
Argothian Treehouse
with Andy Van Zandt
Nothing Up My
I remember, at one of my first tournaments (not
sanctioned, because there
wasn't a DCI at the time), I saw a player shuffling
cards in the old loose
plastic sleeves that you store sports cards in. I
laughed at him, but not
because I didn't understand wanting to protect the value
of his cards
(having gone through a baseball card phase of my own at
one point), more
because it looked goofy and I just didn't think there
was enough of a
secondary market to justify it. But nowadays, everyone
plays with sleeves,
all the time. And I still don't really care for it.
Now, I do understand that there is a thriving secondary
market (duh), and
protecting your cards is important. But I still don't
like sleeving my
cards (when I can get away with it) for a couple of
reasons. First, I just
prefer shuffling normal sized cards the normal way.
There's more
satisfaction in the quick buzz of a riffle shuffle than
there is with
sleeves, especially since you're usually doing a side
shuffle with them.
Second, I don't like the stigma that players put on
unsleeved cards. Yes,
cards scuff, yes they can be marked easily, but I
guarantee if I wanted to
cheat, I can adequately mark my sleeves, even over the
course of a game
(if you know me at all though, you know I don't cheat,
Another thing that really irks me about sleeves is when
people are forced to
re-sleeve simply for scuffed or worn sleeves. I've seen
it done, and I
argue it every time, because it's absurd. If there's no
pattern or
markings, and no intent to cheat, then it doesn't matter
how beat up the
sleeves OR the cards themselves are. You can play three
games with sleeves
and they'll be "scuffed". You'd think it was WotC
themselves making the
sleeves, for the amount they force us to buy. I think
we should have the
option of simply de-sleeving, and then if we have what
would be deemed as
"marked" cards, provided proxies by the tournament
organizer. And on the
subject of forced to buy, the sleeve situation at PT
Houston was
unacceptable. Vendors were not allowed to sell sleeves,
at all. Only the
Ultra-Pro stand could peddle them. Which means (if any
of you are familiar
with Ultra-Pro sleeves) you could only buy bad sleeves.
They had some
japanese sleeves too, thank goodness.
Ultra-Pro, in the beginning, was a good company. And
the only one. You
could, of course, buy the sleeves like the ones I
mentioned at the beginning
of this article, but they were loose and not rigid
enough, and not opaque.
And while they put out a variety of card holders, most
which went from
concept to creation without testing the functionality
first, their sleeves
were a mainstay. And I could be wrong, but I think
this conceit over their
monopoly contributed to a degradation in the quality of
their sleeves over
time. This is especially evident in the new metallic
ones, that not only
leave their color on your hands, but after about 20
games the metallic stuff
starts rubbing off completely, leaving small clear spots
on the sleeves.
At this point, if I'm in a position where I'm forced to
buy ultra-pro
sleeves, I feel like I'm tossing away 8 bucks for
one-time use sleeves. And
that's not acceptable, especially when not only are you
occasionally forced
to re-sleeve your deck, but you also are forced to buy
from the ultra-pro
stand. It almost makes me want to buy stock in Arcane
Tin Men, if I could.
They put out Dragon Shields, which I will swear by. I
played my tog deck
through 5 or 6 days worth of tournaments, plus
playtesting sessions, on one
box of black Dragon Shields. No splits, and while they
may be worn, they're
still playable.
And despite my unfavorable disposition towards ultra-pro
products at this
point, they did manage to do a couple of things right-
one of which is
their new 2 dollar plastic logo deckboxes. They're
durable, they don't
easily break at the seams, they are the correct price
(while I do like the
Ray Field boxes, and to a lesser extent the new plastic
ones with the magic
pictures on them, they are by and large easier to break
and way more
expensive than they should be.), and they're simple,
which means ultra-pro
managed not to mess them up. In basic colors with the
ultra-pro logo on
them, I'm thinking of buying like, 10 of them before
they realize they
actually did something right and discontinue them.
While I did like the old
cardboard and velcro boxes, and appreciate the extra
art, I'm a big fan of
getting a long lasting and functional product for a low
cost. If I could
just buy Dragon shields in those plastic ultra-pro
boxes, I'd be one happy
So yeah, here's hoping either Ultra-Pro gets its act
together and makes good
sleeves again, or Arcane tin men starts putting out
similar rugged plastic
boxes full of their sleeves. And here's hoping that
people get a clue and
stop forcing people to resleeve when it's not
necessary. And please please
don't let ultra-pro monopolize the sleeve market at
major events again.
That's just not cool. A last remark, one thing that is
a bonus to me in
limited tournaments is I get to play without sleeves,
since all the cards
are, of course, brand new and "unmarked". If you have
any questions or
comments about sleeves, card products, or my article(s),
feel free to send
me an email.
You can reach
Andy at: andyvanzandt@hotmail.com