
Argothian Treehouse
with Andy Van Zandt
Magic: The
Saturday Morning Cartoon
Ask anyone who knows me, I
like cartoons. I watched Transformers
religiously as a kid, and I've been ecstatic at the
re-release of the series
on dvd sets. For that matter, I watched ALL the
cartoons religiously as a
kid. Thundercats, Fat Albert, Bugs Bunny, Spider Man
and his Amazing
Friends, boy cartoons, girl cartoons, educational
cartoons, you name it, I
loved it. Even now, some of the stuff I enjoy the most
is animated.
You'll probably jump to assume I'm a big anime freak,
which is not the case.
Some is good, some is horribly flawed and/or the
cultural humor or emotion
is lost in the translation. I'm not saying the original
Transformers series
was a work of art, but it was the foundation for one of
the best franchises
and fiction pseudo-worlds even today, and if you assume
you're going to be
watching a twenty minute commercial with some robots
that turn into cars,
you won't be disappointed. I give everything it's fair
chance and there's
not always a good reason for what I enjoy. Sometimes
there is though, like
if you asked me about Samurai Jack or Powerpuff Girls,
I could talk for
quite a while on why those series' are so amazing for
what they are.
Now on to the meat of the article: I think Magic needs
a Saturday morning
cartoon. Saturday morning cartoons not only make little
kids (and big dorks
like me) happy for years and years, they also give you
an additional
fanbase for your franchise. Magic already comes with
it's own
storyline/fantasy world to build upon, and would get an
automatic viewer
base of current magic players in addition to the
kiddies. Pokemon and
Yu-gi-oh did it backwards, cartoon first to promote the
cards, resulting in
fad card games. Magic is proven not to be a fad, why
not pull in the kids
who might otherwise be tricked into throwing away their
money and time on
something with a half-life of a year at most.
What kind of cartoon, you say? Well there's a veritable
cornucopia (I like
that saying) of options. Obviously there are a lot of
us who'd prefer
something a little more serious, a la anime or batman
the animated series.
Or at least something with some intelligent dialogue or
plots. Maybe even
something that just makes very good and appropriate card
references, and
occasionally has a force of nature or Serra's Angel beat
up the bad guy on a
regular basis. Let's look at some different templates:
Funny Cartoon
Looney toons, Disney stuff, etc. are the best examples
of this, and to me
the first thing that would jump out was the Foglio's
style of humorous
artwork for such an endeavour. This would be
entertaining certainly, but
not my first choice.
Mystery Cartoon
This has a lot of potential, a crime-fighting wizard in
dominaria... who
stole the mox? Who murdered the Viashino Bey? etc.
Think Scooby-doo, but
preferably a little better. Fish police? Sylvester and
Tweety mysteries?
Buddy Cartoons
Or "coming of age" cartoons. Doug or Rocko's modern
life would be good
examples, or Home Movies from cartoon network's adult
swim line-up. Maybe
even the old Mario Brothers cartoon. Here we could
explore the angsty
teenage wizard, or a mismatched group of monsters
bumbling through some
misadventures at the local Bazaar.
Baby Cartoons
Like Muppet Babies or Tiny Toon Adventures. Younger
versions of your
favorite characters doing spazzy things with a kindly
but disapproving
parent figure. I don't much care for this concept, as I
feel it comes a bit
TOO close to Pokemon.
Action/Adventure Cartoons
This is one of my favorites, Falling in the Thundercats/He-Man/Batman
Animated Series category. You've got a group (or single
guy who gathers a
group, or a foundation that recruits them) going around
on misadventures and
probably facing some greater evil in the end. The
Mage-Punk style of magic
in general lends itself to this, plus it's one of the
best opportunities to
use specific card names and spells in the cartoon...
Fireball the Giant
Spider and whatnot.
There are a couple of other less easily pigeon-holed
cartoon categories out
there, but these should cover most of my bases. Now
you've got to decide
whether you want to set everything within the card sets'
story arc. Do you
want to tell the story just like the cards starting from
the beginning? Do
you want to tell stories that tie into them? Do you
want to start where we
are now? Do you want to start your own whole new branch
of the magic
multiverse? Do we want an anthology of stuff explaining
the backstories of
specific cards? Do we want to very loosely base it on
magic at all and just
throw in the occasional teaser? Lots of options, I'm
sure they'd find some
way to mess up what could be a good thing... if they
ever decided to do
this. Which is the bad part... I'm just making idle
wishes at such things
ever coming to be. But if anyone hears anything about
WotC deciding to
start a cartoon, or if you have any ideas of your
own... or heck, if you
ARE WotC and want my input on such a project, I'd be
happy to oblige ;)
In any case, if you've got some thoughts on saturday
morning cartoons in
general, or on the part where magic deserves one, shoot
me a line.
You can reach
Andy at: andyvanzandt@hotmail.com