
1.7.03 -
Astral Slide
A Short Rant
In last week’s introduction to my article Pojo-sama
indicated that PEZ is perfect for novices. He is
absolutely right. The format is easy on the pocket book
and avoids many of the complex Rares that have odd and
non-intuitive interactions. It is the most accessible
form of the game. However, it is equally well suited for
experienced and competitive players. The fact that it
tends to be cheap even though it uses cards from old
sets is perfect for the old school players who don’t
want to get involved with buying all the expensive new
sets. The deck building constraints are also best taken
advantage of by competitive players who pride themselves
on creative deck building. Certainly decks like
ProsTides and the deck in this article aren’t suited for
newbies although many Peasant stand-bys, like Stompy and
White Weenie, are. No players are left out and as more
conventions and casual leagues adopt Peasant tournaments
there is more and more to offer from this format. To sum
up: it is perfect for the new players but also offers
unique challenges and advantages to experienced
Peasant Slide
The most popular deck right now has got to be Astral
Slide. After its showing at States, and subsequent
internet publicity, this is a deck that everyone is
talking about and no one can ignore. Far be it from me
not to jump on the bandwagon. In all fairness, I must
say that there are some writers who continue to deride
this deck type. They do have a number of valid points,
most notably the weakness to non-creature decks like
Wake. Since I believe in the deck, and since this
article is about Astral Slide, these people can go stuff
themselves (in the nicest way possible, of course). If
you don’t know about the Astral Slide decks go read one
of the many articles that is floating out on the
electronic aether, a basic familiarity is assumed in
this article.
Of course, PEZ only allows for 5 Uncommons (of which
Astral Slide is one) and the rest of the cards must be
commons. In addition, the metagame for PEZ is very
different than for type II. Overall, decks are either
creature based (Stompy, Sligh/Deadguy Red, and White
Weenie) or they can deal well with creatures (Black
Control). Okay that isn’t so different from the current
format but the speed is, mostly because of the
mono-colored nature. Obviously some changes need to be
made to Astral Slide.
The first thing that has to go is the Exalted Angel. In
traditional builds this 4/5 flying beat stick comes out
for only 3 mana, and a Slide, and also helps the deck
stabilize its life count. There is simply no replacement
available in the bargain bin (except maybe Ancestor’s
Chosen, amazing if you can get the mana, the synergy
with Astral Slide is just too good) which forms the PEZ
arsenal. Besides, this deck will be very different, I
Secondly, Astral Slide deals so well with creature decks
not just because of the Slide’s power but because of the
insane amount of mass removal these decks pack. Too bad
all the usual suspects, except Slice and Dice, are Rare.
Third, the other Cycling side of Astral Slide is its
cousin Lightning Rift. Because these are both Uncommons
we can’t pack 4 of each like the standard decks do.
Between this and the second consideration it would seem
like the deck loses all of what makes it good for
dealing with creatures, the bread and butter of PEZ
Lastly, most builds of Astral Slide are 3 colors, a big
no-no in PEZ since there is little access to multicolor
Okay, at this point we have completely gutted the deck.
You may even be asking yourself, “What’s Left?” Well,
PEZ has access to those good old Urza’s cycling cards
that didn’t get reprinted. As a result, we can run
almost double the number of Cycling cards the regular
deck does. PEZ also forces us to make some different
decisions which allows us greater flexibility and
ingenuity when designing the deck. I will eventually
post Astral Slide decks for all 5 colors in the archives
here at Pojo. And I will also present one of those decks
here - guess which color combo now, but first I will
share some of the tips and tricks that you should use in
your own builds.
Astral Slide is a mana hog. The deck simply won’t run
well with fewer than 24 lands, I know because I tried.
It likes 26 or more. That is okay since most of the
lands Cycle. Don’t think, however, that you don’t need a
good supply of the good old fashioned basic lands. At
least 12 of the lands should be of the basic variety so
you don’t fall a turn behind for the entire game, unless
your deck can really swing back late or if you have no
early drops. Also, PEZ players have two different sets
of Cycling lands to choose from. The Urza’s lands Cycle
for 2 colorless, the new lands Cycle for 1 mana of the
color they produce. If you aren’t running 4 of each you
have to have a way to choose which one to use. My
suggestion is that the 2 colorless Cyclers are less
advantageous than the cheaper ones, unless their color
is a splash color in which case you are better off with
the colorless cycle cost.
