
Argothian Treehouse
with Andy Van Zandt
Proportions - Part III
The third and final bit in my (some would say) eccentric
ramblings that I
call articles concerning morals and ethics in magic. You
should probably
read the first 2 parts before you read this, If you
haven't, go do that
now. Again, to review in brief, morals are a sense of
what is
"right/just" and what is "wrong/corrupt", while ethics
are a code of
standards for behaviour, often centered on one's moral
This time we're going to talk primarily about ethics
(although as was shown
last article, it's hard to talk about ethics without
touching on morals,
and vice versa). Let's lay some moral groundwork for our
next couple of
examples... we'll assume that cheating is evil. Nothing
else besides that,
just that cheating is evil.
A couple of weeks ago, I was playing against a friend of
mine in a sealed
deck tournament. He was keeping track of life totals,
and I was slowly
gaining control of the game with a couple of provoke
critters. I had only
eaten one hit for 2 early on in the game, so I was in a
good position.
Then his Rorix hits the table and smashes me for six. I
lay a morphed
skinthinner and say go, eat another 6, and unmorph the
skinthinner on my
turn. I go back to pushing my advantage, he slows me
down a bit but the
provokers are winning out with the help of a couple
spells. Then his Akroma
comes down and smashes me, I look over at his pad and
see that i was at 12
and that akroma hit leaves me at 6, so i have one turn
to topdeck my
pacifism. I don't and I scoop, which (given the current
board state) was
an error, because I could have swung around akroma for
the win by provoking
him with my deftblade elite (barely). Yeah, I'm a bad
But more importantly for our discussion, did anyone else
notice something
wrong with the story? I took one hit for 2, brings me to
18. Then Rorix
surprises me and I go to 12, I lay skinthinner and then
go to 6, then kill
Rorix. Then somehow I survive an akroma hit later. This
was an error on
both our parts, I shouldn't have even had the
opportunity to swing for the
win (even though I didn't notice the opportunity until
too late). But what
if I had seen that opportunity?
As a brief aside, it could be said that cheating
happened, whether or not
I or Pechon meant it to. Something happened that was
against the rules,
and it could have altered the game's outcome. Thus some
would say that
something not morally correct happened. Now while I am
of the opinion that
it becomes a "tainted" game, not a real game because
part of it which
shouldn't be changed, was, I also think that intent
plays a large part in
morality. It is wrong to cheat, and the game was
misplayed, but since I
had no intent to alter the games outcome, it wasn't
cheating in my book.
Also keep in mind that I wasn't the one who was keeping
track of life,
(although I'm supposed to), and that my friend was, but
he only stood to
lose from mistracking it. Some would say that doesn't
matter, that either
one or both of us was "cheating" and thus wrong.
Morality is a fickle
thing, but this also goes back to the semantics of
cheating (I have some
friends who believe that intent should not ever be a
factor, only actions
and consequences).
Back to the matter at hand, what if I had seen that
opportunity to kill
him? And more relevant to this article, what if I
suddenly realized that I
should already be dead, but that I had the opportunity
to win the game? I
know what I do in that situation (I'm a goody-two-shoes,
sorry), but put
yourself in that circumstance, and ask yourself those
questions. Change
things around. Make it someone you hate that you're
playing against. Make
it you who was keeping track of life and them who has
the opportunity to
cheat. I think a lot of people put in this situation,
whether they would
think it morally wrong to cheat, would actually struggle
with their ethics,
their guidelines they set for behaviour.
More interestingly, some people put to these questions,
will find their
ethics mutable. They say they will act one way, but when
presented with
the situation in real life, they pause and give it
thought, rather than
jumping to what they think is the "morally correct"
answer. And some
people, will pause, give it thought, and then either
break their ethical
code, or alter it (depending on how you/they look at
it). Go back to my
first article in this series... some people will say
knowingly taking a
life is wrong, but still do it, some will say it's wrong
and vow never to
do it, but presented with the right circumstances, will
go against that
vow (say their life is threatened, or the life of their
Anyways, I again encourage you to evaluate your ethics,
actually think
about them. Why do you have certain standards of
behaviour for yourself,
and how closely do you honestly think you can follow
them? In magic and in
life. Hopefully you can educate and enlighten
yourselves, and maybe, just
maybe, there'll be less people cheating once they
evaluate why they do what
they do.
If you liked this series of articles, learned from it,
or thought it was
sporadic nonsense, let me know.
You can reach
Andy at: andyvanzandt@hotmail.com