
Argothian Treehouse
with Andy Van Zandt
At the Grand Prix in New Orleans this past weekend (more
on that in a future
article) there was a new requirement added to the
pre-game queue. After
rolling the dice or flipping the coin to determine who
has the choice of
playing or drawing (i.e. whoever wins goes first), you
had to mark down the
winner of the flip on the match results slip with an
asterisk. This was for
the auspicious purpose of aiding wizards r&d on
determining if who goes
first has an effect on the environment. Now, as most
people know, it
certainly has an effect on the games... getting off the
first duress or
being able to force spike on your opponent's first turn
are both very
important things. And if you're playing a mirror
match, the games very
often come down to "he who goes first, wins". This can
especially be seen
when you watch matches such as mono-black control on
mono-black control in
odyssey block constructed, or reanimator/alluren mirror
matches in
Now perhaps this may be changed a little. If it turns
out that an
overwhelming majority of the matches are dependent on
who wins the flip,
then we may end up with a new attachment to the "play or
draw rule", which
was the original innovation they came up with when it
was determined that
the person who goes first has too big of an advantage.
So my friends and I
started brainstorming up ideas of what they might be
considering as
potential changes to the "who goes first" rules.
1: Give the person who plays second information
advantage, such as a peek
at the top cards of 1 of the player's libraries, or a
glance at their
opponent's hand. This kind of information would be more
important than it
seems, if given before the second player has to decide
to mulligan or not.
2: Give the person who plays second a land advantage.
They could choose a
basic land out of their starting hand and put it into
play before the game
starts. This would not only give them the ability to
have 2 lands on their
turn 1, but also the ability to
force-spike/shock/whatever on their
opponent's first turn.
3: Restrict the person who plays first's ability to
play, first. Don't let
them cast any spells during their first turn. They can
still cast on the
second player's first turn, but they can't bust a move
with a jackal pup or
duress before their opponent can react. This could also
be done by making
all permanents played during the first turn of the game
(only the very first
turn, by the first player) come into play tapped.
4: Have the starting hands of both players be reduced by
1 (6 card starting
hand). This is a subtle difference, it slightly
increases the overall
percentage of card advantage the second player will have
by being the first
to draw.
5: (my favorite) Change the mulligans. Either disallow
the first player the
ability to mulligan at all, or only let them do a
no-land mulligan (if they
have no land in their starting hand, they may reveal
it, shuffle it back,
and draw 7 new cards). Or perhaps just give the second
player 1 free paris
mulligan, without depleting the amount of cards they
These are just a few options we came up with. There are
many more subtle
(and of course some far more extreme) ideas about what
may be done. And for
all I know, the results may show that the player who
goes first doesn't
affect enough matches to require any change. But if
they start making us
mark the winner of the dice roll at local ptq's, think
back on this article
and what may come of those asterisks.
Questions or comments are, of course, welcome. And if
you have any
thoughts on my Burrows Article from a couple of weeks
ago, I'd especially
welcome those, as I'm putting together a follow up on
it with input from
the emails i've recieved. You could see your name in
print ;)
You can reach
Andy at: andyvanzandt@hotmail.com