
Argothian Treehouse
with Andy Van Zandt
MMD Draft -
Four Color Fun
I say four color, because
even in this deck, if you're going five colors,
you're probably being greedy. This is an interesting
draft strategy because
it often doesn't end up being more than two colors, or
two with a splash.
In that respect, it is much like "reading" the draft,
because what you get
passed plays the most important role. It also makes how
to draft it and
play it hard to outline, but I'll go on the assumption
that the draft feeds
you what could end up as a four-color deck. Mirrodin
block not only helps
this strategy by offering a lot of colorless spells to
smooth things out,
but also a higher-than-average number of varying color
mana producers that
can be included in any deck.
What to Draft:
Simply put? For the first 6 or 7 picks in each of the
Mirrodin packs, you
choose the best card in the pack, regardless of color.
After that, you
choose mana fixers as they come up, with the odd filler
cards as they come.
It's important that you learn to stop grabbing the "good
card" and start
grabbing talismans, myr, chromatic spheres, and journey
of discovery (gee,
I feel like I say "journey of discovery" in all my
mirrodin limited
articles, practically). Does this mean you must play
green? Certainly not,
but it rarely hurts, since you'll be playing 4 colors
anyway. As you are
picking, you'll probably notice a trend from each
direction, i.e. the
"read" from your neighbors... if you get a bunch of blue
cards from your
right, odds are no one is drafting blue over there, and
consequently, a
large portion of your deck may be that color. This is
why it often ends up
-not- a four color deck, as whichever color or colors
end up stronger will
often be better played by themselves as a more solid
deck. But again, let
us assume that you're being fed adequate strong cards
from across the
spectrum, with a couple colors just being slightly more
solid than the
others. These stronger colors are the ones you are
"allowed" to choose
double-color requirement cards from. Fangren Hunter is a
good green card,
but if green is not one of your "strong" colors, you
shouldn't choose him
since he requires two green mana to cast. Same with
domineer, one of the
best blue cards (in my humble opinion), it may not get
played if your other
blue doesn't let you run enough islands to be able to
consistently count on
having the two blue mana.
In the Darksteel pack, the rules are much the same, but
with a couple of
notable differences. The mana fixers are Darksteel
Ingot, Viridian Acolyte,
Reap and Sow, and to a much lesser degree, Vedalken
Engineer. Ingot is SO
good in this deck that you may want to spend one of your
earlier picks on
it, to ensure that you get 2 or 3. This is exacerbated
by the fact that
the two green cards are not as secondarily useful as the
mana fixers from
mirrodin; the acolyte doesn't accelerate at all, or
replace itself, or
generate card economy... and reap and sow isn't as good
at acceleration
(jumping your mana by 1 for turn 3 and on is
significantly better than
wasting your fourth turn to increase your mana from turn
4 on, like Reap and
Sow does). Add to that the part where the vedalken,
while a very good pick,
doesn't fix the more immediate mana problems of spell
casting, and you
really want a couple ingots. The vedalken does do one
thing for this deck
that is important, though (aside from letting you
activate various color
replica/golems), and that is letting you play some of
the darksteel
golems. 4 types of basic land will barely ever let you
effectively drop a
nice razor golem on turn 3... but if you've got a couple
engineers in your
deck, you can potentially get him into action on turn 3
or 4. Again, don't
choose cards from your "weak" colors that have multiple
mana symbols in
their cost, and similarly, remember that things like
grimclaw bats are
distinctly less effective with such a sporadic mana
After you've got everything, you'll have to determine
what your mana fixers
allow you to accomodate, color wise, then select basic
lands based on the
number of spells of each color your deck requires.
Preferably, you'll be
able to have about 6 land for each of your stronger
colors, and 2 for each
of your weaker ones (assuming 2 strong, 2 weak), and
your fixers will
handle the rest, but I won't claim there is an actual
"normal" setup here.
you may get 2 silver myr and two journey of discovery,
and be able to play 1
island for your 4 blue spells, for instance. Hopefully,
you figured out
during your draft whether you would end up being a more
normal 2 color deck
or a 4 color monstrosity, and don't find out when you're
building, since
odds are you could have drafted better, if that's the
case. Yet again, here
we're assuming you ended up with what, optimally built,
would be a four
color powerhouse.
How to Play:
Well, since this deck has no pre-defined layout, the
more important choices
that I can touch on are to understand what you're doing
during the drafting
and building steps. Aside from that, I can only say that
a little more
thought needs to go into whether you mulligan or not. If
you start off with
2 white cards and a fireball, a silver myr, and two
forests, you probably
won't have anything during the early game to hold off
the beats. Get it?
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Send me an email.
You can reach
Andy at: andyvanzandt@hotmail.com