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What We've Learned from Regionals
So, it's Thursday and some of us are just now feeling
recovered from the weekend. Regionals is one helluva
day. Out local South Regionals here went until 2AM.
That's crazy. Everyone seemed to have a good time
though. Our region had some firsts this time around
that were pretty interesting.
We had dealer tables for the first time ever. I know
this comes as a shock to most of you, but our region
had never had dealer tables prior to this year. The
presence of the dealer tables made many players
happy. I think it also added to the value of
regionals as a whole. If you don't have dealer tables
at regionals, talk to your local tournament organizer
and ask for them. If you do...well, you know how good
it is.
Also, there was a separate game area for side events
and trading and such. This is also where the put the
dealer tables. This was great. It gave players a
place to go that was separate from the main tournament
area. It was nice and cool. It was reasonably
quiet. It was neat and different. Most players
seemed to like it.
And on a generally different note, our regional
brought in a whopping 589 players. That was probably
in the top three regionals based on attendance I would
imagine. The funny thing is, most people were
predicting only 500 players for our region. Even with
the attendance being nearly 100 more players than
expected, the staff handled the event really well. I
give them props for that, because its not an easy job.
I did get a few fans that wanted me to autograph
stuff. It was fun and neat. I had a couple of father
son tandems come over to get cards signed. One tandem
from San Marcos, the other from San Angelo. It was
neat overall. I wish I remembered names though. I
got so busy with my day that I didn't take the time to
familiarize myself with the players better. But to be
honest, even if I did, I probably would have forgotten
by the end of the day. We left by 10:15 and still got
home at about 12:30 after stopping to eat.
But what else have we learned other than how to run a
good event. Well, after reviewing the results, things
look rough. The decks you expected to do well, did do
well. But the problem is that some of them may have
done TOO well.
First of all, unless Fifth Dawn (that's the next Magic
set for those of you not in the know) has something to
get Ravager/Affinity under control, that deck is going
to continue to cause players fits. More importantly
though, we might have seen the last major tournament
with Skullclamp legal. My reasoning is as follows.
Wizards of the Coast doesn't want to ban cards
unnecessarily. They work hard to try and balance
things. However, they have been getting a lot of
e-mail and letters about the current environment with
Skullclamp. They also haven't had any large standard
tournament to gauge results with.
Well, now we have it. Those Skullclamps were
everywhere. I have heard a rumor that someone has
already done the math and something like 72%+ of the
winning decks were playing a full set of FOUR
Skullclamps. That's correct. Nearly three-fourths of
the field was playing a full compliment of Skullclamps.
That's crazy. Those results are probably good enough
for WotC to do something about it. So, I would keep
an eye on this situation pretty closely. Nationals
and then Worlds are coming up. Some other interesting
news will probably follow shortly.
How much trading was going on at regionals across the
country? My goodness. I say more big names cards
change hands this year than ever before. I should
have expected that though. Obviously. We had a
record number of players. That means more cards. The
dealers bought a lot of cards. It might even stand to
reason that in some places, players made more than the
dealers. Use the excess product you traded for to
finish out your collections. Trade your stuff with
From a trading standpoint, that's what regionals
should be used for. Trade away your excess stuff to
people who may need it. So many cards are needed in
one area that aren't needed in another. Regionals
brings players from so many different areas around
your region. Those of you that took advantage of it,
should be able to enjoy it the next few days with good
For those of you that haven't been, you should go and
frequent the Pojo message boards. They are active and
easy to navigate. Give them a go and check them out.
There's some good information floating around there.
There's also some interesting people. They are
absolutely free. It only takes a minute to sign up.
Also, Fifth Dawn prereleases are coming. Take a look
around and make sure that you are aware of the
location of your local event. I know for a fact that
there will be a lot of cards in that set worth
checking out.
::pardon me for a second while I weep at another
Lakers loss::
OK. I'm back.
Also, players seem to be a bit discouraged that there
are no major standard (type 2) tournaments available
for the next few months. Well, check your local
areas. There are a lot of good regional events going
on around the US. Most of them are offering anywhere
from $1,000 to $5,000 top prizes.
I know that we have a local tournament series in San
Antonio happening that I was unaware of until a few
weeks ago. We also have the Texas Magic League $5K
Challenge happening through the summer months. If you
are interested, go to
www.texasmagicleague.com to find out more
information. I know there is something in the midwest
and something in the northeast. I'm not sure about
elsewhere. But if there's nothing in your area, look
at getting some help and starting something up.
Players will be looking for something to do in the
Also, why not use the summer rot bring more players
into the fold. You'll have so many people with free
time on their hands. Go to your local store and teach
some people how to play Magic. I'm sure you have some
extra commons and uncommons you need to get rid of.
Give some to the new guys that you show the game to.
This will them some new cards to tart playing with and
it makes you look like a hero. We've been doing this
for years at our store and out playerbase keeps
growing exponentially. It also keeps our personal
collections fromg etting out of hand.
That reminds me. Go pay your local card store a
visit. It's easy to forget about them in the middle
of exams, finals, graduations, etc. It's good to stop
in, say hello, and get a few games in. It helps you
relieve stress and have some fun. Also, I'm sure your
local store owner will be glad to see you. It's also
good to talk with your local store owner and stake
your claim to event times. Get some evnts scheduled.
You might even consider getting a small tournament
series or a league going. Everyone is going to be
free and space could potentially be limited.
Looking at the results from regionals, the game of
Magic has obviously grown a ton. With a new set
coming out and the whole summer ahead of us, it could
very well be another time for growth. Now is a good
time to bring new players into the fold and make
things happen.
I was almost ready to leave you guys, and then I
remembered that I have to cover the bad play of the
week. I know how much you guys love that and who am I
to deny my adoring public.
Anyway, this first one is from TJ:
I don't know if this is a bad play as much as it
is a stupid mistake. I had a 1/3 Ornithopter out (my
arcbound worker died) and my opponent has 2 goblin
warchiefs in play. Besides my land I had two
Skullclamp (unequipped) out. My opponent has 3 life
and I have 5 life. I look at my field at in a
desperation. I attack with my Ornithopter realizing
that I had no chance of winning. I end my turn and my
opponent says to me "thanks for letting me win." I
looked at him in an awkward way as he played
a Raging Goblin and brought me down to 0. I then asked
him what he meant and he then said that I could have
beaten him if I put the two Skullclamps on my
Ornithopter. I was very annoyed for the rest of the
day thanks to my stupidity. Again I don't know if this
is a bad play as much as it is a stupid mistake, but
thanks for looking at it.
Guess what, bad play or not...you're the winner.
Sometimes, it's the little things that count. Gotta
look at everything as a whole each turn. It seems to
be more often than not that the details are what win
On that note, I'm out.
Until next time,
DeQuan Watson
PowrDragon on practically every message board known to
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