Beyond deck building, knowing when to play and when to
Cycle lands is very important to playing the deck
correctly. I don’t have a hard and fast rule for this,
you have to use your own judgment. My advice is that
until you hit enough mana to cast the most needed spells
in your deck that you don’t cycle your lands unless
necessary. By designing your decks with few double color
spells you can help yourself out and allow yourself to
Cycle all lands of a certain color after the first comes
into play. Of course, knowing when to Cycle and when to
hold back on non-land spells are important decisions as
Just as most Astral Slide decks revolve around
Cartographer for free draws PEZ Slide decks can pull
similar tricks (since Cartographer and his brethren are
commons) . The most basic in PEZ is the inclusion of
Runes of Protection and Auramancer. I have experimented
with this trick and I have found it not much to my
liking. I believe it takes up too much space from the
business end of the deck, is not as necessary when more
than half your deck are cycle cards, and isn’t as good
in this faster environment. It can be useful nonetheless
and it fills the critical role in the Astral Slide
builds of refilling a diminished hand. If you go with
the Auramancer, I suggest running 3 RoP: Red, 2 RoP:
Green, and 1 each of the White and Black versions.
Although over costed, Scrivener and Anarchist are both
useful 1 of’s since these serve the same purpose and can
rescue Miscalculation/Renewed Faith and Slice and Dice
respectively. The creature Cyclers seem weak so the
Gravedigger is not the best of the bunch here. If,
however, you play Green it would be very beneficial to
include the Cartographer combo since this is the best of
all these cards.
As I have said before, over 50% of your deck should be
Cycle cards, these will probably all be spells or lands.
All the creatures in your deck should have a Comes Into
Play ability or a Leaves Play Ability. There are two
exceptions. Soul Warden is a good 1 drop for many of
these builds and it will gain a lot of life for you as
creatures pop in and out of existence. Also, cards that
use counters, like Spike Feeder and Icatian Javelineers,
are good choices since counters will be replenished when
they are sent down the Slide.
Well, I think that is most of my advice, if I’m
forgetting something important e-mail me and let me
know. And with that we are on to my deck build, did you
guess the right color?
The Dark Slide
3 Teroh's Faithful
2 Faceless Butcher
2 Ravenous Rats
3 Mesmeric Fiend
2 Crypt Rats
1 Highway Robber
3 Radiant's Judgement
2 Swat
2 Unearth
4 Renewed Faith
4 Expunge
3 Astral Slide - Uncommon
2 Demonic Tutor - Uncommon
3 Plains
8 Swamp
4 Secluded Steppe
4 Drifting Meadow
4 Polluted Mire
4 Barren Moor
As with all Astral Slide decks, this deck requires
skillful play choices and rewards players who think
ahead and make the right moves. If you don’t practice
with it you should expect to lose. It is equally strong
against both creature and creatureless decks and has
some neat tricks. As with many Astral Slide decks, if
you hard cast too much of your hand you will have no way
to refill (This deck doesn’t use the Auramancer or
Gravedigger combos) even though you can move through
your deck with alacrity. Keep this in mind but don’t let
it worry you so that you become paralyzed and let the
game get out of control. Your goal in the early game is
to get out the Slide as soon as possible with the right
land in play, cast the Crypt Rats and the Fiend/Ravenous
Rats, don’t be too stingy with the rest of the removal
either, to avoid an early loss but be more careful with
the Faceless Butcher before you have Astral Slide, 6
mana (except against Green since it doesn’t run
removal), and a cycle card in hand.
The Teroh’s Faithful, as in the regular build, are there
for a nice life gain when needed. I would have preferred
using the Peasant’s choice of Temple Acolyte which is
superior but only allows for the life gain when played
from your hand. Pulling a mid-game Faithful or Renewed
Faith is frequently critical as you begin to stabilize
from an early game that favors your opponent.
