
Lone Star Magic Heats Up
2004 Texas 5K Championship
by Jeff Zandi
Even though sidewalks already sizzle in
Texas during August, Fletcher and
Mason Peatross managed to make things even
hotter in Waco on Sunday with
their second annual Texas 5K Championship,
the biggest event of the year in
Texas Magic. This exclusive Type II
(Standard) constructed event was open to
exactly thirty-two players, each of which
whom had to win their slot in a
qualifying tournament. The main event on
Sunday featured five rounds of
Swiss play and a total payout of $5000, with
$1000 for first place all the
way down to $50 for last place.
While some other locales have been
successful in creating their own special
events outside the glare of Magic's Pro Tour
spotlight, no state has done
more in this way than Texas. Sunday's
successful second annual Texas 5K
Championship is simply more proof that
everything is bigger in Texas,
especially competitive Magic. Game Closet,
one of Texas' best gaming stores,
repeated as the location for this special
The qualifier season for this year's Texas
5K event began in April. Team
Peatross shrewdly determined that were was
not that much going on by way of
Pro Tour events and qualifiers around Texas
during the late spring and into
the long summer of 2004. After Regionals in
early May, and a teams pro tour
qualifier a week later, both in Dallas,
there really were not many big Magic
events on the calendar until the PTQ season
started for Pro Tour Columbus in
August. The Peatross' used this 'hole' in
the Texas competitive Magic
calendar to schedule twenty-eight qualifiers
for the Texas 5K Championship.
The qualifying tournaments were held in nine
different game stores in seven
different areas all across the state,
including stops in big cities like
Dallas, Austin, San Antonio and Houston as
well as smaller places like Waco,
Lubbock and the unlikely Kerrville. The
tournament in Kerrville is a
particularly graphic testimony to the
popularity of the 5K event. Even
though the qualifier there attracted only
eight players (the lowest
attendance of any of the 5K qualifiers) the
owner of the Heart of the Cards
store was excited to be a part of big-time
Texas Magic. Heart of the Cards
has already asked for a qualifier for next
year's Texas 5K Championship.
The 2004 Texas 5K Championship Field
The finals of the first annual Texas 5K
Championship was an epic matchup
between possibly the two best pro players to
ever come out of Texas. David
Williams lost in a very close championship
finals to Brent Kaskel. Since
both players are members of the same local
team, it was not a surprise to
learn that they had already agreed to split
first and second place cash
prizes totaling $1600. In most annual
championships, the past champion and
possibly even the runner-up would receive
free passes to the next year's
event. Not in the Texas 5K. 2003 finalists
Brent Kaskel and David Williams
each played all day in Saturday's
last-chance qualifiers in Waco, and each
was successful in winning a seat for
Sunday's main event. Simply amazing.
Brent Kaskel remains the hottest Texas
player in Magic, with good
performances at the U.S. Nationals and in
several Grand Prix events in the
past year. David Williams' team at Pro Tour
Seattle came within one match
win of that Pro Tour's final four. It is
truly amazing that David was
prepared to dedicate two days of his life to
this tournament. Williams
recently won $3.5 million finishing second
in the 2004 World Series of
Poker. Suffice to say that Big Dave has had
some things on his mind lately
other than Magic. Still, Tiger came to play,
qualifying on Saturday with a
mono red Ponza deck that let him down on
Sunday in the main event.
The Texas Guildmages, the team with the
longest history together in the
state, had four players in the thirty man
field on Sunday (there were meant
to be thirty-two slots, but two players
failed to attend the event).
Guildmages included Williams and Kaskel, of
course, as well as Jeremy
Simmons and yours truly. Special events like
this have long been an
excellent stage for intrastate rivalries
between players based in the three
biggest Magic cities of Houston, Dallas and
Austin. This year, more than
half the field was made up of players from
either Austin or the Dallas area.
Players that participated in the three
last-chance tournaments on the day
before the main event gained more than a
great chance to test their decks.
Saturday's competitors gained important
meta-game information. Green/white
Astral Slide decks made a big splash on
Saturday, and a blue/white control
deck designed and played by Dallas' Eric
Knipp won one of the qualifiers.
This information was powerful, and it played
an important part in shaping
the outcome of Sunday's championship.
The field for the qualifiers this season
looked a lot like this year's
Regionals; lots of Affinity and lots of
Goblins. Fifth Dawn offered little
to the Goblin decks, but helped Affinity
with Cranial Plating. Fifth Dawn
introduced the card that would prove to be
the most powerful card at the
2004 Texas 5K Championship, a little green
lady called Eternal Witness.
