
1.29.03 -
Beating Pros-Tides
Pros-Tides is one of the most exciting
PEZ decks out there and everyone seems to be talking
about it since it swept Gen Con last year. Some people
talk about it because it is good, but I think the reason
it generates so much discussion is because it breaks the
mold of what PEZ decks are thought to be. No one expects
a mono-blue combo deck to win in an environment like
this and people don’t expect a $20 deck to win
consistently on Turn 3. No one expects this from a deck
without rares and with only 5 uncommons. For the benefit
of those who aren’t familiar with the build here is the
one I have used in testing, although it is only 1 card
different from the one played by Erik at Gen Con:
4 Cloud of Faeries
4 Frantic Search
4 Opt
4 Brainstorm
4 Impulse
3 Merchant Scroll (2 in the Gen Con deck)
1 Mystic Tutor (Uncommon)
3 Disrupt (4 in the Gen Con deck)
4 Snap
4 High Tides
4 Prosperity
1 Feldon’s Cane
20 Island
SB: 4 Blue Elemental Blast
SB: 3 Annul
SB: 2 Boomerang
SB: 3 Force Spike
SB: 1 Feldon’s Cane
SB: 2 Words of Wisdom (My sideboard is still in the
basic testing phases and not set)
There are different builds but most follow this pretty
closely. Some players feel uncomfortable with a deck
that wins or loses by pulling an early combo and these
players water down the deck by the inclusion of
additional counters. This change makes the deck much
slower than one would think. The other area of greatest
divergence is in the single extra uncommon component.
For players worried about this deck being without
answers, I would suggest changing the Mystic Tutor to
Force of Will. Others have suggested Turn About or
The deck works by playing High Tides, a card that makes
all Islands produce an additional Blue mana until end of
turn. Then the deck plays Cloud of Faeries, Snap, and
Frantic Search (all of which allow you to untap a number
of lands equal to the casting cost). The deck uses this
mana to play as large a Prosperity as possible, while
floating 3-4 mana. The deck then uses the cards drawn
from Prosperity to try and repeat the process until they
deck their opponent all in a single turn.
Many players feel like this deck is too good or that
cards need to be banned to keep it from destroying the
format. Maybe, instead, we should look at ways any deck
can beat it. Other decks don’t need to have a 100%
chance of beating Pros-Tides but if just half the field
gets a 50/50 shot against Tides I don’t think people
will feel that this deck is so unfair anymore and it
won’t sweep any more tournaments without a great deal of
luck, deck improvement, and skillful play.
Rule #1 – The best defense is a good offense. Tides can
go off on turn 3 (actually, with a perfect hand and the
entire deck stacked right it is possible to go off turn
2 but this will probably never happen in a game). Tides
players, however, know that every additional turn they
wait greatly increases their chances of success. A good
player will never try to go off until they are assured
of the win or they will lose next turn. By being as
aggressive as possible you decrease their clock and can
force them to go off earlier when you still have a
decent chance of winning. Whether or not you have
answers in the SB, make sure that after using the SB
your deck has the maximum number of damage dealing cards
possible (all direct damage and creatures in, all life
gain/card drawing/enchantment removal/other utility
cards out).
Rule #2 – A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
While Pros-Tides is arguably the most powerful deck in
PEZ it does have moments of weakness throughout the
game. Early hand or land disruption can put the deck off
its pace. The deck can’t deal with counterspells well at
all. But most importantly, High Tides is weak while it’s
running the combo. If the combo is forced to go off
early, the deck will tap out to cast the first Snap or
Frantic Search, disrupting this spell (through a counter
or, in the case of Snap, by removing the target before
it resolves) in response to its casting will shut down
the combo immediately. Whether or not the combo goes off
early, depending on whether a player is aggressive or
conservative, they will float either 3 or 4 mana after
every Prosperity. Since Snap and Cloud of Faeries both
cost 2 and Frantic Search costs 3 they will be able to
play, at most, 2 counters against you (and these will
most likely be spells like Disrupt or Force Spike). By
playing your answer in response to their spell you can
avoid a mass of counters and shut them down by denying
them enough mana to continue the combo. Even if you have
nothing that will shut down the combo completely or get
by their counter, by forcing them to use extra mana to
thwart you they have denied themselves a number of cards
equal to the mana they spent against you. For a deck
like Pros-Tides every card drawn is critical to success.
Rule #3 – Know your own strengths. Many players have
talked about 4 Tormod’s Crypt in the SB or running 8 Red
Elemental Blasts in the SB (REB and its cousin). Unless
you know that most of the field at a given tourney is
playing a single deck it is never a good idea to skew
your sideboard so heavily. You just make yourself weaker
against the rest of the field. As I will discuss below,
every color has options that involve only a couple cards
from the SB or that use cards that are already a part of
the deck. You will always be stronger by playing the
cards that make your color strong. This way, you are
playing your game and not the Pros-Tides player’s.
