
Argothian Treehouse
with Andy Van Zandt
WuG Beasts in
Okay, this is a deck I've been tinkering with for the
past few weeks for the
Onslaught block constructed PTQ's. I like working on
theory a lot, and so
most of the deck was built on theory rather than
practice. To jump right
into things, here's the decklist:
4 Krosan Tusker
4 Ravenous Baloth
4 Canopy Crawler
4 Riptide Mangler
4 Caller of the Claw
4 Whipcorder
4 Silver Knight
4 Pacifism
4 Complicate
4 Grand Coliseum
4 Flooded Strand
4 Windswept Heath
6 Forest
4 Plains
2 Island
The first thing everyone does (after making fun of the
riptide manglers) is
question the stability of the colors, especially with
the double white
2-drops. That's one of the things I wanted to test for
future brainstorming
of bad decks in this block, is how stable you can make
a three color deck,
even with rougher than average mana requirements. The
answer is-
surprisingly stable. Proxy it up and play it out, very
rarely will you
have problems getting the whipcorder or knight out on
turn two (look at the
mana- there are 16 potentially white sources), and
you'll generally have
even less of a problem getting out the baloth on turn
four (14 potentially
green sources, plus a third turn land search with a
tusker). The closest
thing I've had to a problem is mid-game not being able
to lay a mangler and
still have another blue for complicate mana (but 10
potentially blue sources
plus the tuskers means you'll at least have 1 blue mana
when you need it).
As weird as it sounds, I've considered dropping a land
or two, since despite
all the land thinning this deck does, it has a
reasonable tendency to get
mana flooded (especially since the basic curve stops at
4 mana and you're
operating at peak efficiency if you have 5 mana to lay
two drops and still
have a complicate or caller back-up). So all in all,
from my playtesting,
now I know that I can try a plethora of other bad
three-color decks,
probably even without the tuskers in a lot of cases.
Now onto the theories. The two decks types to beat in
the environment are
non-counter based control decks and sligh. The first
thing to look at is
the sligh match-up, which actually has worked out how I
expected it to so
far. You've got the early drops, including most
especially silver knight,
to jump in the way of their first couple of dudes. The
mangler is quite
spiffy here, since with its three toughness it can't be
shocked, and
although it can't block piledriver, usually one of your
other 8 early drops
can handle that. Or your pacifisms, which are also
good for Clickslithers
(better safe than sorry, don't want those siege-gangs
coming down the turn
after the slither). Complicates aren't amazing here,
but they do stop the
mid-game finishers, again being clickslithers and siege
gangs. After your
first couple of turns of cheap drops, you'll hopefully
either drop a fatty
canopy crawler or a baloth. You really want a baloth
sometime in the first
6 turns usually, since with any two of mangler or
crawler (or second
baloth) to help him, the blocking + life gain can
stabilize the board
pretty quick for you. And obviously, if you get a
creature burned away and
then get to insta-block two or three guys with caller,
that's quite good as
well. The scariest thing in the sligh deck is easily
the commanders, and
as with almost any deck, you can still lose games to
sligh. That's why
it's so popular, any deck can accidentally drop a
couple games to the sligh
match if sligh goes buck wild and you get a slightly
slower than average
The other thing this was theoretically designed to romp
was control-
particularly mono-white and red-white. The idea behind
this is that you get
your early drops down (silver knight, as always, being
ideal, but
whipcorder being surprisingly strong in the match) and
start swinging, take
off half their life or so, then when they use a piece
of mass removal like
starstorm or vengeance (notes on this- starstorm doesn't
kill the silver
knight, of course, and in most cases can't be done turn
4 by them since
that doesn't kill mangler either) you complicate it or
caller back up a team
of bears to swing with next turn. Two of your three
bears can fight with
silver knight, and the third, if need be, can tap it.
More importantly,
that whipcorder can stop some of the scariest stuff
that'll come your way,
dragons and angels. The pacifisms are also very good at
this. Another
thing people want to do is change the pacifisms into
wing shards, since the
deck does easily support the double white. And while I
do agree that wing
shards are amazing, the pacifisms are more pro-active.
When someone lays
an exalted angel or eternal dragon, you want to be able
to either pacify or
tap it and keep sending, not stop your assault for a
turn waiting for them
to attack you.
Now the problem is that this theoretical stuff hits a
couple of snafus...
lightning rift, starstorm, and decree of justice. The
match-up is pretty
much as expected against mono-white, but if they have a
couple decrees to
fog you, it can be less than optimal. The match is
still very slightly in
your favor, I think (from my limited playtesting), but
it's not quite as
good as I expected it to be. More importantly, the
red-white matchup is
NOT in your favor. The fact that they have decrees to
fog you, and the
(here's the bad thing) consistent ability to do mass
removal two turns in a
row (because of starstorm + vengeance) means that you
can often knock them
down to single digit life, but not finish the job. And
if you toss in an
early active lightning rift, the battle becomes a touch
more uphill,
especially if they've got any two of the cycling lands
to make it extra
effective on turn four. In any case, unless you've got
early beats plus
three complicate/callers (which means an extremely lucky
draw), odds are
they'll wipe your board a couple of times and then take
control of the game.
I'm currently adjusting the deck to see if I can work
past this problem
(adding stabilizers, or hindering touches, maindeck),
because if you don't
have at least a 40% game against red-white, you
shouldn't be playing.
The other main deck that's running around is Zombie
Bidding, and this is an
odd game, but if you've got the complicate for the
bidding, it should be
in your favor. Whipcorder and Pacifism answer twisted
abomination, and
your guys beat the rest of their team (which mostly
consists of grizzly
bears that don't win in combat vs. mangler or silver
knight). While this
does sometimes mean you're slowly pushing through
rotlung tokens, you still
should win out. Your life gain undoes the gempalm
damage, in case you were
wondering. Again, not an out-and-out victory by any
means, but slightly in
your favor (from my limited playtesting, as always).
Anyways, this deck is fun, and you get to play blue
and green, which is
abnormal in the environment, but it does need some
work. If anyone's got
any comments, suggestions, or ridicule, feel free to
send me a message.
You can reach
Andy at: andyvanzandt@hotmail.com