
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Judge's Corner
Feb 27, 2004 Dual Land Types
Title: Dual Land Types
Questions: 13
Q: When a spell refers to finding a certain card (more
specifically, "search your library for a forest card"),
does it mean a card with the name Forest or the land
type Forest? In other words, can I use such an effect to
search for Taiga?
A: It looks for the land type Forest, so yes, you could
get a Taiga with that card.
Q: On the same note, can I use an effect that allows me
to search for a basic land to search for Savannah, since
it "counts as a plains and a forest", both of which are
basic lands?
A: No. If a card searches for a basic land, it looks for
a land card with the supertype "Basic." Savannah does
not have the supertype basic, so you couldn't get it.
(By the way, the dual lands have different text now.
They have no text in their text box. Their type land is
simply "Land - Type1 Type2," where Type1 and Type2 are
the 2 types of lands that they used to "count as.")
Q: With Arcbound Ravager, if I sac it to itself, and it
is still a 1/1, do I get two counters or one counter
from its modular effect?
A: One. The Effect allowing you to add a counter will
fail to do anything, since the Ravager isn't around when
it resolves.
Q: If I have an Ambush Commander in play and my opponent
targets one of my forests with Echoing Decay, will I
lose all my Forests?
A: Yes. They are all creatures with the name Forest. (If
you somehow had a Forest that wasn't a creature, it
wouldn't be destroyed.)
Q: When a card turns one permanent into another type
(Natural Emergence= lands become creatures), it then can
be targeted by spells that could target either type of
A: Correct.
Q: Regarding the previous question, if I try to destroy
a creature land while he has Natural Emergence in play
with Dark Banishing, etc., and he removes his Natural
Emergence via Disenchant, does the spell fizzle?
A: The term "fizzle" was removed in the Sixth Edition
rules change. Now, when all targets of a spell are
removed, the spell is countered. (Most people still use
"fizzle" though, like we still use "summoning sickness."
Some habits are too hard to break.
[Now, if they would only bring back "bury..."])
Q: When a spell fizzles, does it count as a spell that
has been countered and triggers Multani's Presence?
-Ray C.
A: Yes.
Q: When a land tapped to cast a spell leaves play in any
way, does the spell fizzle?
-Poging B.
A: No. Once the spell has been paid for, it doesn't care
what happened to the permanents that allowed you to pay
for it.
Q: With a Final Fortune imprinted on an Isochron
Scepter, could I have infinite turns?
A: No. You would lose at the end of the first turn you
took via a Final Fortune.
Q: Now that I am somewhat aware of the rules of the
stack, I have a question that came up when we were
playing a game. One player had out a Mageta the Lion,
and a friend on my team had a Humble in his hand. My
friend was wondering if he could Humble the lion in
response to it using its wrath effect...I remembered
what you said about the stack, that once activated, an
ability exists independently of its source, and no
matter what happens to its source after the ability is
played, it WILL RESOLVE. But, I also remember the Last
In First Out rule, and it didn't quite make sense to me
that, if Mageta used his effect, and in response he is
Humbled, and the Humble resolves first, wouldn't he be a
0/1 without abilities, and therefore not be able to use
his ability?
-Kyle F.
A: (I really need to find a more elegant wording for
Mantra 8. The current wording is way too narrow.)
Think of it this way. You are a soldier in a war. You
see a soldier from the opposite side pull the pin on a
grenade and throw it at you. Once he's thrown the
grenade, you shoot him. What happens with the grenade?
Q: If I equip Skullclamp on a creature with 1 toughness,
do I have time to sacrifice it before it goes to the
-Jack C.
A: No. It dies as a state-based effect, before you get
the chance to play anything else.
Q: I'm playing a Modular deck and I have in play 3
Arcbound creatures with 1 counter on each and a few
lands and a Blinkmoth Nexus. My opponent plays Wrath of
God. Is there any way I can save the Modular counters
after a Wrath of God resolves when they go to the
graveyard? Can I activate my Nexus to target it for the
Modular counters thus making my Nexus have 3 counters?
-Henry N.
A: No to both questions. If the Nexus is a creature when
Wrath of God resolves, it will die too. There is no time
after the Arcbound creatures die but before their
triggered modular abilities go away that you get to play
spells or abilities.
Q: I am confused as to what happens when a face down
Wall of Deceit either blocks or becomes blocked. Can I
put its 2 damage on the stack, and then turn it face
down so that it still does 2 damage to the
blocking/blocked creature and then it has 5 toughness?
-Robert H.
A: This works just fine.
Tournament Report - Frank & Son Tournament - 21 Feb 04
Well, I put an Ivory Mask in the sideboard to combat
Urzatron, making the list as follows:
4 Weathered Wayfarer
4 Dark Supplicant
4 Planar Guide
4 Daru Spiritualist
4 Shared Triumph
4 Lightning Greaves
4 Cabal Archon
4 Rotlung Reanimator
4 Skullclamp
1 Scion of Darkness
10 Plains
6 Swamp
4 City of Brass
4 Starlit Sanctum
1 Barren Moor
1 Patriarch's Bidding
1 Withered Wretch
2 Dark Banishing
3 Terror
4 Cabal Interrogator
2 Akroma's Vengeance
1 Unholy Grotto
1 Ivory Mask
Round 1 - Chad U. - DiscipleTog
Game 1 - He goes first. He gets a quick Disciple out,
and an Atog, and starts attacking. I get a Cabal Archon
out, but don't find the combo. He finds a second
Disciple, and sacs his artifacts to kill me.
Sideboard: A thought occurs to me. I ask the Head Judge
for the Oracle wording on Disciple of the Vault. Chad is
kind enough to show it to me, so I don't have to wait.
As I hoped, it says "TARGET opponent," so I board...
In: Ivory Mask, Out: Skullclamp.
Game 2 - I mulligan once (a one land hand). My combo
goes off, and he says he can still kill me. I wait it
out, he draws a bunch of cards, and then realizes he
boarded out one of the combo cards (Dross Scorpion), so
he scoops.
Game 3 - He gets the nuts aggro draw, and my one attempt
to start the combo is met with a Shrapnel Blast to my
Daru Spiritualist. He kills me on turn 5.
Games: 1-2, Matches: 0-1.
(His combo is Aether Vial with 2 counters on it,
Arcbound Ravager, 2xMyr Retriever, and Disciple of the
Round 2 - Jasper C. - Goblin Bidding
Jasper drew last round against a different deck that
gains a bunch of life. Lovely.
Game 1 - He wins the roll, and comes out slow. However,
I kept a 4 land hand, and the lands kept coming, so I
had no chance.
Sideboard: In: Patriarch's Bidding, Out: Skullclamp.
Game 2 - I slow him down enough to get my combo off, and
he concedes.
Sideboard: Back to original configuration, after I
realize how stupid casting Bidding against this deck
would be.
Game 3 - I stall on 3 land, needing 1 more land for the
combo. He comes hard, and I die on turn 5 with the combo
in hand. (2xPiledriver + 2xSledder + Sparksmith + Skirk
Prospector = world of pain.)
Games: 1-4, Matches: 0-2.
I wish this tournament report was a bit longer, but this
is where my playing ends. I get a call at the start of
round 3 from my mom, and she says she needs to talk and
sounds bad, so I concede to be able to talk to her.
(She's just really sick, and just wanted to gab for a
bit. Besides, both times I get paired up [we had a
repair] to a player that is 1-1, so I would have just
conceded anyway.) Then, my 4th round opponent doesn't
show, and I drop to go visit my mom.
See you Tuesday.
Bill Guerin
DCI Level 2 Judge
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