Born in the great gaming state of Wisconsin, Jason was fated to be a gamer. Too young to drink Beer (well, not anymore) and lactose intolerant so he couldn’t eat the cheese, Jason turned to AD&D (1st edition). After that, many systems were dabbled in until he found his home in piles of cardboard. Since then he played at least 6 CCG’s and may be learning to play Harry Potter if he finds some free time and a few bucks (donations welcome).
His gaming habits run parallel with his life. He reads Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Non-Fiction, Horror, Westerns, Philosophy, and the Classics. He listens to Jazz, Classical, Heavy Metal, and the band Brother. He has switched majors many times starting his college career in Environmental Studies, then moving to English, Theology, Communications, and now Psychology.
MTG Fan Articles
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Peasant Magic
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Dragon's Den
From The Ass
Southwestern Paladin
Heretic's Sermon
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Book Reviews
Through the
with Jason Chapman
Well, now that I start in
on my second article I find that I simply can't keep my
promises. First, since I will be reconstructing a deck,
I won't be able to include the text of every card. 20
cards or so is doable, 100+ is not. Also, I will again
begin with a fairly long section at the start of my
article that is not required reading. In this case, I
simply want to say a word about the changes here at
Pojo, then talk about math, and finally talk about how I
reconstruct decks. If you are like me you would rather
not read this article than read about statistics and hyper geometric
distribution; if that's the case simply skip down to the
start of the real article and ignore the top half of my
writings instead of hitting the "back" button
on your browser. Let's get ready to rumble.
Bill, thanks for putting
up and maintaining a great website here at Pojo.com. You
have done a great service to a lot of players out there
by giving them a voice. I hope you continue with your
superb work on the rest of the site. I especially look
forward to revisiting the Harry Potter section (what can
I say, I'm a huge fan of English juvenile fiction, I
don't know why). Fletcher, I wish you the best as you
begin to streamline the Magic section of Pojo. While I
know it's early, I look forward to the new higher
quality Pojo content. I just hope I can contribute in a
way that is useful both to you and the readers. Thanks,
both of you guys and good luck with your new endeavors.
Now, we come to a rough section: math. Let me start out
by saying I hate math. That's a lie; I fear and loath
math. But, I'm a gamer and one thing that gamers must
understand is math, specifically probability and
statistics. Every time we shuffle cards or roll a die we
are involved with math so if we want to keep playing we
have to learn a little bit. I won't pretend that I knew
all the math that I'm about to lay out for you, I had to
do research. I strongly encourage those of you who want
or need to know about any aspect of the game to research
it. You never know when it comes in handy. As an example
I recently got extra-credit for knowing where Serendip
was and how we got the word serendipity. I only knew
about this because when I was still a youngster I was
curious as to how the Serendib Efreet got his name. You
never can know when you will need to know.
Anyway, here is how I got the numbers I used in this
article. I sweat a lot and I used an equation to
determine hypergeometric distribution. While I won't
define that big long scary word, I will say what it
does. Basically it finds the likelihood of a given event
happening within a series of samples taken from a group
without anything being replaced into the group the
sample is taken out of. If that was still hard to
understand maybe this will work: if I want to know the
probability that I will draw 1 Lightning Bolt in my
opening hand when I'm playing my red deck I use a
hypergeometric distribution. The big scary equation
looks like this:
M = number of Lightning Bolt in deck (Population Size)
x = number of Lightning
Bolt's I want in my starting hand (Sample size)
N = number of cards in my
opening hand (Number in Sample)
n = number of cards in my
deck (Total Population)
The important thing to remember about using this
equation is that it only tells you the probability that
you will get exactly 1 Lightning Bolt in my opening
hand. I would have to rerun the equation for and replace
M with 2, 3, and 4 and then add the final results
together if I wanted to find out the probability of
having at least 1 Lightning Bolt in my opening hand. If
you don't want to run this for yourself, you can use my
charts below.
