
Argothian Treehouse
with Andy Van Zandt
Another deck for Mirrodin Block constructed
tournaments, and again, it has
its roots in other decks. The best way to describe it
is as a cross between
the Crystal Witness deck and the Cog deck. The idea is
based on some
experimenting my friend did with a deck containing
engineered explosives,
and how good it can be with a little bit of support
against affinity. It's
also, in general, a flat-out improvement on the Crystal
Witness deck in my
eyes, since that deck no longer has much game. It
doesn't have the hard
lock of Cog, but that's not usually necessary to win a
game. Here's the
4 Trinket Mage
4 Viridian Shaman
4 Eternal Witness
2 Vedalken Mastermind
2 Hoverguard Observer
1 Plated Slagwurm
1 Aether Spellbomb
4 Wayfarer's Bauble
2 Engineered Explosives
4 Serum Visions
4 Oxidize
4 Condescend
1 Seat of the synod
1 Tree of Tales
1 Ancient Den
1 Swamp
1 Mountain
1 Blinkmoth Nexus
9 island
9 forest
Vedalken Mastermind being an optimal replacement for
Shard, since it does
the same thing, comes down on turn 2, and isn't an
artifact. Remember, he
says permanent, so he can actually turn a blue mana
into a second green
mana if necessary, among other minor tricks. Popping up
your Explosives to
change the counter number on them can also be good.
Plus his obvious
function of recursive comes-into-play abilities. If in
an odd situation,
he can also save an artifact from your own Shaman, just
to get the Gray
Ogre into play.
Baubles and Trinket Mages, and to a lesser extent, Serum
Visions all smooth
out your mana, and help you optimize your Explosives.
You can
theoretically blow up Furnace Whelps/Arc Sloggers,
which many Cog builds
Hoverguards and the Slagwurm provide a win condition
when you need it, the
guards also fight Nexuses, Sombers, and Whelps, while
Slagwurm should be an
auto-win against mono-red. He's a 1 of, because a lot
of the time you
don't really want him, but with Serum Visions/Witness,
you stand a good
chance of finding him if the need arises. If you really
hate him, he can
be a third Hoverguard.
Obviously the Spellbomb and Condescends give you some
game against Tooth,
you should invariably trinket up the bomb just to have
it threatening on the
table, and hopefully have the Witness in hand to recur
it when they tooth,
so you can bounce both threats.
If you don't know what Shaman and Oxidize are for, you
probably shouldn't
be reading this article.
1 Memnarch
This is for Pristine Angel or March of the Machines
decks. If you're bored,
maybe Tooth and Nail too, if you know they've sided out
their artifact kill.
2 Plated Slagwurm
For some beatings against mono-red.
1 Scrabbling Claws
For the 2 decks that this one is similar to. Cut off
their recursion.
2 Aether Spellbomb
To bring in instead of the useless Engineered Explosives
against Tooth and
Nail. I'd also consider dropping two Wayfarer's for
these against affinity.
1 Hoverguard Observer
Against other green-base decks, and potentially
anything with flyers.
4 Last Word
For Tooth and Nail, Pristine Angel, and March decks.
Maybe a couple for
mono-red too, as you see fit. Out with the Oxidize, in
with the counters.
4 Tangle Asp
For affinity. Anti-absurd-fatty (Rigger/Atog). I
honestly considered these
in the main deck, in place of the hoverguards/wurm. I
deem these techy.
They are an easy swap for the condescends.
As I said, this is based on the theory that Engineered
Explosives (that's
the EE in EEEternal Witness) backed up by some spot
removal is very strong
against affinity. Where most people can't handle a huge
Rigger, you can.
You can also make it so they'll never ever sac their
board to an atog for
the win (eh... barring some disciples, which are also a
good thing to
explode when you can). I wouldn't mind fitting another
Explosives into the
main or side, They're only sub-par against Tooth, and
even then you can off
Abunas (most of the time if you blow it for 3, you'll be
losing just as many
Questions? Comments? Got a car you want to give me?
Shoot me an email.
You can reach
Andy at: andyvanzandt@hotmail.com