
Jan 8, 2004 ... Fiery Randors
Man, has it been a week
Well, I guess it has, since it is Thursday and you're
here reading another one of my articles. In the last
week, I had to write an article for Scrye magazine, some
Card of the Day stuff, a Raw Deal (which is a great
game) article for Undefeated magazine, do inventory for
my store, answer lots of e-mails and figure out
something to write for you guys.
The general theme for today is: Most of the time it's
not about where we've been, but more about where we're
Needless to say, it's been a busy week. Let me take a
moment to give all of you readers your props. Well, it's
more like thanking you. When I pulled together the
recent set of writers, I wasn't sure how they were all
going o be received by the public. Judging from the hits
on the site and everyone's e-mail, you guys like us. You
really like us! These guys are working really hard and
we are trying to cover a lot of different aspects of
Magic outside of just playing the game. I feel like
we're done that so far. And on a personal level, I want
to say that I am glad that you guys like my weekly
tidbits of information that I am slipping into my
My sympathy of the week this week goes to Mr. John
Carney. For those of you that don't know; two weeks ago,
Mr. Carney missed and extra point that effectively
knocked the New Orleans Saints out of playoff
contention. That's not the bad part. What sucks is that
the kick was preceded by what was possibly the best play
in the history of the NFL and it ends up meaning nothing
because of the missed extra point. Unfortunately for
him, no sportscaster on the planet has forgotten about
the incident yet.
And my Dallas Cowboys got romped out of the playoffs. We
really need some offense. It's OK, there's always next
year. And Bill Parcells is a coaching god, so it can't
be all that bad. Besides, Corey Dillon is most likely
going to end up playing in Dallas next year from the
looks of things.
Damn, I sure know how to run my mouth. I'm starting to
feel a lot of Jamie Wakefield from back in the day. Or
even like Seth Burn from recent memory. I can talk
forever about anything and at some point, I will get
back to talking about Magic.
Anyway, my sports related talk does have a point (if you
can believe that). I saw these events unfold and
immediate thought about what they were going to do in
the off season. Carney's been around a while. Is he
going to retire and end on a bad note, or try to have
one more good season to finish on? Is Parcells gonna
stick with Quincy Carter at quarterback or is he going
to bring in Kurt Warner from free agency? Then later I
went to mess with my cards. That started my mind
How many players analyze themselves after they are done.
I mean in depth. More than, "Maybe I should have taken a
mulligan," or "Maybe I should have waited one more turn
to cast Wrath of God." I think that as players we need
to look at our performances in their entirety.
For example, I used to know this guy that would check
his rating every week. We wasn't even close to
qualifying for anything. He was just obsessed with
getting his rating higher. This was a good goal. I
wasn't knocking that. But, if you seriously want to see
an honest progression of yourself, you need to look at
your performance over a period of time. There will be so
many fluctuations from week to week that it may not be
worth it to check out. You may also get some false
readings. But if you look over a period of a month and
see a ratings increase of say, 25 points, you can see
honest to goodness progress.
I think this same idea applies to observing yourself
during a match. Have a friend watch your matches for
questionable plays. If you are on Magic online, go back
and replay your entire game. There are a lot of elements
to look at and observe. Maybe to get better many people
need to start paying attention to what they do after a
game or match.
Most games are won or loss on mistakes that happen
throughout the game. Many times your situation that was
created that allowed you to make the mistake that cost
you the game could have been avoided if you did things
differently previous to it. Did you catch all that?
What I'm saying is this...sometimes your situation gets
bad. You get backed into a corner. That's that moment
that sticks out in your mind. You start pulling all of
your knowledge and playing skills together to try and
win from here. However, had your mentality been
different earlier in the game, or maybe if you had casts
your spells in a different order, the situation you are
staring at could have been avoided. There are so many
points in a game at which things can get out of hand.
Many times it's hard to pinpoint one spot where things
went bad.