Rule #4 – Be decisive and think ahead. Every turn remind
yourself how you are going to beat Pros-Tides. Try to
anticipate when they will go off and plan accordingly.
If you will need mana to stop them make sure you leave
it available. This means you have to look a few turns
ahead, if you focus on what is best just for this turn
you will lose. This is true in games against any deck
but there are very few decks that play out as
predictably as Pros-Tides. There are also very few decks
that are as unforgiving of opponent’s errors as
Rule #5 – Never give up, never surrender. Pros-Tides is
not a sure thing. A bad shuffle can leave the combo
player out in the cold. Even though the deck can start
to go off on turn 3 it only has maybe a 60% chance of
success that turn. Sure the first 2 Prosperity can go
off without a hitch but maybe Feldon’s Cane is on the
very bottom of the deck, maybe there are 12 lands in a
clump, or maybe the other 2 Prosperity are on the
bottom. By making the player play out the whole combo
you allow yourself a chance to win in every game. They
might make a mistake or not find the right card but if
you scoop right away you will never know.
Listed below are answers for each of the colors. Black
has the longest list because it has the most options and
the options that apply to other colors have to be
explained as to how they work. In order to be considered
as a proper answer to Pros-Tides; the card had to be an
instant unless there was some way to play it before
Pros-Tides went off, had to be a common (unless it was
one of the near automatic uncommon picks for the given
color), and had to be something already included in most
decks or a card that would take up less than 3 slots in
the SB.
Black – Black has a number of good options against
Pros-Tides. Even in game 1, chances are that you can
disrupt the combo for at least an extra turn or two.
Duress is especially potent if played correctly. The
correct cards to ditch (in order of importance, although
this is subject to game situation and personal judgement)
are Feldon’s Cane (this equals a win for you),
Prosperity, High Tides, Frantic Search, Snap, Merchant
Scroll/Mystic Tutor, Cloud of Faeries, Impulse, Opt,
Brainstorm. If you have a way to disrupt the combo
latter, like instant targeted removal, then Disrupt or
any other counterspell is #2 on the list. Also, if you
have a card like Hymn to Tourach, use Duress first and
then Hymn. You may be able to hold the Hymn for a turn
and get a more useful discard then. Any other discard
spells are just as good as long as you can play them
Cheap land destruction, usually in the form of Sinkhole,
is also a good way to hold off the combo for a few turns
as well. Pros-Tides needs land. Part of the reason the
deck likes extra turns is for the critical card draws.
The more important factor, however, is that after the
High Tides each mana source in the deck expands
exponentially. At 3 land, the deck can go off and may
win. At 4 land, the deck will usually win. At 5 mana and
above, the deck will almost always win.
Black also has another piece of the puzzle for stopping
Pros-Tides, creature destruction. To be of any use
against Pros-Tides the spell must be an instant because
it must be cast in response to Snap. By killing off the
Cloud of Faeries in response to Snap you keep a total of
4 mana from the Pros-Tides player. If you can do this on
the turn they go off (if they only have 3 or 4 land in
play) there is a good chance you can survive until the
next turn.
All of these options just delay the inevitable and you
must hope that your deck is fast enough to make
effective use from those extra turns. If your deck is
not fast enough to clinch the win right away that means
you are probably playing Control Black. In that case you
have to use the fourth option.
Tormod’s Crypt in the SB is not an option for most decks
to beat Pros-Tides since you would need 4 copies to give
you a good chance of drawing them before Tides goes off.
With Black decks, however, you have access to Demonic
Tutor (it doesn’t work so well with Demonic
Consultation). This allows you to throw 1 or 2 Crypts
into your SB and have a good shot at getting one out
early, especially with a little disruption.
Blue – Well if you can’t beat Pros-Tides with a handful
of counters you better quit Magic :) Seriously, if you
have a Blue deck the only thing you should be doing is
playing land and waiting until you have a good supply of
extra land before you play any cards. You can probably
get away with card drawing spells on the first and
second (if you played first) turns or if you don’t have
a couple counter or bounce (you can bounce a Faerie in
response to Snap although this will only deny your
opponent 2 mana, unless it is on turn 3 in which case it
shuts them down) spells in your hand, but after that
make sure you leave mana untapped. You do get an added
bonus since High Tides affects you as well.
Green – Beating Pros-Tides with Green decks is the
hardest thing you will have to do. Some Green decks may
be fast enough to beat Tides and aggression is your best
option but it might be good to have a back-up plan. So
far I have found 2 options.
The first is also the best. With 1 or 2 Rust in the SB,
and mana held in reserve to beat the counters, you
should stand a good chance of winning. You don’t need a
search spell to find it because it is an instant and is
used in response to the Feldon’s Cane they will activate
before the final Prosperity. At that point in the game
you have about 35-50 cards in your hand so there is a
good chance that Rust is one of them. If you have the SB
room I would include the second copy just in case your
luck is really bad.
