
Get Aggressive With Big
by Jeff Zandi
August 16, 2004
Lots of people like combo decks, and lots of
people like control decks, but in tournament
Magic, aggressive is usually the best way to
go. In the continuing effort to dominate the
Mirrodin Block Constructed format for the
Pro Tour Columbus qualifying season,
aggressive means Big Red. So far, artifact
affinity decks have performed very well.
However, I feel that mono red has all the
tools it needs to be the best deck in the
format. Last Saturday, I played kind of an
old school version of Big Red in a qualifier
in Dallas. The deck performed well enough,
but I never really felt great about the deck
construction. There are a LOT of good mono
red tools for beating all the other decks in
this format while providing plenty of
aggressive punch at the same time. The trick
is finding the right mix of cards. In order
to find the BEST mono red block deck, we
need to look at all the options. Let’s take
this deck apart card by card, then you will
be able to make your own decisions at the
end for putting together the best possible
version of Big Red. We will start with the
best cards, the absolute slam dunks, then
move to cards that may or may not be in the
starting lineup.
Four. You need four of these. This is very
possibly the best card in the deck.
Normally, you don’t get to say that about a
five casting cost creature, but Arc-Slogger
is just THAT good in this deck. You usually
get to use his ability four times in a game,
don’t be afraid to use those activations to
gain card advantage over your Affinity
opponent. Against more control oriented
decks, it is less likely to be important to
remove blockers from your path. In general,
you need to get Arc-Slogger’s big four
points of attacking damage up against your
opponent’s face as quickly as possible, so
Big Red will run some kind of acceleration
to get Slogger in play a turn early, as in
turn four.
Electrostatic Bolt
You need four of these too. This is your
deck’s primary defense against really good
opening draws from Affinity. This is also an
important card in the mirror match for your
opponent’s turn two Slith Firewalker. I
would like to think that this card would
also be important against other aggressive
decks, but I’m afraid there really aren’t
any other decks that you really need to be
concerned with. Saturday, I played against
the mono white equipment deck, and the Bolt
was definitely good against that deck, but
you won’t face mono white very often, and
you will probably win those match ups easily
Pulse of the Forge
This card is your finishing damage very
often. Once you get the hang of knowing when
to take intentional mana burn in order to
take advantage of Pulse’s recurring ability,
you will definitely want to include this
The real question is how many to play. You
could make worse decisions that to simply
play four, but I think this card is slightly
narrow, it’s not the best card to draw every
turn of the game, so I think two or three is
completely fine. After sideboarding, I would
always want to be able to have three of
these in my deck.
Furnace Whelp
Fifth Dawn does not contribute all that much
to the red deck, but Furnace Whelp is one of
the two important cards that do contribute.
Whelp gives control players, Tooth and Nail
in particular, a really sick feeling in
their stomachs when it comes into play.
Evasion and the ability to pump up make
Furnace Whelp a very dangerous card against
Tooth and Nail, and gives you some defensive
back up against Affinity in game one.
Against Tooth and Nail and other control
decks, it is better to maximize your damage
than to play another creature and risk
having it countered by blue players’
Condescend cards. Basically, try to end the
game as quickly as possible. If your
opponent is not playing blue, and you
already have Whelp in play, you can play
another creature if you think it will help
you win the game faster.
Personally, I have not found this card as
helpful as other players have. I played
three Whelps on Saturday, but could almost
have done without them, favoring the speedy
beats of Slith Firewalker.
Slith Firewalker
The more aggressive your intentions are with
Big Red, the more likely you want to play
with Slith Firewalker. When you play first
with mono red, EVERY ONE of your opponents
is afraid that you will play Firewalker on
turn two.
It seems like a shame to disappoint them.
The one mono red player in the Dallas PTQ
last Saturday that made the top eight did
not include Firewalker in his main deck, but
had four of them in his sideboard. I think
he was trying to have it both ways, and I
don’t think you can. In other words, I think
Slith Firewalker is either in your main deck
or else not in the deck at all. My pick
would be to play Slith Firewalker. If you do
play the Firewalker, the only number that
makes sense is four. You have to give
yourself the optimal chance to play this
card on turn two, or else don’t play them at
all. Red players that don’t like Firewalker
in the main deck say that it is because
Firewalker isn’t very good against Affinity.
