
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Judge's Corner
March 2, 2004 - Humbled
Title: Humbled counters
Questions: 11
Q: I have a Arcbound Crusher with 7 +1/+1 counters on it
and attack with it. My opponent casts Humble and blocks
with a normal 1/1 creature.
Is my Humbled creature a 7/7 or 0/1? My real question
is, are the counters evaluated before or after the
Humble effect?
A: It is a 0/1. I got my mind wrapped too far around
418.5a, and had to get the great Lee Sharpe to help me
out of it. Here's the explanation he helped me to see:
"Counters are applied after all non-Characteristic
Setting Abilities for power/toughness settings...
All power/toughness (changes in this instance) are
(evaluated within) layer 6.
(1) apply characteristic-setting effects
(2) apply counters
(3) apply other continuous effects
Humble is (in step) 3, so it will be 0/1."
418.5a The values of an object’s characteristics are
determined by starting with the actual object, then
applying continuous effects in a series of layers in the
following order: (1) copy effects (see rule 503,
“Copying Objects”), (2) control-changing effects, (3)
text-changing effects, (4) type-, subtype-, and
supertype-changing effects, (5) all other continuous
effects, except those that change power or toughness,
and (6) power- or toughness-changing effects.
Inside each layer, apply effects from
characteristic-setting abilities first, then effects
from all other abilities. For power- or
toughness-changing effects, apply changes from counters
after changes from characteristic-setting abilities. See
also the rules for timestamp order and dependency (rules
Q: If you Confiscate a creature that has an equipment on
it what happens to the equipment? Does it stay on the
A: Until the controller of the equipment pays the equip
cost to move it, yes. You gain control of the creature,
but not any enchantments or equipment on it.
Q: If I cast Confiscate on a creature controlled by my
opponent and then cast Legerdemain to exchange control
of the Confiscated creature with a creature that
opponent controls, what happens to the Confiscated
creature, since it is my enchantment do I get to keep
both creatures?
A: No. The control effect from the Legerdemain is
timestamped later than the control effect from the
Confiscate, so your opponent will have control of the
creature with Confiscate on it.
Q: If I have a Planar Void and an Energy Field in play,
when a card goes to the graveyard does it actually go to
the graveyard before being removed from the game, or
does it get removed instead of going to the graveyard?
-Daniel S.
A: Planar Void has a normal triggered ability that
triggers on a card going to the graveyard. Since the
card has to go to the graveyard for Planar Void to
trigger, the card going to the graveyard will also
trigger Energy Field.
Planar Void
Whenever a card is put into a graveyard, remove that
card from the game.
Q: Auriok Steelshaper
Creature -- Human Soldier
Equip costs you pay cost {1} less.
As long as Auriok Steelshaper is equipped, Soldiers and
Knights you control get +1/+1.
...does (equipping) include the 1 less, or is it just
-Jake V.
A: The only thing Auriok Steelshaper effects are paying
the equip costs to move it on to the creature. It does
not reduce the cost to play the artifact in the first
Q: If I was attacking with an Arcbound Ravager for x
damage and my opponent's life was x+1, I couldn't kill
him that turn by sacing the Ravager to itself for the
extra point, because he would be removed from combat if
I did, correct?
A: Correct.
Q: with a Leonin Shikari out and you play multiple
creatures on the same turn, is it possible to have them
all attack with a Lightning Greaves out?
A: No. Attackers are all declared at the same time. It
is not possible to declare some attackers, play the
ability of Lightning Greaves, and then declare more
Q: with a March of the Machines out, what will happen to
a Chalice of the Void for 3?
A: The Chalice will come out, then immediately be put
into the graveyard, since its converted mana cost is 0.
X is always 0 if the card is not on the stack.
Q: Can I use Thawing Glaciers' ability to fetch a land
at discard clean up phase?
A: Yes.
Q: ...and if I do, does it stay on the field until next
turn's "end of turn"?
A: No. Thawing Glaciers has been given errata to prevent
this situation from happening. Here is Thawing Glaciers'
current Oracle wording:
Thawing Glaciers
Thawing Glaciers comes into play tapped.
{1}, {T}: Search your library for a basic land card and
put that card into play tapped. Then shuffle your
library. If it's the end phase, return Thawing Glaciers
to its owner's hand. Otherwise, return Thawing Glaciers
to its owner's hand at end of turn.
Q: If I play Tooth and Nail and put a Furnace Dragon or
a Reiver Demon into play, do their abilities go off?
A: No. You did not "play" them from your hand. You put
them into play from your hand. See Mantra 6.
Tournament Report - FNM - Diamond Bar, CA - 1st
Well, in my quest to find a deck to play for the next
season, I come upon the following...
Mono White Control
by: Antonio DeRosa (courtesy StarCity)
4 Weathered Wayfarer
4 Renewed Faith
2 Gilded Light
4 Eternal Dragon
3 Exalted Angel
4 Decree of Justice
2 Tower of Fortune
4 Mindslaver
4 Akroma's Vengeance
4 Wrath of God
4 Temple of the False God
4 Secluded Steppe
4 Cloudpost
13 Plains
3 Astral Slide
3 Wing Shards
1 Gilded Light
1 Exalted Angel
3 Circle of Protection: Red
4 Sacred Ground
When I first play a deck, I try to play the list exactly
as written, to get a feel for the deck before I make
changes. The only consideration was changing the Gilded
Light for an Ivory Mask in the sideboard, but in the
matches I would want it, it would just get Vengeanced
away anyway. So I left it as is for the weekend.
