
Playing Ball in the Winter
Fun With Champions of Kamigawa on Magic
by Jeff Zandi
December 17, 2004
Things have been slow around my neck of the
woods lately, Magic-wise.
However, if we’ve learned nothing else from
our time together, it’s that if you try hard
enough, you can always find a way to have
fun with Magic. Last week, I joined a
Champions of Kamigawa league on Magic
Online. Over the months of November and
December, Magic has slowed down to almost a
halt here in my home town of Dallas, Texas.
Attendance at the weekly team meetings has
fallen dramatically. Attendance the past
three weeks has been particularly pitiful.
Nobody seems to want to play Magic. The
thing is, we don’t play that much purely
casual Magic. We like Pro Tours, Grand Prix
events and Pro Tour qualifiers.
Unfortunately, the Pro Tour schedule has
been very quiet the past two months. My guys
are starting to find other things to do with
their Magic time. I’m no exception, finding
myself in poker clubs more often than in
game stores, dropping my weekly allowance at
the tables on Party Poker instead of Magic
Online. Signing up last week for a Magic
Online league, I felt like a baseball player
heading down to Mexico to play in the winter
Is Zandi really planning to lay his
Champions of Kamigawa sealed deck on us and
talk about Magic Online leagues as though
they mattered? Yes, yes I am.
But more than that, I also want to talk
about this most frigid of Magic seasons, why
the action in the game has been slow lately
and how this pause in Pro Tour action has
affected my team.
October was a great month for competitive
Magic. Each of the five Saturdays in October
held an important event that mattered to a
lot of people including, in order, PTQ-Nagoya
in Houston, Grand Prix Austin, PTQ-Nagoya in
Oklahoma City, State Championships (they
don’t matter much but tend to be interesting
to a lot of the tournament crowd anyway) and
finally, Pro Tour Columbus. November
followed with three more PTQs for Nagoya, in
Dallas on the 6th, San Antonio on the 13th
and your choice of New Orleans or Wichita,
Kansas on the 20th. The last weekend in
November, nothing. The entire month of
December…nothing. Things promise to pick up
rapidly in January with Team PTQs for Pro
Tour Atlanta the first two weekends followed
by Pre Releases on the third weekend in
Team practices have been very negatively
affected. Last year, weekly practices from
November 18th to December 16th (we meet on
Tuesday nights) brought in 9, 7, 6, 8 and 8
attendees. This year, practices held from
November 16th to December 14th have yielded
6, 4, 4, 7 and 2 players. Very bad, very
bad. I have wondered lately if, along with
the month-wide hole in the Pro Tour
calendar, there was a lower level of
interest in the game in general. There’s no
way to answer this difficult question at
this point, we can only learn the real
answer in the weeks and months ahead. Even
though I think the team has really enjoyed
Champions of Kamigawa as a drafting set, I
think there has been some tired-head
associated with booster drafting Champions
week after week with nothing else on the
agenda. Obviously, there is an Extended
Constructed season coming soon. A REALLY
MOTIVATED Magic team would have all kinds of
plans for new Extended decks and would be
excited about practicing for the Extended
Constructed season. Well, that’s not really
happening right now. At any rate, after the
tournaments of November wound up, there just
hasn’t been that much interest in playing
Even Magic Online, normally a fun fall-back
position for many of the players on the
team, has been largely empty of the local
Magic player. Whenever I get comfortable
behind the keyboard of my computer here at
home, one of the first things I do is log
onto Magic Online. I log onto to Magic
Online regardless of whether or not I plan
on doing any playing, I simply want to check
the buddy list and see WHO ELSE is online.
In this way, Magic Online has been the
preferred method of messaging other Magic
players for a long time. Lately, the buddy
list has been very quiet.
Last Tuesday, with hardly anyone showing up
at my place to play Magic, I decided to join
a Champions of Kamigawa league online. For
those of you not in the know, here’s how the
league thing shakes out on Magic Online.
Each league is four weeks long and contains
up to 256 players. Each week, the first five
matches you play count towards your primary
league points. A win in one of those five
matches is worth two points, a loss is worth
one point.
Awarding a point for a match loss encourages
players to do their best to play at least
five matches each week. After your first
five matches each week, any additional
matches you play and win add one point to
your tie-breaker score. Losing a match after
the first five in a week deducts a point
from your tie-breaker score. Your
tie-breaker score never goes below zero. You
start the first week of the league with one
Champions starter deck (tournament pack) and
two Champions booster packs from which to
build a sealed deck. When the league is one
week old, each player is able to add another
Champions booster pack to his When the
league begins its third week, you get to add
another booster pack. When the league enters
its fourth and final week, you get to add
one more booster pack to your deck. By the
end of a four week league season, the best
decks can look a lot less like sealed decks
and a lot more like the best draft deck in
the world (bordering on constructed
quality!). You win prizes by having a high
score at the end of the four week league.
You can win A LOT of booster packs if you
can go undefeated through the twenty matches
that count toward your primary score.
However, there are prizes for all players
that finish, basically, in the top half of
the league. You can score some amount of
prizes by winning at least half your
Below are the cards that I opened initially.