I can see it both ways: in one way,
Firewalker can be good against Affinity if
you are playing first and your opening hand
contains at least one Electrostatic Bolt,
Magma Jet or artifact destruction so that
you can remove a would-be Firewalker blocker
on their side of the board; on the other
hand, even when Firewalker is suboptimal
against Affinity, the card is SO STRONG
against other decks that it is worth playing
Solemn Simulacrum
While not the most aggressive card ever,
Solemn Simulacrum is a good card for you
several ways, gaining card advantage for you
while getting a needed land into play and
providing you with a 2/2 body as well. This
card is generally considered part of the
more old school build of the red deck, but I
think this card is well worth four slots in
most versions of this deck.
Shrapnel Blast
Almost every version of this deck that has
done well includes three or four Shrapnel
Blast in the main deck. Lots of players
believe Shrapnel Blast is the most important
non-creature card in the deck. Shrapnel
Blast performs two different jobs in this
deck, providing the last punch in many
games, removing an opponent’s Arc-Slogger
from play in the mirror matchup and in
destroying a big creature in the Affinity
deck or Leonin Abunas or some other target
from the Tooth and Nail deck. So called old
school versions of Big Red have more
artifacts like Solemn Simulacrum and
Talisman cards, making Shrapnel Blast
better. As far as how many of these to play,
four is probably better than three, and
three is probably the smallest number you
should consider.
Magma Jet
This card is Fifth Dawn’s OTHER contribution
to the main deck of Big Red.
Frankly, as good as this card is, it feels a
little bit like a luxury. Magma
Jet never deals more damage than
Electrostatic Bolt. A lot of the time,
Magma Jet is two damage to your opponent’s
face at the end of their turn in
order to use Scry to improve your next draw.
This use of Magma Jet is
perfectly fine, but highlights the fact that
as good as Magma Jet is, it is
simply a decent tool card, not crucial to
either of Big Red’s main missions
of defeating Affinity and defeating Tooth
and Nail. The decision can NEVER
be to run Magma Jet instead of Electrostatic
Bolt. This means that if you
run Magma Jet, you’re running A LOT of cards
that basically do the same
thing. The best reason to run Magma Jet
along with Electrostatic Bolt is
Affinity, since you can often have two of
your eight quick removal spells in
your opening hand. Because this card is an
add-on to the already mandatory
four Electrostatic Bolts, it is possible to
play less than four Magma Jets.
If you do play less than four Jets, I doubt
other copies will find a place
in your sideboard, you have much bigger
things to worry about in what can be
a very crowded sideboard.
Seething Song
This card represents a real dividing line
between the two most popular
varieties of mono red decks in this format.
The question is mana
acceleration. You want to get Arc-Slogger in
play as quickly as possible.
After sideboarding against Affinity
opponents, you want to be able to play
Furnace Dragon before turn nine. Both of the
most popular varieties of mono
red dedicate four slots (sometimes more) to
acceleration. If you run
Seething Song, you have the opportunity to
put Arc-Slogger into play on turn
three and Furnace Dragon by turn seven or
even sooner with two Seething
Songs. The alternative to Seething Song is
artifact mana in the form of four
or more Talisman cards. Seething Song
provides acceleration only one time,
while Talisman cards stay in play providing
acceleration turn after turn.
However, this format is FULL of artifact
destruction, and so your turn two
Talisman may not be in play the next turn to
actually help you accelerate.
Seething Song provides more certain
acceleration and can deliver a turn
three Arc-Slogger, which the Talisman cards
will not. Players that prefer
Seething Song also point out that the most
important acceleration is the
FIRST acceleration. To the Seething Song
player, it is much better to have
Arc-Slogger on turn three than to have the
possibility of mana acceleration
for more turns later in the game.
Molten Rain
Most of the successful mono red decks in
Mirrodin Block Constructed run four
Molten Rain in the main deck. These cards
are fine against most decks,
giving you a chance to disrupt your
opponent’s mana development. Mostly,
Molten Rain is in the deck for Tooth and
Nail. Against Tooth and Nail, it is
VERY important to destroy Cloudpost. If you
are not using your turn three to
accelerate into a Furnace Whelp or Arc-Slogger
with Seething Song, use this
turn to destroy your opponent’s land with
Molten Rain. Last Saturday, I did
not include Molten Rain in my main deck, and
I’m pretty sure that was a
mistake. This is the single most important
card you have against Tooth and
Nail. Running it main seems to be the best
way to go.
Flamebreak deals three damage to all
non-flyers, but more importantly, it
does not target and does not allow creatures
damaged by it to regenerate.
This card is in this deck primarily for the
matchup against green decks
using Ascetic Troll. While the card is also
decent against Affinity and
other red decks, I find this card easy to
leave in the sideboard.
Darksteel Citadel
This indestructible land is an easy way to
include artifacts to sacrifice to
your Shrapnel Blast. That may sound asinine,
but this is basically why this
card is in most every build of Big Red. An
old school mana set up using more
than four Talisman cards can probably leave
out Darksteel Citadel if they
want to.
