
Argothian Treehouse
with Andy Van Zandt
Extended Stuff
Ok, everyone's all up in arms about the current
extended season, demanding
emergency bannings and the like. I, personally, am
tired of them banning
mana sources/cards which put things out cheaper rather
than the problem
cards, and basically I think that's what would end up
happening in this
case. So I want to play in a few of the qualifiers
while I can, partially
because I think there's still potential for innovation,
and partially
because even if there's not, how often do you get to
play decks that
consistently go off turn 3, outside of type 1? fun fun
So here's the deck I want to try out first, before
defaulting to just
modifying an existing deck: Lightning greaves suicide
black. This idea I
like for several reasons. 1- lightning greaves is one
of my favorite new
cards. It makes every creature into an untargettable
green creature, PLUS
haste. Any creature can be a pincher beetle with
haste! yay! 2- you get
to play hand disruption. I like duress. 3-when negator
is untargettable
AND hasty, you've shored up 98% of his drawbacks. 4- I
like playing
tutors. I feel they give a lot of decks
redundancy/consistency that they
need. Vampiric tutor is, of course, one of the best for
Now keep in mind that I haven't played a single game of
extended, so everything, like most magic for me, starts
out purely
theoretical. Here's my rudimentary decklist:
4 lightning greaves
4 vampiric tutor
4 duress
4 unmask
4 cabal therapy
4 phyrexian negator
4 bane of the living
4 grinning demon
1 mutilate
1 damping matrix
1 hatred
1 promise of power
1 masticore
1 loxodon warhammer
3 city of traitors
3 ancient tomb
3 peat bog
13 swamp
Now to explain a couple more concepts- the bane of the
livings are 4 mana 4
power creatures, which is indeed (despite being
efficient) slower than I'd
like. However, I think they're kind of necessary in
order not to scoop to
goblin decks. The warhammer (which also may seem out of
place) also helps
this match, plus it turns the bane into a 3 turn clock,
gives grinning demon
trample, AND it recoups some of your lost life... and
this deck should lose
you a lot of life. It may turn out the deck needs two
or three to not kill
itself. It may also turn out that it's a dead card too
often (at 6 mana
total to generate an in-game effect) and need to be
dropped for say, another
promise of power (or two, or three). Promise I can see
needing to be in
multiples as well, because it provides two things (dual
purpose, not
expecting to entwine them): a flier, which the deck
doesn't have otherwise,
and a refuel of cards. However, it is fairly pricey,
and may end up costing
you a third of your life for 5 cards (if you're running
on an ancient
tomb). Mask of memory, as dumb as it sounds, may be a
better choice for
this. I just feel gimpy putting so much equipment in a
deck... maybe
because I'm still used to creature enhancers being bad
card economy.
I've already been told "turn 6 kills are too slow", but
I contend that each
piece of hand disruption -should- buy you an extra
turn. I think in a lot
of cases, if you use two pieces during the first couple
of turns, it should
put tinker decks into topdecking mode, while you
hopefully start going to
work about their head and shoulders with a fatty.
That's the theory at
least. Now to try it out... and if anyone wants to
give me some input, or
try it out themselves and tell me how it's worked for
them, feel free to
shoot me an email.
You can reach
Andy at: andyvanzandt@hotmail.com