
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Judge's Corner
Portal "Instants?"
8.4.03 ---
Q: Defiant Stand, from Portal One. It's a sorcery, and
yet can only be played when you are attacked, before you
declare blockers. Why would you make a card like this if
it is a sorcery, you can't even play it because you can
only play it after you are attacked?
A: Because Portal only had sorceries. Instants did not
exist in Portal.
True, a card like this is really an instant, but Portal
did not include rules for instants.
Q: I was curious if any card cases were illegal for
tournament play. Any specific brands or colors.
A: The Floor Rules do not specify any cases that are
illegal. The Floor Rules say the following about
"35. Card Sleeves
Players may use plastic card sleeves or other protective
devices on cards. If a player chooses to use card
sleeves, all cards in the player’s current deck must be
placed in the sleeves in an identical manner. If the
sleeves feature holograms or other similar markings,
cards must be inserted into the sleeves so these
markings appear only on the face of the cards.
Once a match begins, a player may request that the judge
inspect an opponent’s card sleeves. The judge may
disallow a player’s card sleeves if the judge believes
they are marked, worn, or otherwise in a condition or of
a design that interferes with shuffling or game play. To
avoid confusion, a card sleeve may also be used to mark
a player’s card if the card is in an opponent’s playing
In the rest of this answer, I assume you have sleeves
fresh out of the package. Played sleeves can exhibit
other signs of marking, but the following are the
sleeves that are most likely to be disallowed even
straight out of the package:
Sleeves that are sometimes considered "marked" are the
Ultra Pro Metallic Sleeves, colors gold and silver.
These sleeves act as a mirror. If you lift a card
slightly off the deck, you can typically see what card
it is in the reflection off the card below it. The other
colors of metallic sleeves are similar in style, but the
reflection properties typically aren't good enough to
see the card like you can with the gold and silver.
One set of sleeves that can be "of a design that
interferes with shuffling or game play" are the sleeves
with holographic faces. The design of these cards makes
it hard to read the cards inside the cases, and as such,
have been disallowed at some tournaments.
As with most rules, the Head Judge is the final arbiter
of whether a particular sleeve is legal for play in his
or her event. If you have any questions whether your
sleeves are legal for use in his or her event, make sure
to ask him or her before the tournament starts.
Tournament Report - FNM - Diamond Bar, CA
You've already got my decklist if you have been paying
attention. If you haven't, here you go ...
Secret Desire
4 Careful Study
2 Chain of Vapor
4 Cunning Wish
3 Early Harvest
1 Flash of Insight
2 Future Sight
4 Mind's Desire
2 Nostalgic Dreams
4 Rampant Growth
4 Sleight of Hand
1 Temporal Fissure
4 Trade Secrets
4 Wild Growth
10 Forest
11 Island
3 Envelop
3 Stifle
2 Mana Short
2 Chain of Vapor
1 Moment's Peace
1 Brain Freeze
1 Counterspell
1 Early Harvest
1 Hibernation
Round 1 - Nick H. - W/B Reanimator
Game 1 - I win the roll and go first. I keep a hand of 2
Forests and 5 others, and don't draw another land until
turn 4 (an Island), so I miss my turn 3 land drop. He
misses his turn 3 land drop as well, and I Chain of
Vapor the Akroma and Visara he reanimates. He hardcasts
the Akroma on turn 9, and I take the hit before finally
launching into the combo.
Sideboard: Nothing.
Game 2 - He plays first. I keep a hand of 5 land, Trade
Secrets, and Early Harvest. He ends up hardcasting a
Glory, and attacks me for a couple of turns. I've built
my hand up enough, so I just finish him off.
Games: 2-0, Matches: 1-0
Round 2 - Sean B. - Elves
Game 1 - He wins the roll and goes first. When I finally
go off, I end up choosing to try for the Desire instead
of Fissuring all of his creatures and a few lands. It
fails, and he kills me the next turn.
Sideboard: Nothing.
Game 2 - As he cuts my deck, he looks at a card for the
second time while he cuts. I call the judge over, and he
gets the standard "Don't do that again" speech. He comes
at me quickly again. I go to resolve my Wish, and he is
hassling me about taking the damage. I ask him to slow
down, and he still hassles me. So I call the judge over
to watch the remainder of the match.
