
Getting Unhinged With
Magic’s Newest Set These Are a Few of My
Favorite ‘Tings
December 3, 2004
by Jeff Zandi
Unhinged was released all across the land
last weekend, again proving that Wizards of
the Coast has a keen sense of humor and are
not afraid to laugh at themselves, as well
as at the game of Magic. Unhinged is a set
NOT intended for competitive play. In fact,
the cards in Unhinged, like those produced
six years ago in Unglued, may not be fit for
ANY kind of play. This is not an insult to
the cards of Unhinged or an insult to the
hard work that went into their creation.
Unhinged is a joke set. You can’t take these
cards seriously. When Wizards of the Coast
produced their first set of “funny” cards
back in 1998, called Unglued, players
immediately fell in love with the goofy set.
The cards in Unglued had no reverence for
the rules of Magic, for the rules of good
graphic card design and often, no reverence
for good manners. While Magic players of
every kind loved Unglued, there was clearly
a split for WHY they loved the set. Half of
the Magic world embraced Unglued as pure
parody, a collection of inside jokes poking
fun at every aspect of the game of Magic,
taking down any pretentiousness that the
game may have accumulated in the years it
had been around. I definitely fell into this
first group of Magic players where Unglued
was concerned. The other half of the Magic
world loved Unglued for the idea of ACTUALLY
PLAYING with the cards. These players love
the idea of playing with fun card abilities
that are unlikely to ever be included in
so-called “Real Magic”.
No matter what group players fell in when
they first saw Unglued, one thing was almost
universally true. Players immediately wanted
to know when the NEXT Unglued set would be
coming out. Magic players were disappointed
to learn that company line was that Unglued
was most likely a once in a lifetime
occurrence, and that it was unlikely that a
“sequel” to Unglued would ever be created.
At some point, the crazy ideas that ended up
as actual cards in Unglued continued to
accumulate at Research and Development at
Wizards of the Coast. There can be no doubt
that Unglued was a set close to the heart of
Magic designer Mark Rosewater. As long as
Rosewater was a part of the Magic design
team, I suspected that another Unglued-like
set was somewhere in the future of Magic. I
was THRILLED to learn as recently as two
months ago that Unhinged was going to be the
“sequel” to Unglued, and that this new
parody set would be released in November.
Admittedly, I don’t always stay as glued (no
pun intended) to Magic’s website as much as
I probably should, but I was floored that
Unhinged was going to arrive in stores
practically as soon as I even heard about
its possible existence.
Unhinged is a great gift to all Magic
players, no matter which side of the Unglued
fence you might find yourself on. Six years
after the August, 1998 release of Unglued,
I’m still on the pure parody side. When I
look at Unhinged, and this set is INCREDIBLE
to look at, I see the cards the same way I
see Unglued. I see a great collection of
funny cards that have honestly made me fall
out of my chair laughing for hours. I don’t
see these cards as being playable. Wizards
in general, and Mark Rosewater specifically,
don’t see it that way. In my opinion,
Research and Development has gone out of
their way to make Unhinged much more capable
of being played than Unglued. In fact, not
only does Wizards hope that you WILL play
games with Unhinged cards, they hope that
you will mix Unhinged cards with non-silver
bordered cards. Indeed, some of the coolest
cards in Unhinged are just itching for a
fight involving “realistic” competitive
The Gotcha mechanic in Unhinged is evidence
that these cards really are intended for
play. Each of the five Unhinged uncommons
with the Gotcha mechanic provides some basic
Magic ability, the black one, Kill!
Destroy!, destroys a target non-black
creature. Here’s the Gotcha: whenever an
opponent says the word “Kill” or the word
“Destroy”, you may say “Gotcha!”.
If you do, return Kill! Destroy! from your
graveyard to your hand. Kill!
Destroy! may be the most dangerous of the
Gotcha spells, since it can destroy (oops, I
said the d-word) almost any creature in
play. Deal Damage is a close second. Deal
Damage, er, deals four points of, ahem,
damage to a target creature or player. If an
opponent says “Deal” or “Damage” and you say
“Gotcha!” you return Deal Damage from the
graveyard to your hand. The other Gotcha
spells include the blue Spell Counter that
counters a target spell, the green Creature
Guy is a 3/3 Beast and the white Save Life,
the most confusing of the uncommon Gotcha
cards, allows you to gain 2.5 life or
prevent 2.5 points of damage that would be
dealt to a target creature. Kill!
Destroy! has a funny interaction with at
least one other card in Unhinged.
