
Argothian Treehouse
with Andy Van Zandt
Group Game Draft
8.10.04 So who didn't see the bit about
making group games an official and sanctionable game
type over at the Wizards of the Coast official site? If
you missed it, that's unfortunate, it's a breakthrough,
and a very interesting one at that. While they've
printed a variety of cards that specifically say things
like "all opponents'" and "target opponent", among other
relevant things, the lack of the ability to run a
sanctioned group game seems like a glaring oversight.
The article was asking for input on several different
group formats, such as a general free-for-all and
two-headed giant games, and presented their current
draft of the rules.
That's what caught my eye. Several links throughout the
article mentioning "Group Game Rules Draft". I almost
overdosed on joy for about 5 seconds, until I realized
they just meant a write up of the rules, rather than a
draft (like, an 8 man booster or rochester draft) that
was a group game.
But then thinking about it more, I realized you could
probably still play it that way. If group games become
"legal", what's to stop us from doing it in draft
Several issues spring to mind, and the first one I came
up with was decking... anyone who's played an 8 man
group game knows that your standard 40 card draft deck
will not last through 7 other players losing... and
drafting 45 cards and being forced to play all of them
does not seem optimal either. I mean, do we really want
things like Tel-Jilad Stylus to be first-pick cards,
just because it can prevent you from decking? I think
not. So there seem to be two obvious solutions to this
problem- either make running out of cards not an
auto-loss (though it still almost is, if your opponents
are still drawing and casting spells and you aren't), or
increase the card pool. Now a normal draft usually has
12 packs of prize support, which in my mind (and for the
purposes of making it seem a more logical choice in this
article) equates to each player starting the draft with
2 unopened packs, which they give to whomever beats
them; and that person will then have 4 packs, which
they'll give to whomever beats them; and then in the
finals the winner gives the loser 2 of his won packs.
This results in a net gain of 8 packs for first and 4
for second, the standard distribution.
Have I confused you yet? Good. Just take this from it-
everyone starts with 2 extra packs. So let's make this
group game draft be a 5 pack draft.
This would mean booster would be preferred over
rochester, just because of time constraints. So from
that you have two more options- either increase the cost
of the draft to reflect the increase in product used, or
just have the draft prize be the cards themselves. The
simplest ways to do this fairly seem to me to be either
giving the eventual winner all the rares (and maybe give
2nd place all the commons and uncommons, including
foils), or all the cards period, or giving the winner
and the last person he eliminated the rares to split
up... for instance, of the 40 rares, give the 1st place
player his pick of the first 20 rares, and the second
place player gets the other 20 rares.
Another interesting thing about the draft is that you
can just keep your seating arrangement around the table
the same to play with. I'd also recommend making the
decks have a 60 card minimum, and honestly, I only say
that because of certain cards... namely, the Beacons. In
group games, those expensive creatures become much more
viable. A Darksteel Colossus becomes not only an
anti-decking mechanism, but also something you can
expect to get into play. You can now hard-cast your
Bringers, your Solarion can be obscenely large, and a
Suncrusher can be a form of diplomatic persuasion. These
are just some interesting points with the current block,
any block limited environment can get a whole new breath
of life from a group game. Even 8th edition... Telepathy
lets you see all your opponents' hands, and you know you
can main-deck that circle of protection, because
somebody will be playing that color.
So yeah, bring on the group game rules... and the group
game free-for-all drafts. I, for one, will be waiting
with bated breath. Questions?
Comments? Suggestions? Send me an email.
You can reach
Andy at: andyvanzandt@hotmail.com