Faceless Butcher is a great removal card for many decks
but especially potent in this build. In early testing he
almost got dumped from the deck since his drawback of
returning his victim to play when he is removed from
play comes into conflict with the Slide. Stop me if you
know the answer. As Johnny Lai, a writer for Card Shark,
pointed out to me, however, there is no drawback just an
added bonus. When you cast the Butcher, he comes into
play and his affect - remove target from game, return it
if the Butcher is removed - goes on the stack. If you
target him with Astral Slide while his ability is still
on the stack he is then removed from the game himself.
His ability then resolves removing his target from the
game and setting up the triggered ability that watches
for the Butcher to leave play. The trigger, however, is
too late and, since it can’t look back in time, the
creature will never return to play again (Rule 406.2b).
Oh yeah, the Butcher then comes back into play at the
end of turn when you can Slide him again with the same
Ravenous Rats and Mesmeric Fiend are the two cards that
defeat non-creature decks and extras should be included
in the sideboard. The Mesmeric Fiend is preferable to
the Rats since the same trick that works with the
Butcher works on this guy and you get to pick the card.
In this deck it is like having a reusable Duress.
Crypt Rats are another standard card for Black Peasant
decks and as one of the only mass removal cards in the
format it lives up to its expectations in all of those
decks. The downside to these Rats is that when they
explode they kill themselves along with both friends and
foes. With the Astral Slide, however, they need never
kill themselves or their friends and there is nothing
worse than having a board clearing effect that returns
over and over to threaten your opponent.
Highway Robber is additional life gain and a nice way to
sidestep CoP’s. Since his is a Comes Into Play ability
bouncing him with the Slide is always good for a 4 point
Radiant’s Judgement, Swat, and Expunge are all targeted
removal cards that cycle. Expunge is the most powerful
but both of the others serve important roles as well. In
PEZ, you are more likely to use Swat but the Judgement
has more slots in the deck because it has a single color
casting cost and when you need it you need it a lot more
than Swat.
Unearthed is a nice Cycling card in this deck although
it doesn’t fetch a lot of the best creatures. It will
fetch a Crypt Rat if you had to blow one early or a
Mesmeric Fiend/Ravenous Rat since they come out early
and tend to die.
As with all Astral Slide decks there are 4 Renewed Faith
in this build. It is consistently a good card for this
deck allowing extra survival when stabilizing, an
emergency life gain, and a Cycling card all in one.
This deck gets a lot of hard work out of the Demonic
Tutor and it is this card which lends a degree of
flexibility to this deck which puts it above and beyond
other Astral Slide decks. I almost went with 3 but that
would drop the Slide count to 2. Having multiple Slides
is just good since each one resolves separately when you
cycle a card, it is also extra insurance against
Last but not least is the Slide itself. Black is
probably the only color that should attempt the 3 Slide
build, unless you go Red with Lightning Rift. At this
point, I really don’t know what I can say about the
Slide that hasn’t been said. It is good, use it.
Lightning Rift
I almost forgot that I had promised to cross post this
deck from the PEZ Group on Yahoo. It was designed by
Johnny Lai, not myself. I should make mention that I
don’t worship Johnny but I do consider him a friend and
he is a very smart and very active PEZ player and we
have often bounced ideas off each other which is why his
name has come up so often. Same thing goes for a number
of players on the Yahoo Group, you guys know who you are
and that Sol Ring still sucks in your deck ;)
4 Terminate
4 Firebolt
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Lightning Rift
4 Sicken
4 Swat
4 Expunge
4 Solar Blast
3 Flame Jet
1 Slice and Dice – Uncommon
4 Lightning Rift – Uncommon
4 Barren Moor
4 Forgotten Cave
4 Smoldering Crater
4 Polluted Mire
4 Mountain
4 Swamp
There is a pretty good account of this deck on the Group
so I won’t cover it here. This is a good deck for people
who are not comfortable with the soft sly play style of
the Astral Slide builds and want a quick, easy, and
efficient way to blow things up and play around with
Cycling. Although it uses Cycle cards, this deck is like
the antithesis of Astral Slide.
Well, there you have it, Astral Slide and one Lightning
Rift deck for Peasant Magic. As I said before, the other
decks will be posted in the archives and the blue
version is actually surprisingly good as well. I have
been meaning to write an article about beating
Prosperity-Tides for a long time and who knows, I may
even write about that next week.
Jason Chapman - chaps_man@hotmail.com