I was counting my sideboard at that time, since I think
I forgot to take a Chain out for a Wish. I wanted to
make sure I had 15 cards. I did, and got the Chain to
bounce his creature.
I eventually end up going off on like turn 6, and
succeeding this time.
Game 3 - He plays first. He attacks for a few turns, I
Wish for Moment's Peace and hold him off for a few
turns. I decide to stop mid combo, thinking I only had 3
Green mana available (along with some blue), so I
couldn't continue. I then notice my sheet had a green
floating, and the judge allows the MTGO setting "Prompt
before taking mana burn" to allow me to continue and
finish him off.
Games: 4-1, Matches: 2-0.
Sean - I appreciate you wanting to play at a fast pace.
I like playing fast most of the time, and pride myself
on my general fast play. But when someone asks you to
slow down, it's for a reason. Give them the time they
need (within reason, of course).
Round 3 - William T.
I get to play down this round, as William is 1-1. Or
wait, someone got their score recorded wrong. We go over
the rest of the people's points, and no one else is
wrong, so we repair.
Round 3 - Sugrim - Land Destruction
We get into a friendly banter about how little of a
chance I have at this match. He comments, "Only if I'm
playing land destruction." I make a bunch of analogies
like, "Like the sun rises in the morning and sets in the
Game 1 - He gets a turn 4 Braids, Followed by a quick
Sideboard: In: 3 Stifle, 3 Envelop. Out: 2 Future Sight,
Mind's Desire, Nostalgic Dreams, Temporal Fissure, Trade
Game 2 - Multiple Pillages, Rancid Earths, and Misguided
Rages later, he drops a Braids and Magnivore on
consecutive turns.
Games: 4-3, Matches: 2-1
Round 4 - Casey F. - Reanimator
Game 1 - I win the roll and go first, he mulligans once.
He Duresses, taking a Mind's Desire when I had 2 in hand
(instead of an Early Harvest or Trade Secrets). I drop
turn 5 Future Sight, and sit on that for about 6 turns,
when I finally decide it's time to go off (with 3
Desires in the grave, mind you). I cast a bunch of stuff
through the Future Sight, and have 27 mana floating in
my pool, when I notice I've cast 13 spells (I Dreamsed
for 2 of the Desires, but haven't cast either yet). I
ask how many cards are in his library. He says 41, so I
just Wish for the Brain Freeze, and Freeze him out. All
without having cast a single Desire.
Sideboard: Nothing.
Game 2 - He Duresses me first turn again, taking the
Future Sight (over a Desire and 2 other cards). I draw
Nostalgic Dreams turn 3, pitch the extra Desire I drew
turn 4 to get back the Future Sight, lay the Future
Sight turn 5, and go to town.
Games: 6-3, Matches: 3-1
I help Matt set up for round 5, and then we do the
randoms. First was the random pack, which goes to Nick
H. Next is the random Smother.
I've been talking all night about how I'm going to bring
either UG madness or RG for the next few weeks if I
don't get a Smother this week. One or two of the 4-1's
isn't going to make top 4. I click the question mark,
and it says ...
70139430 Guerin, Bill
Nice. So I can keep playing this deck without having to
worry, since I now have my Smother.
Round 5 - Eric L. - Mono Black (Braids, Grinning Demon
with control elements)
Game 1 - I meekly try to go off twice, but it doesn't
happen either time, and after my feeble attempt at a
Mind's Desire for 3 turns up 2 Island and a Cunning
Wish, I scoop.
Sideboard: In: Chain of Vapor. Out: Future Sight.
Before the second game, we agree on a split of the
winner giving the loser a pack if the winner makes top
4. (3rd and 4th get 2 packs each.)
Game 2 - I see way too much of my mana, and he drops
turns 2 and 3 Nantuko Shade. I put up very little
resistance as he kills me turn 6.
Games: 6-5, Matches: 3-2
Alas, the prize split is not to be , as Eric finishes
See you Thursday.
Bill Guerin
DCI Level 2 Judge