Great Furnace
You will want to run anywhere from two to
four of these, depending upon how
many artifacts are in your deck. The idea is
that you will need six to eight
artifacts in your deck to make Shrapnel
Blast effective.
Blinkmoth Nexus
This card gives you a good way to do extra
damage to your opponent. This
card also gives you another way to sacrifice
an artifact to Shrapnel Blast.
Try not to forget to include some of these.
They make red mana, which you
Michael Kuhman finished second at Grand Prix
Orlando with this mana build:
Seething Song x4
Darksteel Citadel x4
Great Furnace x2
Mountain x18
Aaron Vanderbeek ran this mana set up at a
Pittsburgh PTQ:
Seething Song x4
Mountain x24
Jason Adams ran this mana set up at a recent
Talisman of Impulse x2
Talisman of Indulgence x2
Solemn Simulacrum x4
Blinkmoth Nexus x3
Darksteel Citadel x4
Great Furnace x4
Mountain x14
I ran this mana set up last Saturday in the
Dallas PTQ:
Talisman of Impulse x2
Talisman of Indulgence x3
Solemn Simulacrum x4
Blinkmoth Nexus x4
Darksteel Citadel x4
Great Furnace x4
Mountain x11
Tommy Richardson was the sole red mage in
the top eight at Dallas last week:
Solemn Simulacrum x4
Talisman of Indulgence x2
Talisman of Impulse x2
Seething Song x3
Darksteel Citadel x3
Great Furnace x3
Blinkmoth Nexus x3
Mountain x13
Raffaele Lo Moro ran this mana set as a top
eight finisher at Pro Tour Kobe:
Solemn Simulacrum x4
Darksteel Citadel x4
Stalking Stones x3
Mountain x17
Alesandre Peset ran this mana set up as a
top eight finisher at Pro Tour
Seething Song x4
Talisman of Indulgence x2
Talisman of Impulse x2
Mountain x15
Stalking Stones x2
Darksteel Citadel x2
Great Furnace x4
The winner and STILL champion, Shatter is
simply the best card for handling
artifacts. Keep say, FOUR of these in your
sideboard in case you run into, I
don’t know…, some deck constructed almost
entirely out of artifacts!?!
This card is becoming a little less popular
with those “in the know” who
claim Detonate is more often than not simply
land destruction against
Affinity. I don’t see anything wrong with
bringing up to four Detonate from
the sideboard against Affinity, but I can
see where you may not have room in
your sideboard for this card.
Furnace Dragon
This card is only for sideboarding against
Affinity, generally winning the
game or at least ruining the day for your
Affinity-wielding opponent.
Grab the Reins
This is super-tech against Tooth and Nail.
After trying it last Saturday, I
have to say this card is not quite good
enough. The answer to Tooth and Nail
is to hit them very hard very fast. This
card is a great trick against Tooth
and Nail, but this is very situational.
This card basically destroys every artifact
in the Affinity deck, but
Granulate does not work well in your red
deck if you are playing Talisman
cards and Great Furnaces. If you are playing
the Seething Song mana build, I
think four Granulate in the sideboard will
help you beat Affinity much more
There was a time when it was correct to run
four copies of a card in your
mono red sideboard to help counteract the
control player, the card was
called Red Elemental Blast, and later,
Pyroblast. Those days are gone, and
Shunt is not good enough to include, in my
opinion. Shunt simply requires
you to keep too much mana untapped. Untapped
Mountains equals NOT BEING
AGGRESSIVE. Leave out the Shunt cards, you
have better things to do with
your sideboard.
As you can see, you have a lot of great red
cards in Mirrodin Block
Constructed. The problem is limiting
yourself to sixty cards. Basically, I
think you want to focus on beating the most
important decks in the format,
Affinity, other red decks and Tooth and
Nail. Here’s what I plan to run next
week when I next try to qualify for Pro Tour
Arc-Slogger x4
Furnace Whelp x3
Slith Firewalker x4
Solemn Simulacrum x4
Electrostatic Bolt x4
Magma Jet x3
Molten Rain x4
Seething Song x4
Shrapnel Blast x4
Pulse of the Forge x2
Darksteel Citadel x4
Great Furnace x4
Mountain x16
Shatter x4
Granulate x4
Flamebreak x3
Furnace Dragon x3
Pulse of the Forge x1
As always, I’d love to know what YOU think.
Jeff Zandi
Texas Guildmages
Level II DCI Judge
Zanman on Magic Online