
- Practice Makes Pro
- If you don't think
that the Pros practice you are wrong. If you think
the Pros don't test their decks you're wrong again.
Just like any other activity, Magic takes practice
and the game rewards those who put forth the time
and the effort. Since States is coming up soon I
will be discussing ways to practice and ways to test
decks before States. No matter what else I say in
this article, I cannot stress the importance of
practice and testing enough. Good players can play
mediocre decks and beat better decks played by worse
players game after game. Mediocre players can play
the best deck and leave a tournament with a 0-6
record. The same is true for testing a deck. Some
experienced players can learn the feel of a new deck
quickly but this is the exception, the simple fact
of the matter is that the player who knows how their
deck plays out is much more likely to win every game
they play. If you don't know your deck you won't
know how to play it and you will make mistakes that
cause you to lose every game. Which type of player
do you want to be?
Practice, Patience, and Testing: The 12 Step Program
A large part of Magic is just experience. Just being
around the game lets you learn. You learn to feel
comfortable with different strategies, different
decks, new ideas, and new cards. The things you like
may not change, but you will begin to feel
comfortable with a lot of new stuff. A perfect
example is the fact that very few new players like
Black because everything worth casting causes damage
to you. As you gain experience that perception
changes and all of a sudden you are dropping life at
astounding rates, and winning while you do it.
- Well, there is no way
that you can cram years of experience into the next
few weeks so how do you rapidly ramp up your skill
and get a deck ready?
1) Go and find a player who is better than you that
would be willing to train with you.
The bottom line is that life is (rarely) like an
RPG. Beating kobolds all day won't do much for your
experience point total but killing a Red Dragon
will. Better players will have things to teach you.
They will have tricks that you don't know and they
will use them.
- 2) Go and find a
player who is worse than you and teach them what you
This may sound mutually exclusive with point #1 but
it's not. Magic players do a lot of things by
instinct. How many of you have thought of the reason
why you play 90% of your spells during your 2nd
main phase or how you choose which cards to block.
By spending time teaching newer players you can
begin to more fully understand many aspects of the
game that you may have just taken for granted
- 3) Now that you have
two other people to help you out, go buy a box of
Split 3 ways, this should be doable and this will
also provide all of you with cards needed for decks
and trade fodder.
- 4) Start playing
Solomon Drafts with your two training buddies.
- Solomon Drafts only
need two players instead of 6-8 so they are a lot
easier to pull off. Basically, each of you takes 3
booster packs and then you open all the cards (90
cards total). Shuffle all the cards together and
then divide them into 10 piles of 9 cards each. Then
starting one of you picks up the first pile and
divides it into 2 piles (they don't have to be
equal). The other person chooses which pile they
want and then picks up the next pile to divide it
and so on. At the end, grab as many basic lands as
you want.
Drafts in general serve to help players begin to
feel out new sets. In addition they help to improve
upon deck building skills, especially land
allocation. Finally, since you will be playing with
ungainly and unfocused decks, you will be forced to
play cards creatively and learn how to handle
unexpected circumstances.
5) Go to the store and buy lots of paper, address
labels for the printer, and regular playing cards.
- Okay, there isn't much
strategy here but you will need this stuff for the
next step. Try buying recycled paper or (if you are
broke) recycle extra flyers that are left places
(it's amazing how much paper can be recovered this
way). If you don't want to spend money for address
labels and playing cards then download apprentice.
There is something to be said for actually holding
the cards when you use them latter and it will help
the learning process but the choice is yours.
Apprentice is also more convenient however.
- 6) Print out a
complete spoiler list.
- Start reading this
list and discussing it with your two practice pals.
Knowing the cards that people are playing will save
you from more play mistakes than you might think. It
will also help you think about your own decks and
the other decks that you will be facing. Don't be
afraid to mark up your spoiler list with rules
reminders, errata, notes, ideas, and anything else.
Rating cards on the spoiler can also help you out
especially if you think about deck ideas that would
make the card perform even better. Discuss cards
that you feel are powerful, cards that you think
will be played, and cards that you don't understand.
- 7) Print out the
comprehensive rules .
- This sucks since last
time I checked it was well over 100 pages. As an
alternate strategy download them to your computer.
Either way, start to browse through the rules. You
don't need to memorize anything but you do need to
pick out things you find interesting, things you
didn't know, and also get a feel for how the rules
work. This will also help prevent a lot of errors
during play and will make you a better player. Don't
spend too much time here, like I said just get a
feel for the rules.
- 8) Start printing the
articles you like and the current deck lists.
Read these not once but many times. With your
friends try discussing why each deck uses each card
and what you think of the strategies that you see.
Try to understand exactly why an article makes a
claim and then examine it to see if you agree. Just
because a player writes something doesn't make it
gospel. When I published my Reyanimator deck I made
a claim that recursion was card advantage. Someone
(Dave, who designed the original, see the link
provided in that article) pointed out to me that
this wasn't the case since most reanimation decks
made 1-1 or 1-2 card trades just for a little extra
speed. My point was that, while the card tradeoff
was made, reanimation effects basically gained an
additional library to play cards from as well as a
constant Demonic Tutor type effect; thus gaining
card advantage through choice and quality. If you
had taken that comment at face value your
understanding wouldn't have been as good as if you
had questioned it. Also, keep a list of the themes
that keep coming up, you will need this when you
test your deck. Never be afraid to mark up or change
the other decks either. In fact, if you don't alter
a net deck at all maybe you shouldn't go to the
tournament, no one else will ever design a deck that
is fit exactly for your local tournament scene
(often called the metagame) or for your play style.
