
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Judge's Corner
6.13.03 - Shifty Shyft
Q: If I have a Shifting
Sky and a Shyft in play, will Shyft always be the color
that I chose for Shifting Sky?
A: No. Once Shifting Sky is out, if you change Shyft's
color, it will be a later effect, and will override the
Shifting Sky.
Q: I was playing against a friend and chose green for
Shifting Sky. Then I played Dream Tides and during my
upkeep I made Shyft blue so I could untap it. Does that
A: That works just fine.
Q: What about if I had a Rainbow Crow (with the same
Shifting Sky out). Could I make the Rainbow Crow a color
other than green, and then untap it using the ability
now granted to it by Dream Tides?
A: Yes, that works just fine too.
Q: Some people I know have had difficulty with Call of
the Herd and any card that has a triggered ability that
triggers when "a creature comes into play". Though you
"put" an elephant token into play, that creature is
still deemed to have "come into play", correct?
-Traci H.
A: Correct. (By the way, look for your other question
Q: I have 7 cards in my hand, Can I activate my Library
of Alexandria, then use Vampiric Tutor to search for a
card and end up drawing the card?
-Bahamut O.
A: That works just fine. The Library only requires you
to have seven cards in your hand when you play the "draw
a card" ability. It doesn't care what happens afterward.
Q: My opponent has a Worship on the board and 1 Life
with a random (non-black and non-artifact) creature. I
attack him with a Phage the Untouchable. Does my
opponent still lose the game even though I didn't damage
-Matthew H.
A: Actually, you did damage him. Worship just changes
what happens to your opponent's life total - it doesn't
prevent the damage. So Phage's trigger will happen, and
your opponent will lose the game.
Q: If someone gives protection from red on their
creatures in response to me playing Jilt ...?
A: Jilt is blue. It is only blue. It is never red.
Q: Aven Brigadier give +1/+1 to birds and +1/+1 to
soldiers, does this mean that a 1/1 bird soldier become
a 3/3?
A: Yes.
Q: If so, why would the resolution of the draw a card
aspect of Ice be contingent on having a legal target for
the tapping aspect?
A: Because Ice says "target", and the Brigadier doesn't.
If all of the parts of a targeted spell are illegal, the
WHOLE SPELL is countered. Including any non-targeted
parts. (413.2a)
Also, you have to have a target to play the Ice spell to
begin with. (409.1c)
Q: With Prophetic Bolt, if the target of the damage
becomes illegal (protection from red) does the other
aspect of the card resolve?
A: No. see above.
Q: If I cast a Fireball, splitting the damage between
two creatures and my opponent, then my opponent gives
his creatures protection from red, would my opponent
still take the damage directed at him?
A: Yes. Fireball still has a legal target in this
instance (the opponent), so it resolves and does as much
as it legally can.
C: The text on most of these cards are different and
separate sentences and/or they don't seem to be reliant
on all aspects to resolve - there is no "then draw a
card" or "if, then" to acknowledge the need for the
first aspect to resolve for the second to be effective.
How can we tell the difference between cards that need
to have all of their aspects resolve to have any of
their aspects resolve, from cards that don't?
-Michael O.
A: Very simple. Look for the word "target." if that word
is on the spell or ability, then you need to check that
at least one of the targets are legal when the spell
From the last column:
>>>Q: I control a Darkest Hour and a Compost. I Smother
the opponent's Merfolk Looter. Do I draw a card from
A: Yes.<<<
Q: You started off your column by saying that a creature
is only a creature in play and is a creature card
elsewhere. Then you said that a Smothered Looter would
trigger Compost. If it becomes a creature card when it
hits the graveyard, it ceases to be a creature and thus
ceases to be black (due to Darkest Hour's effect),
right? I don't think it triggers Compost.
-Traci H.
A: For cards in play entering the graveyard, Compost has
to look at the card as it was in play. So taking our
example here, Compost sees a black Merfolk Looter
entering the graveyard. It is black until it gets to the
graveyard, then the Darkest Hour no longer applies, and
the Looter is blue again.
This is an extension of 410.10d. Since a permanent just
left play, we have to look at the color it was while it
was in play to determine whether Compost triggers.
If you have Compost and Darkest Hour in play, you will
draw a card whenever any of your opponent's creatures go
to the graveyard.
From 22 May:
>>>Q: If you have a tapped Wellwisher in play and it
gets provoked, he must be untapped and block the
provoker, THEN he can tap again to use his ability....
A: Incorrect. When the provoke ability resolves, if the
attacking player chooses to untap the Wellwisher, there
is still a space for spells and abilities to be played
before blockers are declared. So the owner of the
Wellwisher can play the ability before blockers are
declared, thus making the Wellwisher unable to block.<<<
Q: So does the damage go through or can a different
creature block the provoker?
-Jacob R.
A: A different creature can block. In fact, both the
Wellwisher AND a different creature could block anyway
(barring a restriction like Krosan Vorine's).
See you Monday.
-Bill Guerin
DCI Level 2 Judge