
Fun With
Constructed Magic
Beta vs. Arabian Nights vs. Urza’s Saga vs.
Champions of Kamigawa by Jeff Zandi
December 26, 2004
I’ve always wanted to find out what would
happen if you built decks exclusively out of
different Magic sets and played them against
each other.
They say that there are just certain things
you can’t know, questions that are
impossible to answer. Was Michael Jordan
better at basketball than Wilt Chamberlain,
is flame-broiling better than frying for
hamburgers, what happens when the
unstoppable force meets the immovable
object, are older Magic sets more powerful
than newer sets? I don’t know if all of
these questions can ever be answered, but
this week, I did my part to take on at least
one of the Big Questions of our time. I took
four different Magic sets from at least
three different eras of the game and built
sixty card constructed decks exclusively
from those sets. Then I played each of the
four decks against each other in a very
strange round-robin tournament.
Warning, do not try this at home. This stunt
requires a lot of time to set up and a lot
of time to play out. Basically, you have to
have the kind of free time available only to
the underemployed and the kind of brain
usually found only in the chemically
unbalanced. Luckily, I happen to be a little
of column ‘A’ and a little of column ‘B’.
The four sets I chose included the Beta
edition of Magic’s ‘basic set’, Arabian
Nights, Urza’s Saga and the most recent set
Champions of Kamigawa. I understand that
Beta includes some of the most powerful
cards of all time. I understand that Arabian
Nights has far fewer cards than any of the
other sets.
I wanted to play the decks using the most
current rules for everything except deck
construction. You can’t compare Beta against
other sets if you don’t allow a deck
including ALL the goodies found in Magic’s
first set (yeah, yeah, after Alpha). All
four decks would be sixty cards with no
sideboards and no more than four of any non
basic land card in them. The only limitation
I put on the Beta deck was to restrict it to
only one of each Mox and only one Black
Lotus. Other than that, the sky was the
This may have been a big mistake, but it was
a lot of fun to find out, as you may be able
to see from the results described in the
rest of this article. Understanding that the
Arabian Nights deck suffered from having a
smaller card pool than the other sets used
in this experiment, I allowed four copies of
Library of Alexandria.
I couldn’t really spend too much time
designing and building each deck. I don’t
believe any of the four necessarily
represent the optimal build of a deck of its
kind. I just took the best shot I could.
After playing the decks that I built against
each other, I would probably make a lot of
changes to all of them. I might adjust the
deck construction rules differently if I did
it again, or else I would use different
Having constructed these four decks, I
played them against each other in five
separate games. For each game, I randomly
determined which deck would play first. In
all, it took thirty games to play each deck
against every other deck. The results of
this test are documented below. But first,
let’s take a look at the decks.
Balance x3
Black Lotus x1
Channel x3
Fireball x4
Demonic Tutor x4
Mox Emerald x1
Mox Ruby x1
Mox Jet x1
Mox Pearl x1
Mox Jet x1
Hypnotic Specter x4
Ancestral Recall x4
Swords to Plowshares x4
Shivan Dragon x2
Serra Angel x4
Wrath of God x2
Badlands x4
Bayou x4
Scrubland x4
Underground Sea x4
Tundra x4
Aladdin’s Ring x2
Desert Twister x4
Ernham Djinn x4
Juzam Djinn x4
Serendib Djinn x4
Dancing Scimitar x4
Bottle of Suleiman x4
Oubliette x4
Sorceress Queen x4
City of Brass x4
Library of Alexandria x4
Island x4
Swamp x7
Forest x7
Morphling x4
Yawgmoth’s Will x4
Skittering Skirge x4
Horseshoe Crab x4
Hermetic Study x4
Gilded Drake x4
Duress x4
Confiscate x4
Expunge x4
Remote Isle x4
Polluted Mire x4
Island x8
Swamp x8
Befoul x4
Nezumi Graverobber x4
Nezumi Shortfang x4
Rend Flesh x4
Swallowing Plague x3
Wicked Akuba x4
Meloku the Clouded Mirror x4
Kiku, Night’s Flower x4
Journeyer’s Kite x1
Diviner’s Top x1
Honden of Seeing Winds x3
Minamo, School at Water’s Edge x1
Shizo, Death’s Storehouse x1
Waterveil Cavern x4
Swamp x11
Island x7
The Beta deck did the best. I guess I forgot
how big a deal Channel/Fireball is. Beta
beat Arabian Nights 5-0, Urza’s Saga 4-1 and
Champions 3-2, finishing with an overall
best 12-3 record. Nine of Beta’s twelve
victories came from Channel/Fireball. The
Saga deck got its only win against Beta by
playing a very key Duress to break up a
Channel/Fireball that would have won the
game for Beta on Beta’s next turn.