The other important thing to remember is that just
because something is likely it doesn't mean that it will
happen. Even if you have a 99.9999% chance of success
that still means you can fail. Also, the number of times
you try something doesn't increase or decrease the
probability. If I'm flipping a coin, and it has come up
heads once before, I have an equal chance of getting
heads or tails. Even if I had flipped the coin 100 times
and it had been heads every time I would still have a
50/50 chance for either side on my next flip. The reason
is that each flip is a different independent trial.
Don't get confused by this. When you are playing Magic
your odds of pulling a specific card do increase as your
deck gets smaller, but the odds of any one card in your
deck being the top card are exactly the same. Here come
some charts (all numbers rounded to nearest):
The probability of drawing 1 of a card (drawing exactly
1 Lightning Bolt in a 60 card deck)
Turn Number
- # in deck 1 2 3 4 5
- 1 12% 13% 15% 17% 18%
- 2 21% 24% 26% 28% 30%
- 3 28% 31% 34% 36% 38%
- 4 34% 36% 38% 40% 42%
The probability of
drawing 2 of a card (drawing exactly 2 Lightning Bolt in
a 60 card deck)
- Turn Number
- # in deck 1 2 3 4 5
- 2 1% 2% 2% 3% 3%
- 3 3% 4% 5% 7% 8%
- 4 6% 8% 9% 11% 13%
The probability of drawing 3 of a card (drawing
exactly 3 Lightning Bolt in a 60 card deck)
Turn Number
- # in deck 1 2 3 4 5
- 3 .1% .2% .3% .4% .5%
(Basically 0%)
- 4 .4% .6% .9% 1% 2%
The probability of drawing 4 of a card (drawing all
4 Lightning Bolt in a 60 card deck)
Turn Number
- #in deck 1 2 3 4 5
- 4 .01% .01% .03% .04%
.07% (Basically 0%)
The probability of drawing at least
one of a card (drawing 1 or more Lightning Bolt)
Turn Number
- # in deck 1 2 3 4 5
- 1 12% 13% 15% 16% 18%
- 2 22% 25% 28% 31% 34%
- 3 32% 35% 39% 43% 46%
- 4 40% 44% 49% 53% 57%
- In order to use these
charts simply find the number of cards in your deck
on the vertical axis and the turn that you would
like to have that card (or multiples of that card)
on the horizontal axis and then find your
percentage. Usually you will want to use the last
table to determine how many of a card should be in a
deck. Sometimes, though, you will wish to use the
other charts to make sure you aren't including too
many of any one particular card.
The probability of playing 1 land every turn with no
extra land in hand
Turn Number
- # of land 2 3 4 5
- 12 31.65% 18.26%
8.06% 2.84%
- 14 33.31% 23.06%
12.44% 5.47%
- 16 33.11% 26.74%
17.04% 9.00%
- 18 31.37% 28.96%
21.29% 13.12%
- 20 28.50% 29.60%
24.67% 17.37%
- 22 24.92% 28.76%
26.79% 21.21%
- 24 21.01% 26.67% 27.45%
- 26 17.08% 23.65%
26.67% 25.81%
- 28 13.39% 20.08%
24.61% 25.99%
Simplified version of
probability of playing a land every turn
- Number of Turns
- # of land
- 12 1
- 14 2
- 16 2
- 18 3
- 20 3
- 22 3
- 24 4
- 26 5
- 28 5
Use these charts to help figure out how many lands
are needed in a deck. The top chart only shows the
probability that you will play a land during each
turn without having any lands left over in your
hand. This is most useful for decks with lower mana
curves (simplified definition is that a mana curve
is the average casting cost of a deck) that don't
want to draw land when they could be drawing and
playing a useful spell. The second chart is more of
a general guide. Simply look at the number of turns
in a row that you wish to play a land (column 2) and
then look at column 1 to find the number of lands to
play in your deck. More aggressive decks should
generally use fewer lands to speed up the deck while
control decks tend to use more lands to maintain
- Well, the math is now
over. I hope that wasn't too bad. Before I go on, I
want to say one thing about how I will reconstruct
decks that are submitted to me. First, I can't fix
every deck. I simply don't have the time and it
really isn't the focus of my column. Having said
that I think I will do things differently than most
other writers when they critique a deck. I will not
try to make a deck do something for which it wasn't
intended. Even if the strategy isn't the best I will
try to stay close to what I feel the original intent
of the deck was. I will also avoid any type of
expensive cards if at all possible. That means that
even if a rare card may be the best choice I may use
a common or uncommon if it is strong enough to fill
the position. I do this because I hope that many of
those reading my column are younger players and I
realize that they are often working on a limited
budget. I want these decks to be a learning
experience and I want you to be able to build them.
