
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Judge's Corner
4.13.04 Title:
Affinity for Questions
Questions: 9
Q: How much does a Scale of Chiss-Goria cost if there
are three artifacts out?
-Susan E.
A: It would cost 0 mana to play.
Q: Will a card like Lich's Tomb, in a way, force you to
sacrifice a permanent instead of paying 1 life for a
card like Necropotence or Yawgmoth's Bargain?
A: Not instead of, IN ADDITION TO. Lich's Tomb's ability
is a triggered ability, not a replacement ability. The
paying of the life will still occur.
Q: Can my opponent remove a card in his hand to untap
Forsaken City and pay Stasis's cost that needs to be
activated during an upkeep?
-Jordan K.
A: Yes. Both abilities from Stasis and Forsaken City are
triggered abilities that trigger at the beginning of the
upkeep. If he puts Stasis's ability on the stack first,
then Forsaken City's ability, Forsaken City will be
untapped (assuming he discards a card) by the time he
has to pay Stasis's cost.
Q: If both players have a creature with morph face down
on the field, and I play Echoing Decay, will they both
die because they have the same name? or will nothing
happen because they are nameless?
A: Morph creatures do not have a name, so only the
targeted creature would die.
Q: My opponent and I each have one creature out. My
opponent plays Pinpoint Avalanche, targeting my
creature. If I respond with something like Boomerang to
return my creature to my hand, will his Pinpoint
Avalanche be forced to resolve on his creature, or are
targets declared before the spell resolves, thus meaning
that the Pinpoint Avalanche will be countered and have
no effect?
-Matthew B.
A: The latter. Once targets are declared, they are not
changed unless a spell or ability specifically says to
change the target.
Q: With Panoptic Mirror, Can I imprint at any time?
A: Any time you have priority, yes. Panoptic Mirror's
imprint ability is an activated ability.
Q: If I imprinted Time Stretch on the mirror would I
have infinite turns?
A: Assuming you chose to copy the Time Stretch at least
every other turn, then yes.
Q: If I play a mana on my first turn, and don't spend
it, do I still take mana burn or do I still get to keep
the mana until my next turn?
-Chong N.
A: Neither. If you do not tap the land for mana, you get
no mana. If you tap the land for mana, you have to use
it by the end of the current phase, or you will take
mana burn.
Q: My brother is attacking my husband with an artifact
creature with fear. My husband then blocked his creature
with a green creature that has protection from
A: Your husband can't do this. Creatures with fear can
only be blocked by black or artifact creatures. Since
his creature is neither, it can't block the creature
with fear.
Tournament Report - FNM - Diamond Bar, CA
Another couple of switches from last week bring our deck
U/W Control
3 Eternal Dragon
2 Akroma's Vengeance
4 Damping Matrix
4 Decree of Justice
4 Mana Leak
3 Pulse of the Fields
3 Rewind
3 Stifle
4 Thirst for Knowledge
4 Wrath of God
4 Cloudpost
4 Coastal Tower
4 Flooded Strand
5 Island
7 Plains
2 Temple of the False God
4 Circle of Protection: Red
2 Mind's Eye
4 Purge
2 Sacred Ground
3 Altar's Light
Round 1 - James F. - Ravager Affinity
Game 1 - I go first, and he takes a mulligan before we
begin. I have all of the goods to stop him, from Wraths
to counters. However, I leave his Ravager on the board a
bit too long, and after I Vengeance (tapping out), he
double Shrapnel Blasts me out.
Sideboard - In: 4 Purge. Out: 3 Stifle, 1 Decree of
Game 2 - We each take a mulligan. He gets stuck on one
land, and I casually Vengeance his board. He scoops.
Game 3 - He mulligans again, but it is me with the mana
problems, as I can't find a blue mana to use the
counterspells or cards draw in my hand, and his double
Genesis Chamber makes quick work of me.
Games: 1-2, Matches: 0-1.
Round 2 - Jose G. - Slide
Game 1 - I take a mulligan (a one land hand, and get
another one land hand, which I keep) as he plays first.
He gets 2 quick Rifts onto the board, and when I clear
them with Vengeance, he drops the third and finishes me
Sideboard - In: 3 Altar's Light, 2 Mind's Eye, 2 Sacred
Ground (Obliterate), 4 CoP: Red. Out: 4 Wrath of God, 4
Damping Matrix, 3 Stifle.
Game 2 - I get the Mind's Eye advantage, but we get
dueling Dragons, and I can never keep one on the board
long enough before he Wraths them away. I end up being
decked before I can attack for the win.
Games: 1-4, Matches: 0-2.
0-2? You know what that means. For the first time in a
very long time, I get to play ...
Round 3 - BYE
Even though he was also playing Slide, I squeak out a
very tough matchup when he decides to just disappear on
Games: 3-4, Matches: 1-2
Round 4 - Tim C. - Slide
Game 1 - I stabilize, but he Rifts himself to get rid of
the first Pulse. I make a stupid mistake, thinking he's
at 20, and cast the second Pulse to put me at 19.
Unfortunately, he's at 18, and cycles a Decree.
Sideboard - In: 2 Sacred Ground, 2 Altar's Light, 2
Mind's Eye, 3 CoP: Red. Out: 4 Wrath of God, 4 Damping
Matrix, 1 Thirst for Knowledge.
Game 2 - I take control with a Pulse, and manage to
cycle a Decree. He gets rid of the tokens, and Dueling
Dragons go at it until he cycles a couple of Decrees. I
manage to rip a Vengeance, but he cycles another Decree,
and I have my other 3 Decrees on the bottom 12 cards of
my library.
Games: 3-6, Matches: 1-3
Round 5 - Aaron D. - Slide
Game 1 - He lays down a Secluded Steppe, and I put my
head into my hands for about 30 seconds. This game, he
manages to Rift me out without much interference, as I
can't catch a Vengeance or Pulse to save myself.
Sideboard - In: 2 Mind's Eye, 4 CoP: Red, 2 Altar's
Light. Out: 4 Damping Matrix, 3 Stifle, 1 Wrath of God.
Game 2 - I get the turn 2 CoP, and start cycling my
Dragon. I put out a bunch of mana, and he Obliterates.
("Oh, ****, I forgot about that."). Luckily, I still
have 2 Plains in my hand, and draw into enough mana to
cycle a couple of Decrees for the win.
Sideboard - In: 2 Sacred Ground. Out: 1 CoP: Red, 1
Altar's Light.
Game 3 - He gets the Dragon advantage in this game, but
I have a Pulse to balance it out. I eventually draw a
Dragon, get all my land, and sit and wait. I don't draw
a Decree until time is called, and I have to Wrath his
board, leaving me short of the mana I need to cycle a
Decree for 12 (he was at 24) and attack over 2 turns. I
also only have mana to make 5 Angels, so this ends up in
a draw.
Games: 4-7, Matches: 1-3-1
See you Friday.
Bill Guerin
DCI Level 2 Judge
Ask Judge Bill A Question