Carnivorous Death-Parrot is a 2/2 flying
Bird for 1U. At the beginning of your
upkeep, Carnivorous Death-Parrot requires
you to read its flavor text aloud or
sacrifice it. The flavor text is “Save a
kill spell to deal with this guy.” Of
course, if you read this flavor text and
your opponent has a Kill! Destroy! card in
their graveyard, they WILL have a kill card
for your Carnivorous Death-Parrot.
Knowledge of card artists and general card
text virtually becomes a mechanic of its own
in Unhinged. Symbol Status is a green
sorcery for 2GG that puts a 1/1 colorless
Expansion-Symbol creature token into play
for each different expansion symbol among
permanents you control. Persecute Artist is
a sorcery for 1BB that tells you to choose
an artist, then target player reveals his or
her hand and discards all nonland cards by
the chosen artist. My First Tome is an
artifact for three colorless mana. Spend one
colorless mana and tap My First Tome, say
the flavor text on a card in your hand.
Target player guesses that card’s name. You
may reveal that card. If you do and your
opponent guessed wrong, you draw a card. (If
you have a second My First Tome in your hand
when you activate a My First Tome in play,
you should probably try to use some OTHER
card in your hand…the flavor text of My
First Tome is “This card is named My First
Tome.” Cards that require knowledge of Magic
artists include no less than nine commons,
two uncommons and one rare. I am a lover of
Magic art trivia, more than anyone I know,
and EVEN I found these cards annoying and
hard to play, yet these cards inclusion is a
pretty clear indicator that Wizards intends
these cards to be actually played in games.
The following are a few of my favorite cards
from Unhinged, twenty in all, split into two
top ten lists. First, my top ten favorite
Unhinged cards that certainly push the
boundaries of playability, to say the least,
but which were extremely funny or amazingly
clever or both. The second top ten list
includes my favorite Unhinged cards that you
can actually play with, if you really think
such a thing is wise. Finally, some of the
funniest things in Unhinged are found in the
cards’ flavor text, so I have included my
top ten funniest Unhinged flavor texts.
WITH (These cards are ranked in order of how
much I like the card with no consideration
of how relatively playable or unplayable
they are…)
10. R&D’s Secret Lair is a legendary land
that taps for one colorless mana and
requires you to play all cards as written
and to ignore all errata. The flavor text is
fun “Let them complain. As long as the
addictive ink is working we can do anything
we want.” There is also an
industrial-looking warning sticker near the
bottom of the card that warns ‘play at your
own risk’. I don’t want to take any time to
note how many cards NEED their rules errata
to work correctly, but believe me, this
card, though funny, is a really bad idea.
9. Old Fogey is a 7/7 Dinosaur for GG who
has Phasing, cumulative upkeep 1, echo,
fading 3, bands with other Dinosaurs,
protection from Homarids, snow-covered
plainswalk, flanking and rampage 2. “These
kids today with their collector numbers and
their newfangled tap symbol. Twenty Black
Lotuses and twenty Plague Rats. Now that’s
real Magic.” The art for this card was
created by one of Magic’s original and
possibly finest artists, Douglas Shuler. (Serra
Angel ring a bell with anybody?) The picture
is a Dinosaur wearing glasses, walking with
a cane away from the wreckage of a time
machine. Not just any time machine, by the
way, but none other than the machine
pictured on the Unhinged card Time Machine.
Old Fogey also features the original type
faces and border configuration used by ALL
Magic cards previous to last year’s Eighth
8. Mox Lotus is an artifact for fifteen
colorless mana. Tap Mox Lotus to add an
infinite amount of colorless mana to your
mana pool. Spend 100 colorless mana to add
one mana of any color to your mana pool. You
don’t lose life due to mana burn. The art is
a picture of a very pretty red haired woman
from the lower part of her face down to the
middle of her chest. Around her neck is
hanging the beautiful Mox Lotus pendant. I
couldn’t find any information to confirm
this theory from Wizards, but I think the
girl in the picture is Rose, the character
from the movie Titanic played by Kate
7. Loose Lips is a creature enchantment for
one blue mana. Enchanted creature has
flying. When Loose Lips comes into play,
choose a sentence with eight or fewer words.
Whenever enchanted creature deals damage to
an opponent, you draw two cards unless that
player says the chosen sentence.
“Your sentence can’t be longer than this
one” reminds this card’s flavor text.
6. Question Elemental? Is a 3/4 flying
Elemental for 2UU. The text that describes
this creature’s special ability reads like
flavor text, but its not. When you read this
next sentence, realize that this is the
actual text box for the card: Are you aware
that when you say something that isn’t a
question, the player who first points out
this fact gains control of Question
Elemental? In other words, when Question
Elemental? is in play, you must speak only
in questions. If you speak a sentence that
is not a question, the Elemental moves under
the control of the first player (your
opponent) that points out that you failed to
speak only in questions. Of course, if this
happens, it will become that player’s curse
to speak only in questions. Game play sounds
a little like this: “Did you know that I
would like to enter my attack step? Would
you like to see which creatures I’m
attacking with? Does tapping my Question
Elemental? make you sufficiently aware that
I’m attacking with him? Would you like to go
to damage dealing?