How Many?
One of the hardest questions to answer in deck
building is the question of "how many?".
More experienced players often go by feel or simply
go by the number of a certain card that were in a
past deck. Then, after a lot of testing, they find
that their intuition was wrong. New players often
don't even have this past experience to draw upon so
they make some mistakes. To help me teach this
lesson a little bit easier to understand I will use
a deck that was submitted to me by a brave soul.
Creatures (14):
- 1 viashino sandstalker
- 1 phantom monster
- 1 clay statue
- 1 phantasmal mount
- 1 thalakos mistfolk
- 1 reef pirates
- 1 air elemental
- 1 manta riders
- 1 prodigal sorcerer
- 1 zuran spellcaster
- 1 wayward soul
- 1 apprentice wizard
- 1 clockwork beast
- 1 glacial wall
- Enchantments/Artifacts
2 flight
- 1 backfire
- 1 contempt
1 giant strength
- 1 orcish oriflamme
- 1 mystic veil
- 1 thirst
- 1 flood
- 1 enchantment
- 1 goblin war drums
- 1 fountain of youth
Spells 15:
- 2 unsummon
- 2 remove souls
- 2 spell blast
- 2 brainstorm
- 1 portent
- 1 about face
- 1 sonic burst
- 1 impulse
- 1 deluge
- 1 peek
1 reckless charge
The first thing that
sticks out is the fact that the deck contains only about
1 copy of any individual card. This creates some awful
problems while playing any deck regardless of the color.
Sometimes players do this to try to make their deck a
"Swiss army knife". Many players try this
since they are looking for "the deck" that can
win every game. It simply won't happen. Every deck has
strengths and weaknesses and building focus and
consistency into your deck means that you are trying to
optimize your strengths. Building a "Swiss army
knife" means you are weakening your overall deck to
try to blunt the strength of your opponent's deck.
Optimizing strengths is a proactive approach, protecting
weaknesses is a reactive approach. Proactive = good;
Reactive = bad. After you have a good deck that is
focused and consistent then you can work on minimizing
it's weaknesses. There are at least three more reasons
why playing one of a lot of cards isn't always the best
First, it is a fact that some cards are better than
others. If a deck contains only 1 or 2 of any one card
then some spots that could be taken up by good cards are
taken up by mediocre ones. Another way to look at it is
that if there is a really good card that you want to
draw chances aren't very good that you will get to use
it if there is only a single copy of it in your deck.
Even in decks that use multiple spells for the same
situation it is likely that there is a best spell to
fill the slot.
You are building a White deck and decide you need some
enchantment removal. Originally your deck had 1 Erase, 2
Ray of Distortion, and 1 Disenchant. If you knew every
deck you were facing had 4 Rancor, no artifacts and no
other enchantments then Erase would be best and you
should include 4 (because Erase would remove Rancor from
the game). If you knew that every deck you would play
was a heavy counterspell deck then you might be best off
with Ray of Distortion (Flashback is a good ability
against counterspell decks since even if they counter it
you can cast it again later in the game). However, you
can be sure that if you play a group of games every deck
will be a little different and you are best with 4
Disenchant. Including a mix means that you may draw
Erase when you need to destroy an artifact or you may
draw Ray of Distortion and lack the mana to cast it.
Disenchant solves both of these problems.
- Erase
W, Instant, Urza''s Legacy Common
Remove target enchantment from the game.
Perception is more pleasing than truth.
Illus. Ron Spears
Ray of Distortion
- 3W, Instant, Odyssey
- Destroy target
artifact of enchantment.
