B/W in IBC
I hope that my readers have enjoyed what I've put out so far. The decks are not meant (by any means) to be the end all be all, but meant primarily to start you with playtesting material. Besides the mono decks (which are almost all horrible) these decks are meant to be competitive. I give you my honest opinion and I think that I would not give you a deck unless I considered it viable. The deck I'm sure you've already built in your head at least, or at least started too, B/W is today's submission. B/W was given some AMAZING cards in Apocalypse, and I believe will be one of the Tier 1 decks for at least the first few weeks. Dodecapod is its bane though, but I can't imagine it being in everyone's sideboard. You've heard the words: This deck is 'the nuts'. No theme involved this time, just power cards. W/B Control 2cc 3cc 4cc 5cc Land Remove cards from target players hand. Remove creatures target player puts into play. Remove target player from the game. I think that this design shows that U/W/B is going to be fairly nutty in the new format as well. In that version I'll probably be running a deck more like what you saw in Tokyo, with Urborg Shambler, counters, and some beautiful removal. You can also go a more aggressive build with some more two drops. You can also of course build Zombies! B/W Zombies 3cc 4cc Land These decks are extremely powerful just in initial conception. I think that either of these decks is extremely competitive and you should playtest heavily against their designs. You also have another amazing card in Desolation Angel. Geddon plus fat beats all in one. She is mana hungry though, but there are obvious ways to get around that. The sac-lands are excellent resources in this instance. 2cc 3cc 4cc 5cc 7cc Land Optimally you want to EOT Rout, untap, tap and sac, cast Angel, win game. At least that's the plan with this deck. The next installment will be on my family's personal favorite, U/R or commonly known as Counter-Burn. ImpulseBolt you during my endstep? The decks are going to keep getting more exciting I hope. Some of the decks coming up are Re-animator, Penumbra-Obliterate, Penumbra-Rout, and 3cElves and 3cZombies (you must know how much I like those by now). Also, we'll get into the control decks with many three color designs, including GoMar, USA, and B/W/R. Until then, Fletcher Peatross