While preparing for Mirrodin Block
Constructed, players gained a certain
appreciation for Eternal Witness. However,
the Witness makes the Astral
Slide deck much more powerful than it had
been in the past. Astral Slide
crept into the main event on Sunday without
much noise, causing very few
players to have cards in their sideboard to
combat the Astral Slide decks.
After five rounds of Swiss, Sunday's top
eight was split evenly with four
control decks including two GW Slide decks
and two UW Control decks; and
four aggressive decks including one Affinity
deck and three Goblin Bidding
decks. Overall, there were six green/white
Astral Slide decks, four each
blue/white Control, Affinity, Goblin Bidding
and RG Aggro/Control decks,
along with three mono red Ponza decks, three
blue/red March of the
Machines/Obliterate decks and only two Tooth
and Nail decks.
After the five rounds of Swiss, the top
eight finishers agreed unanimously
to split up the cash prizes equally. Each of
the eight shares was worth
$375, which was a good bit more than even
the third and fourth prizes, which
would have been $300 each. Fletcher and
Mason made it very clear that if
EVERY ONE of the top finishers was not
COMPLETELY sure they wanted to split
up the prize, the top eight would have been
played out to determine the
prizes normally. At the time, I was very
happy to chop it up, but in
retrospect, I agree with those who feel the
top eight split took away an
important aspect of this competition. If the
money had been structured
differently, or if there had been some other
important prize for first
place, like a trophy or award or something,
I do not believe all eight
players would have gone for the split. The
Peatross brothers, always
interested in ideas that could make their
annual event better, have even
considered making next year's event six or
seven rounds of Swiss with no
playoff rounds
The decklists for the top eight decks appear
at the very bottom of this
Origins of the Texas 5K Championship and
Other Special Texas Magic Events
The Texas 5K Championship was created more
than two years ago by brothers
Fletcher and Mason Peatross. The brothers
have been involved in competitive
Magic since 1996, when Mason discovered the
game soon after Alliances was
released. As both brothers began chasing the
Pro Tour at qualifiers all
across the state of Texas, they discovered
an innovative tournament series
known as the Texas Semi-Pro Tour. This
series was created by one of the most
unique creative minds in all of Magic, The
Mad Hatter (yes, that's his
actual legal name). Hatter was already
involved in the Pro Tour both as a
player and as one of Magic's first
sanctioned judges.
Although he liked the Pro Tour, Hatter
disliked the way that pro tour
qualifier tournaments, usually held in
hotels and other large meeting
spaces, were hurting the stores that were
such a big part of Magic's ground
level success. In 1997, The Mad Hatter
created a new tournament series, just
for Texas, called the Texas Semi-Pro Tour.
In Hatter's semi-pro tour main
event, there were sixty-four seats up for
grabs. Hatter sold each of the
sixty-four seats in the main event to stores
all across the state. In
Hatter's system, individual stores had a
good deal of freedom for how they
ran their qualifier, including what
tournament format and prizes. These
qualifiers, as well as the main event, were
not sanctioned events.
Qualifiers ran for five or six months before
the main event. The Mad Hatter
ran two such series, one in 1997 and one in
1998. Both series, though not
perfectly conceived, were quite successful.
One feature of Hatter's main
events was that the prize money was in cash,
and the cash was on display
during the tournament, guarded by a big man
with a large firearm. After two
seasons of the Texas Semi-Pro Tour, Mad
Hatter moved on to other
Magic-related projects and the semi-pro tour
came to an end.
Fletcher remembered the difficulty The Mad
Hatter had in selling all
sixty-four slots for his semi-pro tour both
years. When designing his own
Texas 5K tournament, Fletcher decided
thirty-two was the right number of
slots. Sixteen was too exclusive, Fletcher
figured, and Hatter's sixty-four
was clearly too many. Fletcher and brother
Mason, now living in Lockhart and
nearby Austin, both have square day gigs in
the information technology
field. Both brothers think very logically,
even mechanically at times.
Thirty-two became the most logical number.
After designing the 5K event,
Fletcher contacted WOTC tournament officials
like Scott Larabee and Laura
Kilgore. Scott and Laura liked what Fletcher
told them about his 5K
Championship event, so much that they have
donated several cases of product
to the event each year. The bulk of this
product has been used as prizes for
the last-chance qualifiers held the day
before each year's main event. After
gaining the interest of these VIPs at
Wizards of the Coast, Fletcher helped
to maintain their interest in his event by
updating them each week with the
attendance and results of that week's 5K
Two years ago, Team Peatross created
www.texasmagicleague.com to serve as
their promotional device with which to
spread the word about their Texas 5K
Championship. The website has done that and
much more. Today, Fletcher's
website is the number one website for
information about tournaments in
Texas. More importantly, the forums on the
Peatross site are read by just
about every competitive player in the state.