9) Using your new found knowledge sit down with your
friends and start creating lots of decks.
- Don't stop with one or
two decks, design as many as you can. Sit around and
discuss the ins and outs of each deck and prepare a
list of good and bad match ups for each deck even
before you play them. Think about mana curves and
other important game issues. Once you have toyed
around with these ideas for a while build them (by
printing out the full text of each
card on the address labels and then sticking them to
the playing cards or by using Apprentice). Start
playing these decks and start analyzing how their
performance compared with your expectations. Why was
there a difference? How could you fix it (if it were
a problem)?
- 10) Now go back to the
drawing board and start all over again with the
- The cards that you
just made should now compromise a thorough list of
all the cards that will be played at the tournament.
Take them and shuffle them together into a big pile
and then divide that pile into smaller piles and
start playing Solomon Draft with these cards. This
will help teach you about unexpected interactions
between cards and it is a faster way to test this
type of thing for the whole field (although you run
the risk of missing some important interactions).
Still, this is even more play experience and play
experience is, of course, the most important kind.
- 11) Build your deck.
This is the point at which you should settle down
and pick your deck. Do this as early as possible and
as soon as you get a feel for the format. Picking a
deck early may mean that you end up with a deck that
isn't "the best" but if you followed the
previous steps it should be a Tier 1 (a deck capable
of regularly winning tournaments) deck anyway. If
it's not, stick with the deck for this tournament
(unless you are very sure of your ability to adapt
to a new deck) but start thinking about where you
went wrong. Anyway, picking a deck early gives you
time to get comfortable with it. In turn, knowing
your deck and feeling comfortable with it will mean
that you will play games as if you were a much more
experienced player.
- 12) Send your friends
home and play with your Gold Fish.
Playing against the goldfish is how most decks are
tested, at least initially. Basically all you do is
sit down by yourself and play a game against no one.
All you are trying to do is get a feel for how your
deck plays out. Is the land mix okay? How long does
it take to deal 20 damage? After each game, take all
the cards you played and put them back on your deck
in the same order and play again. Do things
differently and see how that affects your deck.
Finally, play against the script. A script can be as
simple or as complex as you want to make it,
basically it simulates a general style of deck by
laying out some arbitrary events. Here are a few
Aggressive Script (Sligh/Rocket Shoes)
- Turn 1: Nothing
- Turn 2: You lose 2
life unless you can block (in which case you lose a
- Turn 3: You lose 2
life unless you can block, You lose 2 life or a
- Turn 4: You lose 4
life unless you can block, discard a creature kill
card or counterspell if you have one or lose 2 life,
you lose 2 life or a creature
- Turn 5: You lose 8
life unless you can block 2 creatures (in which case
lose 1 creature), discard a creature kill card or
counterspell if you have one or lose 2 life, lose 2
life or a creature
- Turn 6+: Repeat turn 5
- Control Script (Finkel,
Turn 1: Nothing
- Turn 2: Nothing
- Turn 3: Discard the
best spell from your hand or discard a counterspell
- Turn 4: Discard a card
at random from your hand or return a permanent to
your hand
- Turn 5: Discard the
best spell from your hand, return a permanent to
your hand
- Turn 6: Destroy all
permanents unless you discard a counterspell
- Turn 7: Discard the
best spell from your hand or discard a counterspell
- Turn 8: Take 3 damage
- Turn 9: Take 3 damage,
return a permanent to your hand
- Turn 10: Repeat steps
- Land Destruction
- Turn 1: Nothing
- Turn 2: Deal 2 damage
or destroy 1 creature
- Turn 3: Destroy a land
- Turn 4: Deal 3 damage
or destroy 1 creature or destroy 1 land (which ever
would be worst for you)
- Turn 5: Do 1 of the
choices from turn 4 but choose which would be best
for you
- Turn 6: Rinse and
repeat steps 4 and 5
- Scripts sure aren't
perfect but they can give a general sense of a
deck's weaknesses and strengths. This is the general
script that I always start with and is not tuned to
the environment. To tune the script sit down with
your card list and group the decks into categories
and then figure out the best possible game that each
of the categories could have. Then tone it down just
a little bit and you have your script. Don't change
your deck yet but start thinking what you can do to
shore up its weak spots.
13) Call your friends back and start the real
- Get your friends back
over and start playing your deck against their
decks. If there are decks you expect to see that no
one else has built make them (on Apprentice or with
the labels and playing cards) and test your deck
(and your friend's decks) against them. 5-10 games
against each of the expected match ups is a good
start. Try replaying games that you lost to see if
you could find another way to win. When you aren't
playing watch your friends and see what they are
doing right and what they are doing wrong (don't
forget to talk to them about this stuff).
- Well, there you have
it. It may look like a lot of work and it is, but
following a program like this for a few big
tournaments will soon have a beginner playing like a
pro. Like I said above, don't take my word for it.
Pick apart this article and decide what you like and
what you don't like. Try changing things and find
out what works for you. The most important piece of
advice is that if this all seems overwhelming or if
you stop having fun or if your school work starts to
suffer you should stop. Magic is just a game and
there will always be another tournament, but when
Magic no longer seems like a game and starts to seem
like real work you will never reach the top of your
Jason Chapman
- chaps_man@hotmail.com