- Flashback 4WW (You may
play this card from your graveyard for it's
flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)
- Illus. Carl Critchlow
- Disenchant
1W, Instant, Urza''s Saga Common
Destroy target artifact or enchantment.
""Let Phyrexia breed evil in the darkness;
my holy light will reveal its taint.""
Illus. Donato Giancola
G, Enchant Creature, Urza''s Legacy Common
Enchanted creature gains +2/+0 and trample.
When Rancor is put into a graveyard from play, return
Rancor to owner''s hand.
Hatred outlives the hateful.
Illus. Kev Walker
Second, consistency is always important. Since we have
already determined that you want to play with good cards
in our deck it would make sense that you want to draw
those cards as often as possible. As an example, again
let's say I have decided that I need to play Disenchant
in my deck.
If you only play a single Disenchant, which is a very
good card, then the chances are that you will never draw
it when you need it. By adding multiple copies you
increase the chance that you will draw it when needed
(just take a look at the charts up above). Of course, it
is possible to take this too far but we will deal with
that later when we analyze my version of the deck.
Third, deck focus is important. Really this is a
combination of the first three and the thought process
goes like this:
If there are 5 "best" creatures for my deck
and I have 1 of 20 different creatures in my deck then I
only have 4 of the "best" creature. If I have
4 of each of the 5 "best" creatures in my deck
I have 20 of the "best" creature.
If I have 20 of the "best" creatures then my
chance of drawing my "best" creatures is
better than if I have 4.
- Here is how that
thought process works in action:
The deck that has 1 of 20 different creatures has 2
with swampwalk. The other deck, with the 20
"best" creatures have 0 with swampwalk.
I'm playing a black deck with the 4 of each deck. I
may not have any swampwalking creatures but I'm
still happy because I still have 18 creatures that
are, on average, better than anything in the other
deck and I know I have a better chance to draw them.
Since focus is so important in a deck I have to
provide another analysis as well:
The "Swiss army" player knows that he's
ready for anything so his strategy is to just stay
alive until he can draw that one right card. This
means that he is forced to keep a conservative
strategy and wait for the right cards to
come(reactive = bad). The player with a focused deck
knows how many cards of what type will become
available to him. He can then adapt his own strategy
and take a proactive approach to the game. Thus,
even if my Deadguy Red deck (aggressive red deck) is
losing the creature battle I can still afford to
attack with my creatures, even if I will lose some,
since I know that my next draw will be either a
creature, a spell to eliminate a creature, or a land
(which wouldn't help but the probabilities are still
in my favor). This is important since consistency
lets you play your game and not your opponents.
Proactive = good; Reactive = bad.
Having made light of the reasons why a player would
include multiple copies of a card I will rebuild the
deck and then make a few more points. As I said
above, I want to try and stay faithful to the intent
of the deck. However, when a deck contains few
copies of a great number of cards it tends to lose
focus (yes, this is another reason to include
multiple copies of a card) and this makes it harder
for me to divine the deck's intent. Still, I think
that one of the neater possible themes of the deck
above is evasion (the ability of a creature to avoid
being blocked) and the fact that it uses a number of
rarely seen cards. This deck looks like it could be
fun to play so I will also try to make sure my deck
will be fun as well. I will also try to build a deck
that illustrates some of the circumstances where a
player would include 1 ,2, 3, or 4 of a particular
Creatures 18:
- 3 Phantasmal Mount
- 4 Spark Mage
- 4 Thalakos Dreamsower
- 3 Thalakos Scout
- 4 Razorfin Hunter
- Card Drawing 3:
- 3 Curiosity
- Evasion 6:
- 4 Shadow Rift
- 2 Goblin War Drum
- Creature Control 4:
- 1 Immobilizing Ink
- 3 Backfire
- Counters 7:
- 3 Miscalculation
- 4 Memory Lapse
- Mana Sources 22:
- 3 Chromatic Sphere
- 7 Mountain
- 12 Island
Well, let's start in with
the creatures. Because the original deck contained so
many unique creatures, there was a lack of coherence
which I tried to correct. The evasion theme could have
been carried out by the old standby Dwarven Warriors.