You can pretty much figure out
what's going on in Texas Magic very easily
by checking out the forums on
this site.
It might be interesting to the many people
who know the Peatross brothers
that Fletcher is the older of the two twins,
born slightly earlier than
Mason on the last day of 1973 in Houston.
While both brothers seemed to be a
lot more interested in gaming than in dating
during their young adult lives
in Magic, each has succumbed to the gifts of
the fairer sex. Mason has been
with girlfriend Leslie for more than two
years. Fletcher went a step or two
further, marrying his girlfriend Sara
several years ago, and producing
Peatross offspring in 2002, a son named
The Event Horizons Invitational
A year after The Mad Hatter discontinued his
Texas Semi-Pro Tour, Tim and
Sheila Weissman, a tournament organizing
team from Houston, created an
almost annual very exclusive gathering of
the sixteen best Magic players
from Texas and Louisiana. The very
successful first Event Horizons
Invitational took place in November 1999,
followed by events in January of
2001, February of 2002 and most recently in
April of 2003. The Weissman's
invitational events have been among the best
remembered Magic events in
Texas for many reasons. Each year, the
Invitational would invite the top
ranked players from Texas and Louisiana as
determined by DCI standings, in
both limited and constructed formats. To
round out the sixteen player field,
the Invitational added players through
qualifying tournaments and through
player voting at Weissman-run Magic
tournaments all over the area. Finally,
Tim and Sheila Weissman, aided by Tim's
long-time friend, teammate and
business partner Don James, selected several
players each year by hand.
These hand-picked invitees were chosen for
contributions to the Texas Magic
scene that, while extremely valuable, may
not be reflected in high DCI
The Invitational is run very much like
Magic's annual Sideboard Invitational
event. Just as in the Sideboard
Invitational, players in the Event Horizons
Invitational compete in five different
events containing just three rounds
each. This format pits each player against
each of the fifteen other players
exactly once. After all fifteen rounds of
play have been completed, the two
highest finishers play against each other in
a head-to-head limited format
to decide a champion. The finalists of the
four Invitationals include
players that have made an impact in the
worldwide Magic scene and not just
in Texas. Neil Reeves, James Stroud, Bryan
Hubble and Skye Thomsen are all
accomplished Pro Tour players that finished
at the top of this special
invitational event.
The big payoff to the Event Horizons
Invitational is anything BUT money.
It's all about prestige, bragging rights and
cool looking trophies. Cool
looking trophies are one part of competition
that Magic tournaments don't
think about very often. For each of the four
Event Horizons Invitationals,
Tim Weissman went WAY over the top designing
exceptional special trophies
for each of the event's five events, as well
as trophies for the overall
champion, the overall runner-up, a
sportsmanship award and a tiny trophy
(with a horse's ass on it) for the
tournament's last place finisher.
What is the Future of Such Special Magic
In Texas, the future of these kind of
special Magic events appears to be
very strong. The Peatross brothers already
figure to be putting on a third
Texas 5K Championship in 2005. A year after
accomplishing his PHD, Dr. Tim
Weissman may become less "distracted" by the
real world and decide to put on
another of his invitational gems. Special
events like this can breed their
own success. Texas Magic stores that have
before put on large Magic events
are considering their own big money cash
series. Mad Hatter, Tim Weissman
and Fletcher Peatross have led the way,
creating successful Magic
tournaments that do a lot to expand interest
in competitive Magic across a
wide geographic area. Tournament organizers
in other states would do well to
take a look at what is going on in Texas.
