
Argothian Treehouse
with Andy Van Zandt
Proportions: Part One
This article is more a preface to the next two I intend
to write, just
giving you a brief overview of what I mean when I say
certain things. All
included, it's about how you behave when confronted
with decisions, and
cheating, and other things besides. As a warning, this
first part will not
include much specific talk about magic, just a couple
things to make sure
we're all on the same page.
A philosophical discussion. More specifically, one
concerning ethics and
morals. Philosophy, for those who don't know, is
basically anything that
starts off with "I think", it's subjects run from the
mundane to the
metaphysical, which to some is one and the same. But
in general, most
philosophical theory or argument is about a few specific
things... the
nature of existence (of us as people, of the world, or
of the universe),
how we should examine things and the limitations we have
had imposed on us
or impose on us on our own, and how and why we should
behave. These
articles are more about the third one, which for the
most part is covered
by two categories: Ethics and Morals.
Ethics is a standard of behaviour, either laid out by
society, yourself, or
some other governing faction in your life (your church
being one of the more
common ones, but we'll try not to get too preachy
here). You often make
decisions based on your code of ethics without even
thinking about them,
but by and large people often have pre-set notions of
how they should
behave. Laws (the kind the police enforce) are a good
example of an ethical
code. Now while "i'm gonna put on my underwear and
socks every day when i
wake up" is a standard you set for yourself, i'd be
hard pressed to call
that a matter of ethics. Ethics is more along the lines
of why you
would lay out those socks and underwear each day,
although that's (in
general) a more trivial issue than one you would
normally evaluate the "why"
of. For now we'll just say Ethics are your guidelines
of behaviour that you
make for yourself.
Morality is often considered an aspect of ethics, but
in this essay it will
be more defined. Morality is based on why your
guidelines are the way they
are. Often this is defined as what is "good" and what
is "evil", in the
greater scheme of things. Often (sorry again) this goes
back to a matter of
religion, or what God says is wrong or right. Wrong or
Right, Good or Bad,
Evil or Just, and the shades of grey in between (if
you're of the belief
that there are shades of grey, some people aren't).
Now one of the big differences between morality and
ethics is how you can
argue about them. You can disagree with someone's elses
ethical code, and
say it is immoral for them to set such guidelines for
themselves, but you
can't say their ethics are wrong, or incorrect. Your
ethical code is not
wrong or right, it just is. To do something unethical
is to break your
ethical code. It's kind of like opinion, your opinion
can't be "incorrect"
because it's an opinion. "No running on the pool deck"
is not wrong or
right, it just is what it is, a guideline.
Morality on the other hand, is something that sparks
debate all the time,
because someone can (or rather will) say you are wrong
or right in regards
to it. Let's say for instance that killing someone with
full knowledge of
your actions is immoral, or "evil" (this is arguable of
course, but we can
talk about that some other time. Just assume for now
that it is "evil" or
"bad"). Now a man with that viewpoint may go his whole
life and refuse at
every opportunity to kill a person, even when others
might. But another
man, who also may believe it to be immoral to knowingly
take another life,
may kill someone who is threatening him, who is
stealing his car, or in a
war. Both people may have the same Moral beliefs, but
their code of ethics
is different, so they behave differently under the same
circumstances. Now
either of these people could point at someone who
believes it is NOT evil to
kill (lets say this guy argues that we're all animals
really, primal
instinct means animals kill each other sometimes) and
say that his moral
code is "wrong", and he may say that theirs is "wrong",
although it is
still a matter of opinion (kinda, or rather a differing
of assertations
based on belief or experience) it is an arguement about
the nature of the
universe and what is "good" or "evil" in the universe,
rather than what you
choose to do for yourself.
Confused yet? good. In summary, morality is an
assumption of what is
"good/right/just" and what is "bad/wrong/evil". Ethics
is the guidelines
you choose to follow for your behaviour, often based on
your morals. Next
article we'll actually relate this stuff to magic.
Until then, feel free to
let me know what I've incorrectly said so far, or what
I got right.
You can reach
Andy at: andyvanzandt@hotmail.com