Instead I choose to throw in Phantasmal Mount. Part of
the reason was that the Mount was in the original deck
but also because it gives a creature +1/+1. Since most
of our creatures have a toughness of 1 this boost could
be important. They can also combo with Immobilizing Ink
although this isn't the Ink's strongest combo (more on
that later). The Spark Mage (could also be Dwarven
Vigilante but they are more expensive as far as casting
cost) is there to fulfil a role the original deck
lacked, They take advantage of the evasion theme by
allowing you to destroy creatures when they aren't
blocked. This also enhances the Goblin War Drums since
it helps to limit the number of creatures they could
block with. Another creature that will limit your
opponent's blockers is the Dreamsower. They also have
evasion so they keep with the theme. The Thalakos Scout
take the place of the Mistfolk in the original deck.
Both of these cards are good since you can keep them
from dying but the Scout's are generally better since
they return to your hand, this way they don't clog up
your card drawing. Last but not least is the Razorfin
Hunter. They have the ability to pull off a major combo
in this deck plus they are simply a good card. They fit
a secondary theme of this deck, which is combat tricks,
and they should be useful.
Now we come to the real point of this whole article; how
did I decide how many of a card to put into the deck?
For the Razorfin Hunter I included 4 since they are
generally a good card and also since they are part of my
combo (more on that later). They are also one of my few
2 casting cost creatures so, by including 4 of them, I
give myself a little better chance of having a useful
permeant out on turn 2. As an additional reason to
include 4, they can be used as creature control which is
something that this deck needs. The other two creatures
that appear in my deck 4 times are also there as
creature control. The Phantasmal Mount and the Thalakos
Scout appear only 3 times since they are both useful and
round out the deck but aren't a part of any key element
of the deck. It is an important distinction to draw when
you are building decks; theme vs. necessity. Creature
control is a necessity in a deck, but evasion is just a
nice bonus.
Having said that, let's move on to the evasion aspects
of the deck. My favorite card here is the Shadow Rift.
This card is useful in so many ways that there simply
aren't enough good things to say about it. The most
obvious use is to give your Spark Mage shadow so they
can't be blocked by your opponent. Less obvious, you can
target an attacking creature of your opponent's that
doesn't have shadow. Then you can block it with your
Thalakos Scout and then return the Scout to your hand
(this is an example of a combat trick). Thus, this card
can double as creature removal. The other benefit of the
card is that it's a cantrip (a card that lets you draw
another card when you play it). This accelerates your
deck and allows you to gain card advantage over your
opponent. In fact, if you need a draw bad enough paying
1 mana to draw a card isn't a bad deal and you can do
that by targeting an inconsequential creature with
Shadow Rift. Since this is a long laundry list of good
stuff I have included 4 in my deck since the utility
(ability to be useful in multiple situations) is so
Also, this deck contains 2 Goblin War Drums, a card
which was in the original deck. There are only two
copies of the card for a number of reasons. First,
multiple copies of the card are useless. Second, since
it's an enchantment as opposed to a sorcery or instant
it will stay around turn after turn. This means that
once one is in play you don't want to draw a second one.
Finally, this card only really aids the Spark Mage since
everything else has good evasion abilities already or
isn't a creature that you would be attacking with. After
all that you may wonder why there are any in the deck or
why I don't have just 1. The reason is that the card can
be useful, and more important than that this card can
break the game if I need it to. In this deck (unless I
pull off the combo) there isn't anything that can really
let me come from behind or overwhelm an opponent. While
Goblin War Drums isn't ideal, if played carefully it can
almost guarantee that at least one attacker will get
through. With this deck that can be enough to swing the
game. Because of this, this is a card I will be looking
to draw at some point every game so I include 2 to make
my chances realistic.
Card drawing is important in every deck so I made sure
to include a source for this one. The original used
instants as a way to draw cards. What I decided to do
was use a lot of cantrips and then include Curiosity.
This card is amazing and since it allows you to draw a
card whenever the opposing player takes damage it is a
natural fit for an evasion deck. Although I would
normally include 4 in a deck I opted for 3 in this one.
