a
dealers standpoint, cards that have sat on our shelves
and in our binders becomes usable again.
Intuition, Meditate, Tradewind Rider, Mogg Fanatic,
Jackal Pup, Soltari Monk, Soltari Priest, Mox Diamond,
Cursed Scroll, Living Death, Oath of Druids, Shard
Phoenix, Albino Troll, Rancor, Crusade, Terror, Hatred,
the list goes on.
Even that short list has all different rarities in
different colors. This also means that players
collections become worth a little more to the dealer.
When I go to look at a collection now, it will
have a little more value. Mainly because there
will be more cards in the collection that I know I can
I don't see much bad coming out of this rotation. To
be fair, the Dual Lands will drop in price. However,
most dealers I know are still reporting brisk movement
on their Dual Lands in the $6-8 range. I wouldn't
expect them to fall much lower than that. Casual
and Type 1 (Vintage) players will still want to pick
them up.
Speaking of Type 1, this bring up an interesting point.
Many more players might be interested in Type 1
now. Many players saw no reason to play Type 1
while the Extended environment was the way it was.
Maybe now, the gates are open for some more decent
Type 1 events. I host them at my store from time
to time, so maybe we can get more people to turn out for
All in all, I think the new Extended environment should
be an interesting ride. It will definitely be more
fun to play and test. It will also be more fun to
follow. If the dealers take advantage of the situation,
even they should make more money in the coming months.
It's a breath of fresh air and everything is looking
Until next time,
DeQuan Watson
a.k.a. PowrDragn