The second option is really crazy and I’m not sure that
I like it, but it would be nuts to see it played out in
a game. First, you will need to have a Wild Mongrel in
play (your Green deck does have 4 Mongrels right?). You
dump all the creature spells in your hand to the Mongrel
on the turn Tides goes off or in response to them Snap-ing
the Mongrel. Most Green decks can dump 20+ cards this
way. Then you play the Repopulate that was in your SB
and it’s like your own Feldon’s Cane. Again 1 or 2
Repopulate are sufficient in the SB and, unlike Rust,
Repopulate is actually somewhat useful against some
other deck designs.
The downside to both of these solutions is that, unlike
most color’s answers to Pros-Tides, both of these cards
are played when the Pros-Tides player has enough mana to
fuel all of the counters in their hand. They are also
both late game responses, which means the opponent will
have those counters. Luckily, with the counters in most
Pros-Tides decks, you should only need 4 mana in
The best answer for Green, and a good answer for any
deck, is to use the SB to make your deck as quick and
aggressive as possible.
Red – Red has many of the same advantages as Black. It
has land destruction, although with any deck against
Tides you should be careful with Strip Mines and spells
like Raze if you have another option to beat them since
these spells will also stall your mana supply.
Just as Black uses its creature removal in Response to
Snap you can do the same thing. There are some games
that will force you to use this strategy, and you should
practice enough so that you can identify those
situations, but there is a better use for all of your
direct damage – win directly.
One weakness of Pros-Tides is that it gives your
opponent a huge handful of cards. Red can take advantage
of this the best since 1/3 or more of those cards are
probably direct damage in the form of instants. Just
burning them as soon as you can is a mistake, there is,
after all, a perfect time for everything. Ideally you
would like to cast your damage spells in response to a
Frantic Search cast after the second Prosperity. This
means their mana pool is empty or at 1 mana. Failing
that, you want to cast it in response to the third
Prosperity, since they won’t have drawn the final cards
in their deck and will probably only have 3 mana in
their pool. The key is to make sure you have the mana
available to cast all the necessary spells and pay mana
for as many counters as they can muster (usually between
1 and 4 mana). Fireblast is a big help here, just
remember to tap those lands for mana first. In order to
make this whole plan work you have to inflict as much
damage as you can before they go off. On the turn they
start the combo you must decide if you can pull this
off, and if not, you will have to use the above strategy
and burn a Faerie to fizzle the Snap.
Lastly, Red has the most talked about answer to
Pros-Tides: Pyroblast/Red Elemental Blast. People are
talking about including 4 of each in their SB’s. I think
that is a mistake. Sure, including 5 or more gives you a
very good chance at winning (almost automatic) but it
also eats up most of your SB. Pre-SB Red has about the
same chance of beating Tides as Black decks do, maybe
even better. I just don’t think the threat of Tides
justifies that kind of SB waste. Also, remember that
Pros-Tides will almost always sideboard out Disrupt in
favor of Blue Elemental Blast in games 2 and 3, don’t
forget this in your math.
White – Most White decks have a hard time beating
Pros-Tides. Even White Weenie builds tend not to
establish a fast enough clock and this color really only
has methods to slow Pros-Tides in most games. Still,
White has access to the most non-sideboard early drops
for slowing Pros-Tides.
Just as Black and Red can attempt to disrupt the combo
by removing Cloud of Faeries in response to Snap, White
can use Swords to Plowshares for the same purpose. Just
as good as removing a creature is granting Snap’s target
protection from Blue. Everything from Mother of Runes to
Cho-manno’s Blessing can be useful here and they are
cards that are likely to be in your White Weenie builds.
Standard Bearer also helps a little since the Snap must
target him and that will generate only 2 mana for the
Pros-Tides player as opposed to 4 mana.
For establishing a clock the best card in White’s
arsenal is Empyrial Armor. I have long been a supporter
of using Empyrial Armor in decks where the uncommon
component was Enlightened Tutor and Land Tax as opposed
to the usual choices of Mother of Runes and Swords to
Plowshares. You will note that both MoR and StP are
effective early game drops to disrupt Pros-Tides but the
other side of the coin is that Enlightened Tutor can do
more than pull an Armor to establish a quick clock.
Enlightened Tutor can also be used to find a Tormod’s
Crypt brought in from the sideboard, a very effective
way to fight against Tides.
Even so, White still has the least chance of beating
Pros-Tides but, even with main deck cards, it always has
a chance.
In the end, no one solution generates an automatic win
against Pros-Tides every game. At the same time just
playing correctly against Pros-Tides increases your
chance of winning even with no deck alteration. With
some of the deck alterations suggested here (or your own
creative solutions like using Fling and Empyrial Armor
in your WR build) you give yourself more than just a
fighting chance. Pros-Tides is and will continue to be a
powerful force in PEZ but there is no reason to fear the
deck and it is about time that player put fear into
Pros-Tides. Never give up, never surrender!
Jason Chapman – chaps_man@hotmail.com