That is because I have 2 creatures that probably won't
be attacking (the Dreamsower and the Mount). I also have
the Scout which, since I will return him to my hand
frequently, isn't friendly to creature enchantments. A
possible replacement could be Costal Piracy but that
would up my mana curve and I also think it's more
expensive to buy.
I will throw in a quick note about card drawing here.
Other than the fact that drawing cards is good (and I
mean good enough to be the single most powerful effect
in the game after mana production), card drawing engines
allow you to include fewer copies of a single card in
your deck. This is because you will be seeing a greater
number of cards during the game and your probability of
drawing the needed card will increase as your library
A card I really liked in the original deck was Backfire.
It is a card that is seldom seen and seldom played but
it can fit in the right deck. The deck it needs is a
deck that is aggressive and it can also be helpful if
the deck encourages an opponent to attack and thus speed
their own demise. The big bonus here is that it costs
only 1 blue mana so it can take care of early creatures
like Phyrexian Negator or Goblin Cadet. Also, they are
one of my few forms of creature control that are
effective against the big stuff so that increases the
number I will need. Unfortunately, between the Spark
Mage and the Dreamsower I hope my opponent won't have
much big stuff to attack with so I decided to include 3
instead of 4.
- After my points about
why not to include one of a card in a deck you
probably noticed the single Immobilizing Ink. This
spell is definitely on the jank list (a sub-optimal
card that gets you laughed at). Normally this card
wouldn't make my deck but it has the ability to pull
of an impressive and deadly combo. If I am able to
cast Curiosity on my Razorfin Hunter and then cast
the Ink on the Hunter I can cycle through my library
and deal damage to my opponent as long as I have
mana available. This will win you the game if you
can make it work and if you have mana available. It
also works, although not as well, with the
Phantasmal Mount since I can then use its ability
multiple times to pump up my creatures with 1
toughness (oh yeah, that's all of my other
creatures). This isn't as good and you won't want to
do it every game but it could come in handy. Last,
but not least, I can use it to control an opponent's
creature if I need to. Bottom line is this card
gives me some interesting possibilities but overall
is not a strong card nor would I want/need multiples
in play; thus I included only 1.
As for the counterspells (no caps means I'm
referring to any card that allows me to counter a
spell as opposed to the actual spell Counterspell).
I included 7 total. This really isn't as many as I
would like but in a deck like this counterspells
aren't the focus. I pretty much put the rest of the
deck together and then see how much room I have
left. That room either goes to smoothing out my mana
curve, card drawing effects, or counterspells. You
may notice that my choice doesn't include the best
of all the counterspells which is Counterspell
itself. The reason I chose to eliminate this card
from the deck is that it costs two blue mana. Since
this is a two color deck that doesn't use any
dual-lands (lands that produce 2 colors of mana, can
also refer specifically to the cards that produced
two types of mana without any drawbacks that were
published in the first few printings ) I want to
keep colored mana costs to a minimum.
- To replace
Counterspell I choose Memory Lapse. Many players
dislike this card. They are all wrong (okay that's
my opinion) and while it's true that many
experienced players still don't like this card I
believe that seeing the uses of this card are
something that separates a greenhorn from an old
hand. Having said that I will let you work that
puzzle out on your own (or you can research it on
the web, in fact you don't even have to leave Pojo).
The bottom line is that Memory Lapse is more
flexible than my other counterspell (since it
doesn't allow my opponent to tap mana to get out of
the effect) so I put 4 in. The Miscalculation are
good because they also only require 1 blue mana and
I can cycle it to draw a card if I want/need to.
Again, this card drawing is a good thing and lets me
get away with playing only 2 or 3 copies of some
- Another odd addition
is Chromatic Sphere. This card is another one that
doesn't see much play. It's good because it helps
smooth out your mana distribution since it will let
you cast any spell in your deck even if you don't
have the right colored mana. It also lets you draw a
card. I don't remember but I think I may have
mentioned that drawing cards is good. Back in the
day, actually not that far back, I used to play with
Barbed Sextant in my decks and people used to laugh
at me. Now I play with the Sphere and people still
laugh at me but I still like the card a lot. Also,
if I never get a chance to write an article about it
(I was intending on doing it) both of these cards
are great in decks that use Threshold because they
let you draw a card (this gives you another spell to
cast that could end up in your graveyard) and they
get sacrificed so they go to your graveyard.