Champions of Kamigawa came in second,
winning three of five against Arabian Nights
and Urza’s Saga and winning two games
against Beta. Champions’ 8-7 game win
record. The strength of this deck was the
variety of removal spells and the low
casting cost threats. The Graverobbers were
surprisingly weak for some reason, never
amounting to more than a 2/1 creature. Kiko
was very good against every deck except
Arabian Nights. The most important card
against the Beta deck, believe it or not,
was the card drawing of the Honden of Seeing
Winds. Meloku was the decisive card in many
of this deck’s wins.
This deck managed to hold down the Beta deck
in the decisive fifth game of their match
up, eventually running out of cards with two
Hondens in play, having survived all three
Balance and both Wrath of God cards the Beta
deck had to offer. It was kind of
disappointing that I couldn’t find a good
all-around Champions deck that was balanced
enough with creatures and spells that could
make the most of Splice Onto Arcane
technology. Maybe next time.
Arabian Nights came in third, winning two of
three games against Champions, three out of
five against Urza’s Saga and winning no
games whatsoever against Beta. Arabian
Night’s final record of 5-10, the same as
the Urza’s Saga deck. However, the fact that
this deck did as well as a deck built from
Urza’s Saga, a set with three times as many
cards, is quite impressive, as well as the
fact that this deck beat the Saga deck
straight up 3-2. The worst card in this deck
is clearly Sorceress Queen followed closely
by Dancing Scimitar. Both seemed like a good
idea at the time. Bottle of Suleiman only
produced one giant 5/5 flyer after four coin
flips in three different games. Oubliette
was surprisingly good, and Aladdin’s Ring
was a very necessary eight mana card.
Obviously too expensive to be good against
Beta, the Ring was very important in one
game against Champions. In that game, the
Champs deck only won when it was able to
play Meloku with eleven remaining untapped
lands available to make 1/1 flying tokens
with. A complete lack of mass removal
technology is a major problem for this deck.
The Arabian Nights deck only lost the fifth
and decisive game against Champions of
Kamigawa when Ernham Djinn was forced to
give Forestwalk to Champions’ creatures with
Forests in play.
Urza’s Saga finished fourth, winning two of
five games against Arabian Nights and
Champions but winning only one game against
Beta. Saga finished with a 5-10 record. None
of the cards were completely bad in this
deck, but a lot of the cards were
sub-optimal. Expunge was probably the worst.
Being able to cycle Expunge was a good
thing, but too many black creatures in the
other decks made this card almost worthless.
Yawgmoth’s Will was too hard to use to
include four copies. Yawgmoth’s Will was one
card that Champions’
Graverobber was able to make largely
worthless. Yawgmoth’s Will was also bad
against Beta because games were simply over
too fast for it to ever be useful. I thought
the Hermetic Study was a bit too much of a
combo, but it really did play an important
part in a third of the Saga games.
Five games for each deck match up is really
not enough games to decisively determine
which deck is the best. Still, I felt like
this test provided a lot of insights about
the cards in each deck involved. Clearly,
the Beta deck, using the deck construction
rules that I used, was too powerful for the
other decks. On the other hand, if the
Vintage construction rules were imposed on
the Beta deck, I think the deck might be too
weak and more importantly, would no longer
be representative of the cards that were put
in the set in the first place. Beta deck
aside, the other decks played very
competitively. Basically, once you get rid
of massive mana acceleration and a few of
the more broken cards from long ago, Magic
sets of similar size are somewhat evenly
matched against each other. Each set has
something to offer, and most large expansion
sets need access to cards from other sets to
be truly powerful. Sometime in the future,
it would be fun to build decks from each of
the large expansions and play them against
each other. Maybe I’ll get around to the
task by this time NEXT year!
The best part of this week’s experiment was
building with and playing with the old cards
again. It makes me genuinely wish that there
were more ways to enjoy the oldest and most
powerful cards in Magic. I’m not satisfied
with the Vintage (Type I) constructed
format, much less with Type 1.5 and I think
Extended constructed is kind of a joke right
now. I’m trying very hard to NOT get on my
regular soapbox about a new format and a new
collectible set that would reunite today’s
Magic player with the great cards of the
That is a matter for another day!
As always, I’d love to know what YOU think.
Whatever you believe in, cherish it this
weekend. If you don’t believe in anything,
think about doing something about that!
Happy holidays!
Jeff Zandi
Texas Guildmages
Level II DCI Judge
Zanman on Magic Online