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If I can be serious for a moment...
here I am sitting in my living room, the day after what
many would
consider the worst day in American history. I was
going to just let things go until Friday. However, I
almost felt a responsibility to myself, the Magic
community, and this website to post something to the
public. I was putting time away to post a PTQ report
with pictures and all, but this event is way more
important to address.
In some ways, I understand why people hate America. We
are such a successful nation. We have so much going
for us. Many even consider us the most powerful
nation in the world. They hold a lot of animosity
against us, for helping their enemies when we intervene to
stop wars. As a society, our nation is really young.
This also frustrates people. I can sort of
relate, because I get a lot of that. Because of my
age (I turned 23 in July), I get a lot of people that hold
negative feelings toward me and my success. But I
digress. This isn’t about me right now.
However, I do find it to be reassuring that most of the
major nations have already announced their support to back
us in our quest to find these terrorists. England,
France, German, and even Russia have expressed their
feelings on this situation. I am glad that we have
that going for us.
Just like Gary Wise wrote about, I immediately started to
try and contact friends of mine that had attended PTNY
this past weekend. I was able to reach all but two
of them I believe. So things are OK for now. While
the PT was going on this weekend, I was hosting a PTQ at
my store. I was glad that the players that attended
my event were all personable and friendly. It’s
one more solid, happy memory that everyone has to draw on
during this time of crisis. For those of you
interested, Adrian Sayers won with a Domain deck.
I’ve been trying to reach my friends that I regularly
chat with online, but I
have been unable to connect to IRC for some reason. EFnet
seems to be giving problems and I can’t figure out why.
Probably has something to do with this stupid Zone
Alarm program. That to me is really disturbing right
now. It’s just good to be able to communicate with
It’s just interesting that sometimes it can take events
of this magnitude to put things in perspective for you.
Think about the last time you complained about
manascrew. Think about the last time your opponent
topdecked the card he needed to win the match. Think
about the last time you badmouthed a player you rally
didn’t know. Did you handle yourself well and
professionally? Did you blow up and act immature?
Did you smile and enjoy the game? Just think
about it for a moment.
None of those situations seems as difficult as what the
people of the city of New York are having to deal with
right now does it? Take this moment to reflect on
yourself. Take this time and this incident to turn
yourself into a better person. Try being a little
more friendly. Try helping out a few more people.
Try to be a little less aggressive. Right now
we need to bond together, not threaten each other. The
thing is, it shouldn’t take events like this to make us
act this way. We should be this way all the time.
We are all American. And for those of us that
are from other countries, we are still on the same team :
The Human Race.
On many of my e-mail lists, players, people, friends,
family, have all
expressed their support and given us their condolences.
Maybe these
terrorists didn’t realize that hitting the buildings
that they did actually
affected the WORLD almost as much as it did America
itself. Hopefully
president Bush can lead this hunt to find these despicable
people and put this whole situation to rest as soon as
I also want to say, don’t let this event rule your life.
Terrorist win and
get the upper hand if they are able to disrupt your way of
life and are able to put fear in your heart. A
situation like this can go as far as to create a recession
in our economy. I know that I am going to do
everything I can to make people feel content and safe to
help prevent things from falling apart in my neck of the
woods. Keep shopping, keep going to work, keep
talking to people...in general, keep living life. Don’t
let the terrorist win. Keep moving and keep our
nation functioning.
On a lighter note, I would like to give a huge
congratulations to Kai Budde for winning yet another Pro
Tour. I haven’t been able to talk to him on IRC,
so i have to say it here. I am also glad to hear
there most of the players that attended the event got out
of New York safely. Well after today, maybe things
can go back to functioning a little more normally.
Good luck to all of you that are on your way to PTQs this
weekend. It should be something fun and entertaining
to get your mind off of this tragedy. Try to keep
your head up and keep living life.
Until next time,
DeQuan Watson
Name: DeQuan Watson
readers have gathered a lot of information about me
through my
writings. For those of you that haven't though, this
should tell you a
little more.
I'm 23 years old and I own my own
business. Well, more accurately I own a
game store. The Game Closet, my store is one of the
premiere places to play
in the Texas. I play Magic on a pretty regular
basis. I help people build
decks and teach the game to people multiple times a week.
Owning a store is
neat, because it gives me another perspective to write my
articles from. I
can usually tell what the average player likes and can
judge some of the
tendencies of the average player a little better.
However, I know a decent bit about pro
level play as well. I myself have
played on the Pro Tour. I have multiple Top 8
finishes at Pro Tour
Qualifiers. I also have made Day Two at two Grand
Prix tournaments. I was
also invited to the Event horizons Invitational last year.
These are not
stellar achievements, but high enough to let you know I
have my head on
straight when talking about the game. I also spend lots of
time each week
talking to, e-mailing, or chatting with top level players.
I get to see
their perspective on a lot of things as well.
Between the two, I think I get
a good sense of balance of the game.
Most importantly, I still enjoy the
game for the sake of the game itself.
I like the time, the competition, and the general
interaction of players. I
plan to be playing it until it goes away...if it ever