The last thing we need for this deck is land. To
determine the amount of land that I will need I have
to look at my nifty chart. I will want to find what
number of lands give me a good chance of having 3
mana (the amount of mana I need to cast all the
important cards in my deck) as soon as possible
(that is on turn 3). I just looked it up and I was
told that I need between 18 and 22 lands. I settled
on 19 since I have so many cantrips (cards that
replace themselves in your hand when cast) that
allow me to draw extra cards and since I have the
Chromatic Sphere to help even out any problems I
have because I can't find the right color of mana.
Since I have more blue spells than red and since
they are generally more important than my red spells
I included a larger number of Islands than
Well, that's all folks. Okay, you caught me in
another lie: that isn't even close to everything
about the subject. These are guidelines. In time you
will develop your own intuition about these things
and you will also find that there are many more
subtle reasons to change the number of a given spell
in your deck. As for the deck I made, don't write me
and tell me it's not the best (because I know it
isn't). Still it's a good casual fun deck that uses
cards most people don't play with(which is fun in
and of itself) and it should be quite cheap and easy
to put together if you want to. If you can't find
the cards e-mail me and I will find you more common
and/or cheaper cards to replace them with.
If you want to design a really good blue/red deck do
some research on the history of Counter-Burn or
Counter-Phoenix decks and work from there. Another
good blue/red deck is a tempo deck (tempo decks are
fast aggressive decks that try to win by laying a
few early creatures and then controlling the short
remainder of the game with bounce or direct damage)
that uses Jilt, Curfew, and creatures with haste
(not affected by summoning sickness), it can also be
made mostly from commons and for just a few bucks.
Last but not least since I know from the e-mails I
have already received that many of you started
around Prophecy, you can have fun with the Rhystic
cards (blue has some good common ones) and red's
land destruction effects.
Well, let's try this again. That's the end folks.
That's all I wrote this time around. Be good, play
hard, and do some math before you build your next
deck. Decks aren't built by shuffling your cards
together. You have to think about why each and every
card is in your deck and what it will do for you.
Good luck and I'll see you again in a week or so.
Jason Chapman
- chaps_man@hotmail.com
- Phantasmal
1U, Summon Phantasm 1/1, Ice Age Uncommon
T: Target creature you control, which has toughness
less than 3, gains flying and gets +1/+1 until end
of turn. Other effects may later be used to increase
that creature''s toughness beyond 3. If Phantasmal
Mount leaves play before end of turn, bury the
creature. If the creature leaves play before end of
turn, bury Phantasmal Mount.
Illus. Melissa A. Benson
- Spark Mage
- Card Color: R
- Mana Cost: R
- Type & Class:
Creature - Dwarf Wizard
- Pow/Tou: 1/1
- Card Text: Whenever
Spark Mage deals combat damage to a player, you may
have Spark Mage deal 1 damage to target creature
that player controls. Flavor Text: The Pardic
Mountains are known for their spicy cuisine.
- Artist: Paolo Parente
- Rarity: U
2R, Summon Dwarves 2/2, Visions Common
If Dwarven Vigilantes attacks and is not blocked, you
may choose to have it deal no combat damage this turn.
If you do, Dwarven Vigilantes deals an amount of damage
equal to its power to target creature.
Some dwarves can only be pushed so far.
Illus. Pete Venters
2U, Summon Wizard 1/1, Tempest Uncommon
Shadow (This creature can block or be blocked by only
creatures with shadow.)
You may choose not to untap Thalakos Dreamsower during
your untap phase.
If Thalakos Dreamsower damages any opponent, tap target
creature. As long as Thalakos Dreamsower remains tapped,
that creature does not untap during its controller''s
untap phase.
