
Selecting a Deck
Mirrodin Block Constructed Qualifier Season
for Pro Tour Columbus
August 6, 2004
by Jeff Zandi
The qualifying season for Pro
Tour Columbus is upon us, the format is
Mirrodin Block Constructed, and there are
plenty of good deck designs to choose from.
In this article, I am going to talk about
three of the most popular decks. If you are
a player planning to play in a pro tour
qualifier in the Mirrodin Block Constructed
(we’ll call it MBC from now on) season, this
article may be able to offer you some
insight. I have been practicing this format
for a few weeks and have built and played a
little with all three decks that we’ll be
discussing, as well as several others. I’m
no MBC expert, but I am working hard on this
format. I will be attempting to qualify in
Dallas tomorrow and in several other PTQs in
the coming weeks. I hope I can be helpful.
For all intents and purposes, this Pro Tour
qualifying season started two weeks ago with
Grand Prix Orlando. The highly skilled and
very entertaining Osyp Lebedowicz won the
event in Orlando, putting to rest any notion
that Affinity was dead without Skullclamp.
His deck is included in this article as the
basic model, going forward from here, of
Affinity. Osyp’s version really ISN’T
indicative of the average Affinity deck that
rolled into Orlando two weeks ago, but
Osyp’s version, having won the Grand Prix,
will most likely become the most popular
version of the deck. Tooth and Nail is a
deck design that has been solid for awhile
now. I have chosen Manuel Bucher’s version
primarily because of its success at Grand
Prix Zurich, where it finished first.
Finally, I have included Michael Kuhman’s
Big Red build from GP Orlando, where he
finished second to Osyp. The Big Red deck
has the most varied deck construction
options, and is fast becoming the front
runner in the Mirrodin Block Constructed
I have to admit that after this year’s
Regional tournament, I doubted that Affinity
would have much of a future. Besides the
eventual banning of Skullclamp, lots of
people seemed to think that Affinity was
simply a gimmicky deck that EVERY deck had
answers to. The logic behind this thinking
may be just a little bit twisted around.
Preparing for Regionals back in May is like
preparing for the MBC pro tour qualifiers.
If Affinity is popular in the MBC season the
same way that Affinity was WILDLY popular
for Regionals, you simply cannot play a deck
unless it has answers for the Affinity deck.
This starts to get a little like the chicken
and the egg question. I think that in this
case, the Affinity deck came first, then
came the need for all other decks to be able
to deal with Affinity.
As great as Skullclamp was for this deck, it
is amazing to me that the deck survives so
well without the card-drawing that the
banned equipment provided for this deck.
Skullclamp was widely considered to be THE
REASON that Affinity was the best deck. The
card advantage gained through Skullclamp
allowed Affinity to win games it probably
SHOULD lose. As amazing as it is that
Affinity continues to be strong without
Skullclamp, it is almost equally astounding
that the BIG REPLACEMENT for Skullclamp in
current Affinity decks is Cranial Plating, a
card that is hard to compare with Skullclamp
in terms of card power. Of course, Cranial
Plating serves an entirely different
purpose. Where Skullclamp kept the cool side
cool with card advantage, Cranial Plating
keeps the hot side hot by allowing the
Affinity player to put lethal pressure on
their opponent very quickly into the game.
The basic divide between Affinity players is
Aether Vial. Those who play the Vial, like
Osyp at GP Orlando, like the card because it
helps them overcome mana screw and allows
them to perform their creature-casting at
instant speed when desirable. Players who
don’t like Aether Vial prefer a more
aggressive version of Affinity. The question
of whether or not Aether Vial is good has
NOT been solved simply because Lebedowicz
won the Grand Prix WITH the card. However,
in answer to aggressive players who don’t
like the card, I would like to point out
that either version of the Affinity deck
wins on turn four or five when it gets one
of its so-called “god draws”.
There is a new line of separation between
Affinity players right now, and that divide
is question of whether or not to play the
blue creatures. Some Affinity players have
shelved their Myr Enforcers in favor of
Somber Hoverguard in order to apply quick,
evasive, non-artifact damage to green
opponents. In addition to Hoverguard,
Qumulox is also seeing play, for basically
the same reasons. Qumulox has some
advantages to Somber Hoverguard because
Qumulox is much better against mono red
decks. Osyp chose to stick with Myr Enforcer
primarily in consideration of colored mana.
Osyp wanted to play a mana base with fewer
requirements for colored mana.
Osyp Lebedowicz
1st place Grand Prix Orlando
Aether Vial x4
Chromatic Sphere x4
Cranial Plating x4
Thoughtcast x4
Disciple of the Vault x4
Arcbound Worker x4
Arcbound Ravager x4
Frogmite x4
Myr Enforcer x4
Atog x2
Myr Retriever x2
Blinkmoth Nexus x4
Vault of Whispers x4
Seat of the Synod x4
Darksteel Citadel x4
Great Furnace x3
Glimmervoid x1
Tree of Tales x4
Oxidize x3
Viridian Shaman x3
Shrapnel Blast x3
Glimmervoid x1
Atog x1
When Skullclamp was first banned, the
Standard constructed format (aka Type
II) responded by becoming very slow. Control
decks, combo decks and decks like Tooth and
Nail grew in popularity in the slower field.
