
Argothian Treehouse
with Andy Van Zandt
Limited: Blue is Beatdown
Maybe y'all figured this out already, maybe not, but
Mirrodin limited is
all about role-reversal... and that means, my friend,
that the blue cards
are for beating down. Why? I'd say for two main
1: the best counterspell is annul, which is good, don't
get me wrong, but
doesn't stop all the decks you'll see from beating you
down. There are
quite often green/whatever or white/whatever decks
that'll simply drop their
damage-dealers in non-artifact form, for the most part.
Annul is still
great, but it's not the hard counter to ensure
safety. Override is slow
and expensive- you can't keep up the beats and leave
Override mana open
early, unless you're already winning.
2: No Sea Serpent. Yes, blue needs a big fatty wall to
hold the ground.
Green has those. That's why green is control here.
Usually there's a
sea-serpent-esque creature to fill this role, or at
least a reasonable wall,
or bouncy guy, or tapper, or something. But not in
Mirrodin. Instead you
get an expensive hill giant wearing some glasses of urza.
So what do you do with Blue? Beat down. Somber
Hoverguard and Neurok Spy
are your staple dudes, you need as many of these as you
can get your hands
on. Evasive and quick, these guys put your opponent on
a clock. Which is
better? In my eyes, the Spy... yes, he's a "slower"
clock, and he can't
block fliers (which isn't what you want to be doing
anyways) but he's also
completely unblockable under normal circumstances, and
he comes down on
turn 3 every game. Somber is usually a turn 4 play,
which means until he's
swung 3 times, he's not beating the spy in the damage
race. Even more
important though is the Skyhunter Patrols that'll stop
Hoverguard cold
So after you've got your hands on as many of those as
you can snag, with
maybe a Looming Hoverguard or a Goblin Dirigible to help
tip the scales in
the air if you're lucky, you need to stop them from
just roshambo'ing you
out on the ground. Inertia Bubble, Annul, and the blue
Spellbomb are your
tools for this. Annul, while not being the catch-all
stopper counterspell
is, is only one mana, so you can often lay your man for
the turn and still
have the counter to slow them down just that little bit
you need next turn.
Fatespinner and the aforementioned Looming also give you
so much tempo
advantage it's crazy, but they're in the rare and
uncommon slots. If the
blue bits aren't cutting it, that's what your splash
color is for. Green
gives you ground-stallability (black has its share of
regenerators this
time, too), white, red, and black have cheap, efficient
removal, and
sometimes some extra fliers for you. Whether you're
clearing the path for
the 'guard, or preventing them from swarming you,
removal and disruption
need to be cheap and abundant. Did I mention Domineer?
I've gone blue on
just the basis of opening domineer before. It's good no
matter what you're
doing with your deck.
Back to the cheap and abundant train of thought- most
people look at the
Thirst for Knowledges and Thoughtcasts (which you're
hopefully drafting
along with the other stuff) as "Card Advantage"- a
traditional aspect of
control. While they do fill that aspect quite well, in
a primarily blue
draft deck, they are more along the lines of "Ensuring
Card Quality"...
making sure you have the tools you need. You -need- to
get your evasion
guys online as fast as possible. You -need- to make
sure they can do their
job (by using removal/disruption)- as noted above, if
you're blocking with
neurok spy or hoverguard, you're on the losing end of
the game in most
cases. The card drawing doesn't really need to give you
removal/creatures than your opponent- it just needs to
give you the right
Again on the cheap and abundant locomotive, don't
forget to snag a couple
of myrs. Color doesn't really matter, though it's
always a nice bonus if
it's a silver myr, or one of your splash colors is even
better most of the
time. Myr are preferable to talismans because later
they can chump block a
bit while your real men go to town- they advance the
whole "beatdown"
concept. Artifact lands, too, are often really
acceleration. Hoverguard
and Thoughtcasts, y'know... affinity. I've often played
multiple off-color
ones if i've enough of those two cards, or myr
enforcers. It really depends
on whether your mana base is stable enough. Myrs are
better, since they are
two-fold acceleration (each one provides basically two
mana towards an
affinity guy, and comes out in addition to your land
for the turn).
Some of this may all seem obvious to you, but knowing
what cards are good
and knowing -why- they are good and how to use them
correctly are two
different things. If you liked this article or didn't,
if you have any
feedback, toss me an email.
You can reach
Andy at: andyvanzandt@hotmail.com