
Argothian Treehouse
with Andy Van Zandt
Onslaught -
Legions Limited
To preface this article, I
am not the one you should be listening to about
Onslaught limited. I've been performing horribly
throughout the limited
formats that it has encompassed so far. I would like to
say it's all
because the format is way too random, too luck driven,
too bomb driven,
etc... which may be true. But it may also be true that
I just don't
understand it well enough. So I'll share what little I
have learned so far.
First off, as is often the case, onslaught block sealed
is FAR more luck
driven than the draft is. I will concede that I am
apparently clueless
about both, but the fact of the matter is that you see
the same types of
decks at the top tables, and more specifically the same
types of bombs.
Sparksmiths and Slice and Dice decks being the most
common thing to point
at, then some of the absurd cards like Exalted Angel.
But this is to be
expected, as it always is in sealed. There's the same
luck in the draw, but
the bad part comes in the luck of what you open. Skill
is still and always
will be a factor, both in deck building and in playing.
But with fate
swirling her hand a bit heavier than other formats, it
can be frustrating
to play in limited in general, much less in onslaught
In draft, I can't hide behind the luck factor as much,
there's just too
much skill in the format, and even more so when even the
creature types
matter. And they do matter. As good as the cards
separately in your
sliver-beast-zombie-elf black/green draft deck may be,
if you pay more
attention to what your drafting your deck will end up
stronger overall. All
the tribal influences really do encourage cutting down
on your creature
types. Amplify being very notable, since it's pretty
good to lay a 4 drop
and amplify it for 3 or 4, rather than 1 or 2. But
that's still only one
of many of the tribal influences. Too many cards simply
want you to have
lots of something in play or available in your deck. A
large profane
prayers or the fact that you have 4 elves in play for
your gempalm to pump
are game-swinging factors. And it's not something just
to pay attention to
while drafting, but also while building. Deathmark
Prelate is a strong
card, but if you've only got 4 other zombies and under
normal circumstances
would only consider playing 2 of them, perhaps he won't
make the final cut,
in favor of greater overall card strength.
Next up- 2 toughness. I'm starting to be of the
opinion that I should
almost invariably play anything I draft/open with three
excluding absurdly overcosted things and perhaps wall of
hope. It's just
that important, not only because of all the morph
critters out there, but
because of the critters in general. Add in 2 or greater
power, and I'm
almost drooling. Elvish warrior is an amazing vanilla
creature. He's cheap
and a 2/3 AND an elf. He comes down at least a turn
before their morph
creature does, and gets to confidently swing into it
anyways if you want
him to. And of course block if you like that kind of
thing. Daru
Sanctifier is underrated I think. Just because you
don't get to kill an
enchantment doesn't mean you shouldn't unmorph this
dude. Damage on the
stack and unmorph him is as decent a combat trick as
most of the non-green
ones provide, and he takes on hill giants and vorines
all day. The fact
that he might kill an enchantment for you is an added
bonus. By the same
token, Wall of Deceit is one of my favorite blue
critters, and certainly
one of its better ground-pounders.
Don't be afraid to cycle cards. Yeah, Scion of Darkness
wins games, but if
you're about to miss your fourth land drop for the third
turn in the row,
he probably won't pull you out of your current tailspin
by sitting in your
Don't be afraid to trade off your good unmorphed dudes
for theirs.
Obviously you shouldn't chump off your skinthinner to
what is probably their
snarling undorak, but you shouldn't be afraid to
sacrifice a potential
combat-tricker for something that might be a skirk
commando or even
something that might be a bigger combat trick in their
favor later on. on
the 4th turn you may want to trade your gravel slinger
for what will very
likely be their treespring lorian in a few turns.
Blue usually won't support more than a couple drafters
at the table very
well. The 5/3 black horror is usually not as good as he
may first appear,
and neither is echo tracer. The rare 1/2 red guy who
can unmorph one of
your critters but kills it at the end of the turn is
better than it may
look, and wingbeat warrior is twice as good as it looks
to start with, and
it looks good to start with so that's saying something.
And yeah, any or all of my assertations may be in
error, and I know for
sure I'm missing huge portions of onslaught-legions
limited strategy. If
you'd care to let me in on anything you know, feel free
to email me.
You can reach
Andy at: andyvanzandt@hotmail.com