As players prepared for the current MBC
format, Tooth and Nail became a strong deck
choice. The Tooth and Nail player has
several turns at the beginning of the game
to do nothing more than develop a mana base
with cards like Sylvan Scrying, Solemn
Simulacrum and Reap and Sow. The goal is
simple: get to nine mana in order to resolve
an Entwined Tooth and Nail to bring in two
win conditions, or, more often, one win
condition and one card to keep your win
condition alive.
The biggest divide between fans of the Tooth
and Nail deck is the decision to include
blue. Mono green builds choose greater mana
consistency, while versions including blue
have access to Crystal Shard, Condescend and
possibly even Last Word.
The sideboard technology for this deck is
very interesting. Mephidross Vampire and
Triskelion join forces from the sideboard to
give you a nigh-unbeatable combo. Once you
use Tooth and Nail to get both of these
creatures in play, the Mephidross’ ability
keeps putting +1/+1 counters on your
Triskelion even as you remove counters to
damage your opponent’s creatures. Almost any
creature on your opponent’s side of the
table, short of Darksteel Colossus, will
quickly be destroyed.
Tooth and Nail
Manuel Bucher
Grand Prix Zurich
Darksteel Colossus x1
Duplicant x1
Eternal Witness x4
Leonin Abunas x1
Platinum Angel x1
Solemn Simulacrum x4
Mindslaver x2
Oblivion Stone x4
Oxidize x4
Reap and Sow x3
Sylvan Scrying x4
Tel-Jilad Justice x4
Tooth and Nail x4
Blinkmoth Nexus x1
Cloudpost x4
Forest x15
Plains x1
Stalking Stones x2
Bringer of the White Dawn x1
Damping Matrix x4
Duplicant x1
Mephidross Vampire x1
Mindslaver x2
Plated Slagwurm x1
Reap and Sow x1
Triskelion x1
Viridian Shaman x3
Earlier this year, at Pro Tour Kobe, the top
eight was dominated by a different kind of
mono red deck. Those decks contained large
numbers of red X spells including a lot of
Detonates and quite a few Fireballs. In the
current Big Red decklists, the spells are
smaller, but the goal is the same,
controlled burn. Big Red is a burn deck
because it features relatively few creatures
and lots of cards that can go straight to
the opponent’s face. Big Red is a control
deck because you have lots of tools for
controlling the board and tools like Furnace
Dragon, Arc-Slogger and Pulse of the Forge
to put the game away late. Pulse of the
Forge, brand new to players at Pro Tour
Kobe, is more understood today, making it
necessary to include less of them in the
deck but making better use of them. The
first time that you tap six or seven mana at
the end of your opponent’s turn just for
mana burn, you will certainly wonder if you
know what you are doing. At the end of your
opponent’s NEXT turn, when you cast Pulse of
the Forge twice, deal eight damage and STILL
have the same Pulse of the Forge card in
your hand, you’ll be pretty excited about
this seemingly crazy strategy.
Practicing with Big Red, I wasn’t sure at
first how much I liked Molten Rain against
the field. Good against Tooth and Nail decks
as well as against Affinity decks, Molten
Rain can be a completely wasted card other
Half of the question about the card is
answered simply by knowing how good the card
is against Affinity and T&N, and since they
are the two most popular non-red decks in
the field, Molten Rain may be here to stay.
If you really hate Molten Rain in the main
deck, at least make sure you have them in
the board. Molten Rain is good but not
necessarily essential against Affinity, but
you really need them to get rid of
Cloudposts in the Tooth and Nail matchups.
Big Red
Michael Kuhman
2nd place Grand Prix Orlando
Arc-Slogger x4
Furnace Whelp x3
Slith Firewalker x4
Electrostatic Bolt x4
Flamebreak x3
Magma Jet x4
Molten Rain x4
Pulse of the Forge x3
Seething Song x4
Shrapnel Blast x3
Darksteel Citadel x4
Great Furnace x2
Mountain x18
Flamebreak x1
Granulate x3
Shatter x3
Shunt x4
Wayfarer’s Bauble x4
White weenie provides some interesting
options. Naysayers point out that
white weenie falls quickly once artifact
hate, very popular in this format,
destroys the white deck’s equipment cards. I
say that just because deck B
has cards in it that can destroy cards in
deck A does not mean that deck A
is not a good design. I have played a mono
white MBC deck on Magic Online
for a few weeks and I like its aggressive
consistency. The deck is good
white creatures for one, two or three mana,
like Auriok Glaivemaster, Leonin
Skyhunter and Skyhunter Skirmisher, and
includes powerful, cheaply cast
equipment like Bonesplitter and Empyrial
Plate. This deck can go to the
skies for a fast win.
No matter what deck you choose this week, it
is important to recognize that
Grand Prix Orlando does not provide the
final word on what will work well in
this format. Far from it. Orlando’s results
provide only a starting point
for this year’s block constructed season.
After playing in the Dallas
qualifier tomorrow, I plan to focus next
week’s article on the deck I think
is the best in the Mirrodin Block
Constructed format. I hope you have good
luck in this weekend’s PTQs and I hope I see
you at Pro Tour Columbus.
As usual, I’d like to know what YOU think.
Jeff Zandi
Texas Guildmages
Level II DCI Judge
Zanman on Magic Online