
Argothian Treehouse
with Andy Van Zandt
Type 2
As I've said on several occasions, I don't like type 2.
Today I'd like to
go into that briefly, which means I'll be whining about
illogical things for
several paragraphs. If you're not interested, then go
elsewhere now ;)
Type two, I will admit, is a bit more "newbie
friendly"... and the relative
newbies seem to like that. That's why the JSS's are
type two and why
regionals is so packed every year. Speaking of
regionals, that's my first
big issue with the Standard format... for us lower-end
tourney goers, it's
one of the only reasonable size tournaments we'd play
type two in (assuming
you're in the 99% who doesn't qualify). Add to that the
part where it's one
of the biggest tourneys you'll see in any given year,
and it just doesn't
make sense to me... why so many people to play a format
that only comes
around once a year? Why isn't there a type two ptq
season? Wouldn't that,
in theory, draw players too? So we're playing this
format once a year, and
we don't get any real lead-ups to practice in (well, in
texas there's texas
magic league now, but I mean in general). I mean, while
the local shop
tourneys and friday night magics may indeed by type two
tournaments, for
the most part it doesn't adequately test or even
challenge any deck you may
be seriously trying out for regionals.
Now that may not be so bad in and of itself, it lets you
gauge the strength
of your playtest group and does give the newbies a
chance to "test their
mettle", so to speak. But the kicker is that you don't
really get a prize
for top 8'ing. I mean, a box or two of product is great
for the beginners,
and of course you get an invite, but for those who
would actually attend
nationals with their invite, and with the mass number of
people who attend,
you're playing nine plus rounds of swiss... to get some
cards and maybe an
invite... in one of the least fun (in my opinion)
formats to metagame with.
Regionals definitely needs to give some cash to the
top 8, if you do well
in that many rounds of swiss you should get more than
some cards. I mean,
the invite is good, and still worth playing for... it
just seems like
you're working unnecessarily hard for it... with very
little added bonus.
Not even a travel award, which really is often the
difference between
players being able to go or not.
Then we tack on the part that is what leaves a bad taste
in my mouth, and
that some people may disagree with. Their entitled to
their opinions of
course, I'm not going to fault them for disagreeing with
my somewhat less
than rational dislike of this restrictive format. I'm
speaking of (as
mentioned above) the stunted metagame that is type two.
First we look again
at the part where there's no lead-up tournaments. PTQ's
evolve a metagame
as the weeks go by, and admittedly this sometimes just
turns into a
revolution of what's played more. But even that is
better than the
cold-turkey-here's-a-tournament-go! methods of regionals.
You're forced to
entirely rely upon the internet and your local
playtesting to figure out
what the big decks are for this four-hundred-plus person
tournament that
will include not only tier one decks but also tier 3 and
4 decks, that may
have just the annoying sideboard card for you that
no-one in their right
mind should be really playing.
Additionally, I constantly compare it to the constructed
formats that I do
enjoy, which are extended and block. In block, you're
constantly searching
for "The" deck. If you're not, or if you think it's
already been found, you
aim for either the most well rounded deck, or the deck
that outright beats
"The" deck and can at least make it a game with the
other front runners. In
Extended, there are usually way too many viable decks
for there to be a
"The" deck, at least for any longer than a week or so.
There's always a way
to foil a particular deck type, because your card pool
is so big. That's
what I like. You get to build a nice well rounded deck,
and try to work in
the aspects that will wreck certain other top tier
constructions. In
Standard though, you've got just enough different cards
to make 2 or 3
decks into extremely strong decks... which sounds good
to start with... but
after the power hitters are established you often
realize -why- they're
power hitters. Because there aren't enough cards to
choose from to thwart
the strategies without diluting the versatility of your
otherwise good deck.
So you're playing one of the top 4 decks or so, or
you're playing a
losing deck. Period. And again, especially since
regionals is the big
showcase for your deck, you can't afford to dilute
anything, you must be
well rounded or lucky to make the top 8, or both, and
you certainly can't
gun for any single decktype and expect to survive the
Have I lost you yet? Do you think I'm an idiot now?
That's ok, I'm not
saying you have to dislike type two, I just do. Let me
stew in the corner a
bit by myself, I'll be ok. But if you've got an
opinion, let me know, shoot
me an email. Incidentally, if you want a response from
your email, make
sure you set your email filter to accept emails from
me, or else it'll
bounce back and I'll be annoyed at you (glares at t1
reanimator guy).
You can reach
Andy at: andyvanzandt@hotmail.com