Illus. Susan Van Camp
Thalakos Scout
2U, Summon Soldier 2/1, Exodus Common
Shadow (This creature can block or be blocked by only
creatures with shadow.)
Choose and discard a card: Return Thalakos Scout to
owner''s hand.
Illus. Daren Bader
Razorfin Hunter
UR, Creature ---- Merfolk 1/1, Apocalypse Common
T: Razorfin Hunter deals 1 damage to target creature or
No one knew if they''d been lurking under the sea all
along, or if they''d been created by the Phyrexian
Illus. Jeff Easley
U, Enchant Creature, Exodus Uncommon
If enchanted creature damages an opponent, you may draw
a card.
All Mirri wanted to do was rest, but she couldn''t
ignore a nagging suspicion as she followed Crovax''s
skulking form.
Illus. Val Mayerik
Immobilizing Ink
1U, Enchant Creature, Odyssey CommonEnchanted creature
doesn't untap during its controller's untap step.
Enchanted creature has 1, Discard a card from your hand:
Untap this creature.
Illus. Darrell Riche
Shadow Rift
U, Instant, Tempest Common
Target creature gains shadow until end of turn. (This
creature can block or be blocked by only creatures with
Draw a card.
Illus. Adam Rex
Goblin War Drums
2R, Enchantment, Fifth Edition Common
Each creature you control cannot be blocked by only one
""Goblins charge with a deafening war cry. The
cry doesn''t mean anything----it just drowns out the
----Reod Dai, mercenary
Illus. Dan Frazier
U, Enchant Creature, Fourth Edition Uncommon
Backfire deals 1 damage to target creature''s controller
for each 1 damage dealt to you by that creature.
Illus. Brian Snoddy
1U, Interrupt, Urza''s Legacy Common
Counter target spell unless its caster pays an
additional 2.
Cycling 2 (You may pay 2 and discard this card from your
hand to draw a card. Play this ability as an instant.)
Illus. Jeff Laubenstein
Memory Lapse
1U, Instant, 7th Edition Common
Counter target spell. Put it on top of its owner''s
library instead of into that player''s graveyard.
""Eri phar phesta . . . um, phistor . . . er,
phistara . . .""
Illus. Tristan Elwell
Chromatic Sphere
1, Artifact, Invasion Uncommon
1, T, Sacrifice Chromatic Sphere: Add one mana of any
color to your mana pool. Draw a card.
""Let insight and energy be your
----The Blind Seer, to Gerrard
Illus. Luca Zontini
Dwarven Warriors
2R, Summon Dwarves 1/1, Alpha/Beta/Unlimited Edition
Tap to make a creature of power no greater than 2
unblockable until end of turn. Other cards may later be
used to increase target creature''s power beyond 2 after
defense is chosen.
Illus. Douglas Shuler
Phyrexian Negator
2B, Creature ---- Horror 5/5, Urza''s Destiny Rare
Whenever Phyrexian Negator is dealt damage, sacrifice a
permanent for each 1 damage dealt to it.
They exist to cease.
Goblin Cadets
R, Summon Goblins 2/1, Urza''s Saga Uncommon
Whenever Goblin Cadets blocks or becomes blocked, target
opponent gains control of it. (This removes Goblin
Cadets from combat.)
""If you kids don''t stop that racket, I''m
turning this expedition around right now!""
Illus. Jerry Tiritilli
Barbed Sextant
1, Artifact, Fifth Edition Common
1, tap, Sacrifice Barbed Sextant: Add one mana of any
color to your mana pool. Play this ability as a mana
source. Draw a card at the beginning of the next turn.
Illus. Amy Weber
1U, Instant, Apocalypse Common
Kicker 1R (You may pay an additional 1R as you play this
Return target creature to its owner''s hand. If you paid
the kicker cost, Jilt deals 2 damage to another target
""You''re not my Hanna!""
-Gerrard, to Yawgmoth
Illus. Terese Nielsen
U, Instant, Urza''s Saga Common
Each player chooses a creature he or she controls and
returns it to owner''s hand.
"". . . But I''m not tired!""
Illus. Randy Gallegos