But let's say that you've taken the time to properly
observe everything. That's great. But don't make excuses
for yourself. Learn from your mistakes. Learn where you
messed up. It's OK to make a mistake and learn from
them. We're human. However, if you don't learn from them
you are wasting your time. I have personally cost myself
a trip to the Pro Tour about five years ago in the
finals of a match. Two turns from the end. However, when
a similar situation has come up, I haven't made that
same mistake again. And I probably won't. Ever.
Don't just walk away from a game when you are done.
Absorb it. Don't kill yourself analyzing it. Just take
the time to think it through a bit. Learn from the
mistakes. Figure out what you did wrong or what you
could do better. Sometimes it can be just as important
to pay attention to what you do when the game is over as
what you do when you play. Be careful to not just walk
Kick your ego to the curb. Learn to just accept when you
get outplayed. Sometimes you can learn from your
opponent. No matter what their skill level is. I have
gotten some ideas for some really good decks from some
pretty average players. Everyone out there has something
to offer. People do so much to cost themselves games
that they aren't paying attention to all of the elements
at hand. In the last month, for multiple games, every
tournament game that I have sat and judged, has been won
because one player made a mistake. Not because one of
the players got outplayed. Not because one of the
players didn't topdeck a needed card. Just one player
flat out made a mistake.
This brings me to another subject...what's up with
people trash talking lately. People are so worried about
making witty banter with their opponent (which really
isn't all that witty most of the time) and they get
distracted. I see frustration creep into the game. I see
people start getting silly. Funny thing is, it seems
that most of the time, the quiet opponent makes more of
the correct plays. There is something about trash
talking that seems to cause people to wreck their own
game. It's almost like a karmic backfire mechanism. I'm
cool with that too. When I see people running their
mouths during a match I quickly issue a warning and tell
them to chill out. Then we just give out game losses for
unsportsmanlike conduct.
OK, that's enough of the negativity for the moment.
Let's get to my card of the week. This week we look at
the under appreciated Worship. Worship is such a strong
and powerful card really. Yeah, you need to have a
creature in play. Most of the time, you want to bring
this into play against red or black decks. Those decks
have trouble getting rid of Worship once it's in play.
Also, with creatures that are color protected, like
Silver Knight and White Knight, Worship's stock gets
even better. If you have the option of playing white,
you might want to take a look into playing Worship this
extended season as a sideboard card against Red Deck
Here's a good tip this week. Pay more attention. Worry
less about trying to disrupt your opponent and don't
bother playing stupid mind games. Most of the time you
can't play them well and even when you do, they aren't
that effective. They are a waste of time and are a huge
distraction to you more than your opponent.
This week I have a neat surprise for you. You guys get
to take part in the viewing of a rogue deck I tossed
together. The deck is fun, reasonably competitive and a
bit tough to play. Take a look and let me know what you
think. The sideboard is weak, so make adjustments as you
see fit. Here's a peek at Fiery Randors.
Fiery Randors
2x Chrome Mox
4x Savannah Lions
3x Leonine Skyhunter
2x Glorious Anthem
4x Isochron Scepter
4x Shrapnel Blast
4x Silver Knight
4x White Knight
2x Weathered Wayfarer
4x Raise the Alarm
3x Bonesplitter
4x Shock
7x Plains
4x Great Furnace
3x City of Brass
4x Ancient Den
2x Mountain
3x Shatter
3x Wipe Clean
3x Sulfuric Vortex
2x Boil
2x Second Sunrise
2x Scrabbling Claws
The deck is really fast and fun. You have to be really
careful to not over extend. However, you have potential
get some turn four and five kills. You match up decently
against zombies and goblins. Against control decks, you
have to hit hard and fast while trying to dodge Wrath of
God. It takes some time to learn what cards are more
important to play when.
There are a few rares in the deck, so it might be
difficult getting all the cards if you don't have them
yet. I'll be honest with you. They are all pretty
important to the deck, but there are reasonably
replacements if you have to do without them. Find a
combination that works to you. This could be a great
deck to play this weekend in your local tournament. It's
a good change of pace. It might even catch some of your
opponents off guard.
I hope you guys enjoy. Let me know what you think of the
article and of the deck. If there's any topic you want
me to discuss, anything, let me know.
Until next time,
a.k.a. PowrDragn
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