1st Place Finisher 5-0
David Solis
GW Astral Slide
3 Pyroclasm
4 Renewed Faith
2 Oxidize
3 Starstorm
2 Plow Under
2 Decree of Justice
4 Wrath of God
4 Astral Slide
4 Eternal Witness
4 Rampant Growth
3 Eternal Dragon
2 City of Brass
3 Tranquil Thicket
3 Secluded Steppes
2 Forgotten Cave
3 Mountain
5 Plains
6 Forest
1 Wooded Foothills
1 Windswept Heath
2 Sacred Ground
2 Plow Under
4 Xantid Swarm
3 Creeping Mold
4 Stone Rain
2nd Place Finisher 4-1
Luke Oaks
GW Astral Slide
4 Astral Slide
3 Akroma's Vengeance
3 Renewed Faith
2 Decree of Justice
3 Gilded Light
4 Eternal Dragon
1 Wipe Clean
4 Wrath of God
2 Plow Under
1 Tel-Jilad Justice
2 Viridian Shaman
3 Krosan Tusker
4 Eternal Witness
2 Temple of the False God
4 Secluded Steppes
4 Tranquil Thicket
7 Plains
7 Forest
1 Viridian Shaman
2 Oxidize
3 Damping Matrix
2 Mindslaver
2 Pulse of the Fields
1 Wipe Clean
2 Aura Extraction
2 Sacred Ground
3rd Place Finisher 3-0-2
John Walsh
UW Control
4 Wrath of God
4 Decree of Justice
4 Mana Leak
4 Condescend
3 Akroma's Vengeance
3 Thirst for Knowledge
3 Echoing Truth
3 Pulse of the Fields
3 Eternal Dragon
4 Wayfarer's Bauble
4 Flooded Strand
4 Cloudpost
3 Coastal Tower
7 Plains
5 Island
2 Darksteel Citadel
4 Annul
1 Acquire
3 Purge
3 Sacred Ground
4 Silver Knight
4th Place Finisher 3-1-1
Andrew Tibbett
UW Control
3 Thirst for Knowledge
4 Wayfarer's Bauble
2 Pulse of the Fields
4 Decree of Justice
3 Eternal Dragon
4 Wrath of God
3 Akroma's Vengeance
2 Echoing Truth
3 Exalted Angel
4 Condescend
3 Mana Leak
4 Temple of the False God
4 Coastal Tower
4 Flooded Strand
5 Island
8 Plains
4 Annul
3 Purge
3 Circle of Protection: Red
1 Exalted Angel
4 Rewind
5th Place Finisher 3-1-1
Roy Spires
Artifact Affinity with Natural Affinity
3 Aether Vial
3 Atog
3 Moriok Rigger
3 Mana Leak
2 Welding Jar
2 Chromatic Sphere
3 Myr Enforcer
4 Frogmite
4 Disciple of the Vault
4 Krark Clan Shaman
4 Arcbound Ravager
2 Natural Affinity
3 Darksteel Citadel
4 Thoughtcast
3 Vault of Whispers
2 Tree of Tales
4 Seat of the Synod
4 Great Furnace
2 City of Brass
2 Glimmervoid
3 Pyroclasm
3 Pentad Prism
3 Furnace Dragon
1 Natural Affinity
2 Annul
1 Mana Leak
2 Shrapnel Blast
6th Place Finisher 3-1-1
Mark Dean
Goblin Bidding with Read the Runes
3 Patriarch's Bidding
3 Read the Runes
4 Goblin Piledriver
4 Siege-Gang Commander
4 Goblin Sharpshooter
4 Skirk Prospector
4 Goblin Sledder
4 Goblin Warchief
3 Gempalm Incinerator
3 Sparksmith
1 Obliterate
9 Mountain
3 Swamp
1 Island
4 City of Brass
3 Bloodstained Mire
3 Polluted Delta
4 Electrostatic Bolt
4 Relic Barrier
4 Mana Leak
2 Lightning Greaves
1 Sword of Fire and Ice
7th Place Finisher 3-1-1
Brian Hart
Goblin Bidding
4 Goblin Warchief
4 Goblin Piledriver
4 Goblin Sledder
4 Goblin Sharpshooter
4 Skirk Prospector
4 Siege-Gang Commander
3 Gempalm Incinerator
3 Patriarch's Bidding
2 Clickslither
2 Electrostatic Bolt
1 Oversold Cemetary
3 Sparksmith
4 Swamp
4 Bloodstained Mire
3 City of Brass
11 Mountain
8th Place Finisher 3-1-1
Jeff Zandi
Goblin Bidding
4 Goblin Warchief
4 Goblin Sharpshooter
4 Goblin Piledriver
4 Clickslither
4 Siege-Gang Commander
4 Skirk Prospector
4 Electrostatic Bolt
3 Goblin Sledder
3 Sparksmith
3 Patriarch's Bidding
3 City of Brass
4 Bloodstained Mire
3 Swamp
13 Mountain
4 Shatter
4 Dwarven Blastminer
4 Molten Rain
3 Sulfuric Vortex
Jeff Zandi
Texas Guildmages
Level II DCI Judge
Zanman on Magic Online