Even though the white is playable, I thought
the red was very important because of the
presence of TWO Glacial Rays. I wouldn’t
ordinarily try to splash a double mana
intensity spell like Hideous Laughter, but I
do have a red/black dual land (Lantern-Lit
Graveyard) and two Sakura-Tribe Elders to
smooth out the mana.
Just as importantly, all three of the black
spells included are Arcane and are therefore
good Splice Onto Arcane targets for Glacial
Commune with Nature
Kodama's Might x2
Budoka Gardener
Dripping-Tongue Zubera
Kami of the Hunt
Order of the Sacred Bell
Orochi Ranger
Sakura-Tribe Elder x2
Seshiro the Annointed
Sosuke, Son of Seshiro
Glacial Ray x2
Brothers Yamazaki
Ember-Fist Zubera
Kami of Fire's Roar
Sokenzan Bruiser
Hideous Laughter
Pull Under
Soulless Revival
Tatsumasa, the Dragon's Fang
Lantern-Lit Graveyard
Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers
Forest x7
Mountan x5
Swamp x3
Terashi's Cry
Call to Glory
Otherworldly Journey
Quiet Purity
Hondend of Cleansing Fire
Cage of Hands
Devoted Retainer x2
Kami of the Painted Road
Kami of the Palace Field
Kitsune Diviner
Samurai of the Pale Curtain
Silent-Chant Zubera
Counsel of the Soratami
Cut the Tethers
Eerie Procession
Eye of Nowhere
Hisoka's Defiance x2
Lifted by Clouds
Callous Deceiver x2
Soratami Mirror-Guard
Soratami Rainshaper
Teller of Tales
Distress x2
Walking Nightmare
Midnight Covenant
Ragged Veins
Deathcurse Ogre
Gibbering Kami
Kami of the Waning Moon x2
Nezumi Cutthroat
Numai Outcast
Yamabushi's Storm
Desperate Ritual
Devouring Rage
Unnatural Speed
Akki Avalanchers x2
Ore Gorger
Jukai Messenger
Thousand-legged Kami
Vine Kami
Jade Idol
Cloudcrest Lake
After building the deck, I was ready to
play, but I immediately broke one of the
first unwritten rules about online league
play. Regardless of your own skill level,
the simple fact of the matter is that you
would like to have the opportunity to play
as many of your important league matches
against as…wide a possible group of players
in your league as possible. That’s a nice
way of saying that you want to play as many
of your league matches against the easiest
possible competition. This is NOT the best
strategy for becoming a better Magic player,
but it IS the best strategy for finishing
high in the prizes at the end of the league.
The way you give yourself the greatest
possibility for getting an “easier” opponent
is to wait to play your league matches until
there are A LOT of league players in the
league room playing league matches. How many
should be there for you to feel really good
about your odds? I would say at least fifty
or more players need to be in the league
room. This kind of number really helps
maximize your chances for success. I did not
do this, I immediately played two matches
with less than ten players in the league
room. I won the first match but lost my
second match. I feel like my deck is pretty
strong. When you have a strong deck, you
really want to try and start out the league
with an undefeated week. I have already lost
one match. A couple of days later, I felt
like playing more Magic, so I broke my own
rule again, playing two more matches with
less than ten league players in the league
room. Again, I won the first match and lost
the second. I am now 2-2 in the first week
of the league, making it very difficult to
finish among the highest prize winners at
the end of this league. I know people who,
with a 2-2 week one record, would quit
playing in this league and not waste any
more time or booster packs on it.
I decided to wait at least until the second
week of the league to see what this deck
could evolve into. Here are the cards that I
opened in week two…
Gibbering Kami, Kami of the Painted Field,
Akki Avalanchers, Hisoka's Defiance,
Sakura-Tribe Elder, Distress, Battle-Mad
Ronin, Psychic Puppetry, Joyous Respite,
Kitsune Blademaster, Ronin Houndmaster, Cut
the Tethers, Hideous Laughter, Kami of the
Palace Fields and Myonin of Cleansing Fire.
This group of cards did not really help my
deck much. The white cards make me want to
try a white version of this deck, but I feel
slightly more strongly about adding the
Hideous Laughter, the Ronin Houndmaster and
the Sakura-Tribe Elder (now the third in my
deck) to the cards I was already playing
with, removing the red and green Zuberas and
the Commune with Nature card. Additionally,
I switched a Mountain out for a fourth
Swamp. The deck now has a mana base
containing eight green sources, five red and
five black sources.
I haven’t played any matches with this new
configuration, but obviously, I can’t say
that it is much stronger than the week one
Meanwhile, other players may have been able
to use their booster pack to turn average
decks into very good decks, and some have
turned very good decks into MONSTER DECKS.
The only chance I have in this league, as
far as prizes are concerned, is to maximize
my play as much as possible this week, and
try to pick up six wins.
In case you are inexperienced in Magic
Online leagues, the next SIX matches for me
will count toward my primary league score
since I only played four matches in the
first week of the league. Ultimately, only
twenty matches for each player, basically
the first five matches played each week,
will count for the final score.
If I don’t do well enough to win prizes, or
at least, to win more than minmal prizes, I
believe I will stick with this league to the
end anyway.
For me, these are the Mexican Winter
Leagues, and I need a LOT of batting
As always, I’d love to know what YOU think.
Jeff Zandi
Texas Guildmages
Level II DCI Judge
Zanman on Magic Online