
It's a been a while, but where to begin...
First of all, no promises as to when stuff is going to
be seen again from me. I'll just get them out when I
You can read more of my stuff on a ton of different
games in Scrye Magazine. Starting with #58, I should
have a decent bit in every issue.
Lots of things have been going on in the Magic
community. Even recently, Turbo-Land won a Grand Prix.
Who knows how? Who knows why? All I can say is where
to go Zvi.
Anyway, after this recent Turbo-Land appearance, I got
to thinking about other things that are
There are a lot of cards that people aren't playing with
right now. Let's take a look at a few...
Oversold Cemetery
This things has quite a few uses. It's good recursion.
It fits into a lot of decks easily. It's stylish!
Seriously though, it fills the gap for late game cads
and threats that a lot of weenie decks lack.
Might of Oaks
This card has fun written all over it. However, if you
are going to play it, use the old artwork with the huge
squirrel on it. That's definitely the way to go. The
best part of Might of Oaks is the surprise factor. You
can chop your opponents life total in half in an
instant. Once your opponent knows that you have it,
every creature becomes a threat.
This is a card long forgotten. Many decks are resolving
themselves to Aether Burst in the "bounce card" slot. I
think Aether Burst might be better in some cases. I do
thing there are times that boomerang should be
considered though. If nothing else, try it out as a
sideboard slot. It's a good way to break tempo on your
opponent's side of the table, because it allows you to
bounce ANY permanent.
This guy is really amazing or really terrible. However,
those times that he is amazing are huge! I've had some
success recently with this card against Astral Slide
decks and against a couple of different control
variants. Also, if you are in an area where Solitary
Confinement is heavily played, this card is the perfect
This card is still decent damage for mana value. Sure,
it's no lightning bolt, but what the hell. It kills
most of the early problem creatures in many formats at
the moment. Why isn't this card played more when people
are playing red? Sure, Firebolt can be used twice, but
Shock can be used FASTER!
Read the Runes
This card is mad fun. I'm not sure of its place in a
lot of decks though. Truthfully, it just may not fit in
a lot of decks. It's unfortunate though. There are a
lot of tricks you can pull off with this thing. Try it
and see what you can come up with.
Future Sight
I really like this card too. It lets you play multiple
spells in a turn without depleting your hand. You can
do a lot of fun things with this like using search cards
to change out your top card. The main restricting point
that this card has is its casting cost. You have to
dedicate pretty heavily to blue. But once it's down, it
can be a pain in the rear for your opponent to deal
Words of War, Wisdom, Wilding, Worship, and Waste
These are some really interesting enchantments. Not
many people have tried to use them. The main problem
with them is that you have to be playing some way to
draw cards to take full advantage of these cards. Slate
of Ancestry and howling Mine are cards that any color
can use along side these cards. However, there are
others. The least useful of these it seems is the Words
of Waste. The others look like they might still have
some slots in tournament play.
Well, since we just covered singles, why don't we talk
about where to buy your singles! Go to your local game
store. It's after the holidays. I'm sure you have a
lot of deck ideas, stop by our local place and make it
happen. I say go to your store and by some singles.
OK, maybe not buy singles, but at least go play.
You have to support your games, to keep new players
interested and keep it fun. Show up and play Friday
Night Magic. Go in on Saturday and show some new
customer how to play. Don't let your local store think
that they are underappreciated. They are the whole
reason that gaming still lives on in your community.
Let them know that you appreciate them.
Our website (most importantly our webmaster Bill) likes
being appreciated. The best thing you can do for him is
send more people to read out website. We love writing
and doing things for you. We hope you like reading it
all. Please send more people to read the site. Also,
check out the advertisers on our site a bit. At the
very least, just hit their site, even if you don't buy
form them. This lets them know that you are at least
coming to our site and checking things out.
Everyone seems to really like my random picks for
entertainment. So, of course, I can't disappoint my
My hot movie pick is Undercover Brother! This movie is
hilarious. You have to be able to handle some racial
humor. It's got some intelligent humor built into it.
Quite the enjoyable flick. I personally own a copy. It
just came out this week.
Gamecube game picks of the week. I have two. The first
is Madden 2003. Now that the football season is coming
to a close, you can find many used copies and regular
copies at low prices. Also, if you own a Gamecube, try
out Super Monkey Ball one and two. Those games are
greatest. Real skill testers. Much more interesting
puzzle games. They also have some fun multiplayer
challenge games. Great for parties and family game
Since the Falcons are out of the playoffs, I'm pulling
for Tampa Bay to beat Philly. The Eagles aren't your
average bump in the road though. However, it doesn't
really matter, because I think Oakland is going to win
it all. they are just nuts right now.
Also, for those of you in the Texas, Oklahoma,
Louisiana, and Arkansas area, we have some events
happening this week at my store.
We are having a Pro Tour Qualifier and a Junior Super
Series Challenge. Our store info is as follows:
The Game Closet
5201 Sanger Ave, Suite #K
Waco, TX 76710
As always, fell free to call or write for more
information and/or directions. This will be the last PTQ
of the season, so come and have fun!
I think everyone should give a huge thanks to Wizards of
the Coast R&D for Magic. This past extended season was
more entertaining and excited than the last two years or
so. It had a lot more options available and even saw
the emergence of a couple of new deck types and styles.
Soon everyone will be setting their sites on Legions and
the standard environment. We shall see what that all
Remember, go to your local store and game! Without
them, our favorite games won't live on!
Until next time,
a.k.a. PowrDragn