32 players=5 rounds.
Round 1 - Joseph C. - Mono White Equip deck
This is a budget version of the deck. I saw no Shikaris,
Steelshapers, or Skullclamps. As a matter of fact, I saw
no rares period. He was just here with a friend.
Game 1 - He goes first, and gets a couple Den Guards and
other creatures to knock my life down quickly.
Fortunately, I have the Wayfarer on turn 1, and dig out
my Cloudposts. I then cycle Decree for 9, and take full
control of the board.
Sideboard: In: Exalted Angel. Out: Gilded Light.
Game 2 - He gets the equipment heavy draw, and never
gets me below 15. I take some mana burn recurring
Dragons, but this match is never in doubt, as I start
this game with Wayfarer again.
Games: 2-0, Matches: 1-0
Round 2 - Ryan L. - Zombies
Game 1 - I play first this game, and it goes much slower
without the Wayfarer engine. Still, 3 zombies can't get
me below 14, as I get an early Exalted, which goes to
town on his life total.
Sideboard: Nothing.
Game 2 - A Vengeful Dead and Shepherd of Rot get me to
10, but starting the game with DOUBLE Wayfarer is just
WAY too much momentum. A hard cast Renewed Faith puts my
life total well out of reach.
Games: 4-0, Matches: 2-0
Round 3 - Tim C. - W/G Urzatron - basically a mirror
match, only he splashes green for Sylvan Scrying and
other spells.
Game 1 - I go first, and double Wayfarer is only good to
send in the beats. He draws and plays Mindslaver, and I
cycle away one Vengeance, but scoop when I draw the
second on my Slavered turn.
Sideboard: In: 2 Astral Slide, 3 Wing Shards, Exalted
Angel, Gilded Light. Out: 4 Weathered Wayfarer, 2 Wrath
of God, 2 Akroma's Vengeance.
Game 2 - He takes 2 mulligans to start this game. He
attempts to get off an early Mindslaver, but I have the
Gilded Light. I Slaver him, and miscount the mana, only
making 4 Angels. He has the Wrath, but I draw another
Exalted, and he doesn't draw another answer.
Sideboard: In: 4 Weathered Wayfarer. Out: 3 Astral
Slide, 1 Renewed Faith.
Game 3 - I throw away a hand with 1 land and no
Wayfarers, and keep my 6. He gets turn 2 Urzatron, and
plays Mindslaver. I luckily don't have the Wrath, but he
plays (for me) face down Angel and Tower, and then
Stones them away. Unfortunately for him, he draws into a
bad mana flood, and with my Weathered Wayfarers coming
online after the Wrath, I play Mindslaver, activate it
on a 1 turn delay, then untap, make 9 Angels, and take
his last turn for him.
Games: 6-1, Matches: 3-0
Round 4 - Scott S. - Mid-Range Affinity (8 counters
[Leak/Override] + Assert after boarding)
Game 1 - I leak his counters out with an Angel and
Mindslaver, then wreck him with Vengeance. I had a
backup if he had the fourth counter, but it was
unlikely, as he had to double Leak the Slaver.
Sideboard: In: 3 Wing Shards, Exalted Angel. Out: 4
Weathered Wayfarer.
Game 2 - Go back and read my sideboarding again. Then
realize who has the choice to play first.
Double Myr Enforcer does its business.
Sideboard: Nothing (already sideboarded to play).
Game 3 - I throw back a hand of Plains, Temple, and 5
non-land. (I would have kept it on the draw.)
Unfortunately, I get the same land in my 6 card hand,
and keep it.
Triple cycled Renewed Faith keeps my life total up
against a Frogmite, face down Angel forces him to
overextend, and I have the Vengeance after Mindslavering
him, since he had no counters.
Games: 8-2, Matches: 4-0
Round 5 - Bryant M. - W/G Urzatron
Game 1 - I believe the game was stalled early, and I get
Mindslaver and Slaver his hand out, cashing in Decree
for the win. Sorry here Bryant - the notes are sparse,
and I’m writing this 3 days later.
Sideboard: In: Exalted Angel, Gilded Light. Out: 2
Weathered Wayfarer.
Game 2 - Again, we play the long game, and he gets the
first Slaver out and sits on it. I try to play mine, and
make the same mistake I did in playtesting this on Magic
Online - Mindslaver is a legend. I scoop.
Sideboard: In: 2 Weathered Wayfarer. Out: 2 Renewed
Game 3 - Turn 3 face down Angel for me puts the early
pressure on him, and he stalls into the turn 6
Vengeance. He casts Eternal Dragon, and attacks me with
it, but I draw into the Slaver, activate the Slaver on a
1 turn delay, and make 9 Angels. With that, the Swiss is
Games: 10-3, Matches: 5-0
The top 8 arrange a prize split, and we go home.
(Tournament postscript: Skullclamps on opponent's side
this tournament: _0_.)
See you Friday.
Bill Guerin
DCI Level 2 Judge.
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