
Argothian Treehouse
with Andy Van Zandt
Dark Banishings
Here's where I complain (some more) about the recent
bannings from WotC. But first, let me preface this by
saying I actually like WotC. They're one of very few
corporations that actively takes an interest in the
needs and wants of its constituents, and they do indeed
strive to make the game better on a regular basis. I was
actually sad that they stopped making the
Duelist and Sideboard magazines.
Now on to the complaints. To begin with, this is only in
regards to the extended ban list. I've no problem with
most of their previous bans. Yawgmoth's Will, Time
Spiral, and Replenish, among other things, all needed
the axe, big time. Those were were problem cards, thus
they got banned.
Recently though, they've been trying to just take out
key cards for particular decks. This, in theory, is to
leave the spiffy fun cards available for viable
tournament play. I understand and accept this theory,
but they need to understand that in some cases, they
should just ban the
For instance, Frantic Search. This card was banned to
stop the Mind's Desire decks. In my ever so humble (and
perhaps misguided opinion), the most definitely should
have banned the Desire, because basically any deck that
really uses it efficiently shouldn't be allowed to see
play. Yes, even the twiddle deck. Especially the twiddle
deck. Because it's called the twiddle deck. Not much fun
can happen with Mind's Desire besides going off. Frantic
Search on the other hand has gobs of uses that aren't
nearly as broken, such as madness'ing out stuff, filling
graveyard, etc. Not broken, but potentially good. You
don't usually sigh in contempt when a Frantic Search
resolves against you, but when a Mind's Desire does, you
probably do.
Another ban I didn't care for was Goblin Lackey. I've a
real problem with anyone saying a 1/1 creature is a
great detriment to any particular environment. Yes, it
puts out big guys for free. But if you can't tune your
deck to kill a 1/1 (and potentially anything it puts
out), that's probably more the player's fault than the
card's. Or maybe they should print more 1 mana answers
to 1/1's in various colors. In any case, this guy should
not have gotten 86'd. He's a 1/1! He must deal combat
damage to be effective! Maybe that's a good argument for
printing better (and cheaper) damage prevention effects-
since none of those see tournament play outside of
Entomb. It is inherently card disadvantage. It puts the
card in your graveyard. For this to be useful in any
respect, you, for the most part, will need another card.
Thus you are, to an extent, playing a combo deck. One
that uses at least two cards- to put a fatty out. Not to
win automatically. To put a creature into play. One
that, in general, will take at least three more turns
beyond that one to kill you. While reanimator is good,
it's not "wow, half the field is reanimator, what're we
gonna do! you can't hardly win!" good. Yes, some other
decks do use it to win that turn. These decks do not see
much play, and for good reason. Not to mention it
totally invalidates my deck with squee from last season
And lastly, the two prior bans they should undo are
Lotus Petal and Dark Ritual. If they're going to have
those banned but leave in Grim Monolith, Ancient Tomb,
and City of Traitors, then they missed out on some key
points. Speedy mana is good for a lot of decks, yes.
It's not the part
that's winning the game. It's not the bit that's dealing
50 to your head, and could incidentally deal lethal
damage to your head on turn 5 without any acceleration
or extra deck-thinning whatsoever. Oh ya, almost forgot.
Mind Over Matter costs TRIPLE BLUE and is an
enchantment. It doesn't make mana itself, it doesn't
draw obscene cards itself, it doesn't put things into
play for free. Now, while I don't think this card really
deserves its ban, I don't think it'd matter if it was
allowed back in play anyways. People can untap their
Gilded Lotus all they want already.
Maybe I underestimate these cards. But I've played
against them before, and I've played with them before.
Goblin Lackey does not make me put my head in my hands
like Yawgmoth's bargain does, and it really shouldn't be
on the list. Feel free to send me an email if you think
I'm wrong, (or right) and why.