
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Judge's Corner
7.03.03 8th Edition Rules
Title: 8th Edition Rules
Answers: 13
The rules for 8th Edition have been released, and they
take effect immediately. You can find an article
describing the changes by Paul Barclay, Rules Manager,
along with a link to download the new rules, at http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=mtgcom/feature/162.
(Of special note to me is New Rule 415.7c. Apparently,
you guys aren’t the only ones who have problems with
this ...
415.7c The word “you” in an object’s text isn’t a
Short Answers:
-“Regenerate [permanent]” means “The next time
[permanent] would be destroyed this turn, instead remove
all damage from it, tap it, and (if it’s in combat)
remove it from combat."
-If the creature is not being destroyed, but is leaving
play by other means (for example, sacrifice), then
giving that creature a regeneration shield will do
NOTHING. The creature will be put in the graveyard.
-For the last time: You have to sacrifice creatures for
Phyrexian Dreadnaught BEFORE IT COMES INTO PLAY. So you
can't do anything that would reference the Dreadnaught
as a creature until you've sacrificed the creatures.
-ANY spell that has been played this turn, whether it
has resolved or not, counts toward Storm.
Q: About Force Bubble: If I have two Force Bubbles out,
and let's say I take 7 damage. Do both Force Bubbles
receive 7 counters each, or can I have 4 counters on one
and 3 on the other force bubble?
-Mr. M
A: Force Bubble's first ability is a replacement
ability. Therefore, one of the Force Bubbles will
replace the 7 damage with putting 7 counters on that
Force Bubble, and since the damage is no longer there to
be replaced, the other Force Bubble's ability will do
nothing. Therefore, you will have one Force Bubble with
7 counters on it (and it will then be sacrificed, since
it has more than 3 counters), and a Force Bubble with no
counters on it.
It is not possible to split the counters between two
Force Bubbles, so this is the only possible scenario
involving 2 Force Bubbles.
Q: can I use an en-Kor to target my Daru Spiritualist a
large number of times, then sacrifice it to a Starlit
Sanctum for a large life total?
A: Yes.
Q: My opponent has a Fleeting Aven out and I have an
Astral Slide. I cycle and choose to remove the Fleeting
Aven from the game. What happens?
A: Depends on whose turn it is. If it's your turn, the
Aven goes back to your opponent's hand. If it's his
turn, it's removed from the game.
Q: Do mana abilities go on the stack?
-Landon C.
A: No. (411.1)
Q: Can a creature with protection from black block black
creatures with fear?
A: Only if the creature that you want to block with is
itself black or an artifact creature.
Q: If a Glory Seeker with Unholy Strength attacks, and I
block with a creature with protection from black, how
much damage would my creature take?
A: 4. What matters is the color of the creature you're
blocking, not the color of any enchantments on it.
Q: If all slivers have protection from red, can a red
sliver who gives all slivers an ability still be
A: Yes, because the sliver hive mind doesn't target.
Q: If all my slivers have "slivers can not be blocked
except by other slivers" and "All slivers have provoke",
Could I attack by provoking non sliver creatures? Or due
to the first part I can't have them block?
A: You can provoke non-slivers, but they won't be able
to block.
Q: I discard a card from my hand to Wild Mongrel when my
opponent attacks to make him white and flashback
Prismatic Strands. My opponent then tries to Dark Banish
my Mongrel. Can I discard another card from my hand to
make the Mongrel black and still have Prismatic Strands
prevent the damage?
- Dyne
A: It depends. Once you've tapped a white creature (the
Mongrel) to flashback Prismatic Strands, it doesn't
matter what color the Mongrel is, because you've already
cast it. But if you've discarded a card, but the ability
hasn't resolved yet, then you need to discard, make him
black, let the Dark Banishing resolve, and then make him
white when your original pump resolves, and then you can
flashback Prismatic Strands.
See you Monday.
-Bill Guerin
DCI Level 2 Judge