How would you react to me telling you that
I’m finished with my turn?
5. Enter the Dungeon is a sorcery for BB
that requires players to play a Magic
subgame underneath the table starting at
five life each, using their libraries (just
as they are with no additional shuffling) as
their decks.
After the subgame ends, the winner searches
his or her library for two cards, puts those
cards into his or her hand, then shuffles
his or her library. For those of you that
think a card like this, while humorous, is a
good idea for Magic, try not to hold your
breath. Enter the Dungeon is not likely to
become “street legal” anytime soon!
4. Time Machine is an artifact costing five
colorless mana. Tap Time Machine, remove
Time Machine and target nontoken creature
you own from the game. Return both cards to
play at the beginning of your upkeep on your
turn X of the next game you play with the
same opponent, where X is the removed
creature’s converted mana cost. Wow! This
card breaks one or two of the most basic
Magic laws, but breaks them so elegantly and
beautifully that you wish this card were
actually a part of competitive Magic.
3. Pointy Finger of Doom is an artifact
costing four colorless mana. Spend three
colorless mana and tap: spin Pointy Finger
of Doom in the middle of the table so that
it rotates completely around at least once,
then destroy the closest permanent the
finger points to. Incredibly difficult to
officiate colorless removal card or the best
card since Chaos Orb, you be the judge. I’d
have to say the answer is a little bit from
column A and a little bit from column B. I
think the funniest thing about this card is
the very idea that it would ever actually be
useful. Imagine the things you would have to
do in order to make this card useful. Tell
your opponent, “Uh, I know the card says to
put it in the middle of the table, but I was
wondering if you wouldn’t mind if I put it
in the middle of all of YOUR cards. You see,
when I spin it, I don’t want the finger
thingy to end up pointing at any of MY
stuff…” Good luck with all of that!
2. Ass Whuppin’ is a sorcery for 1WB that
destroys a target silver-bordered permanent
in any game you can see from your seat. If
this card was a movie, it would be called
Actually, Ass Whuppin’ is impersonal, if
anything, since it can mess with other games
besides the one you happen to be playing in.
This is a really funny idea.
Limiting this card to being able to target
only silver-bordered cards makes me wonder
how badly Research and Development really
wanted this card played.
It would be pretty amazing, parody set or
not, if it could target ANY permanent, not
just those from Unglued and Unhinged.
1. Booster Tutor is an instant for one black
mana that allows you to open a sealed Magic
booster pack, reveal the cards, and put one
of those cards into your hand. You must
remove the added card from your deck before
you begin your next game. GENIUS! This card
has everything. It’s incredibly powerful,
since you could use it to rip open anything
from a Black Lotus to a Counterspell to a
Fireball and about six thousand other
things. This card totally breaks the rules,
allowing you access to cards outside the
game, yet marketing loves this card because
it causes you to open more booster packs!
The flavor text says it all, “Real men us
Arabian Nights boosters.”
10. Double Header is a flying 2/3 Drake for
3UU. When Double Header comes into play, you
may return a target permanent with a
two-word name to its owner’s hand. Granted,
this is a rather plain creature with no
major comedy angle to make it memorable
among Unhinged’s funniest cards, but I like
it because it’s coming into play ability is
realistic, well flavored and yet still silly
and fun.
9. Rocket-Powered Turbo Slug is a 3/1 Slug
for 3R. The slug is the first creature ever,
and maybe the last creature ever, to feature
the ability Super Haste. With this creature,
the hype is a lot more fun than the reality.
The hype was that Rocket-Powered Turbo Slug
was SO FAST that he “comes into play the
turn BEFORE you play him!” Funny stuff! When
you read the fine print, the card becomes
much less of an experience in cheating the
normal Magic rules and much more of a study
in how much of a drawback is a player
willing to risk in order to gain some kind
of advantage. In the case of the Turbo Slug,
you may put him into play attacking during
your declare attackers step without paying
any mana cost. On your next turn, you must
pay the Rocket-Powered Turbo Slug’s mana
cost or lose the game at the end of that
turn. Considering the nature of this
creature’s drawback, you would think they
would have made the slug a little larger
and/or given the poor creature Trample. As
he appears in Unhinged, he’s really a
completely plausible card from a power to
cost perspective, but probably not good
enough to really be played very often. MAYBE
in just the right burn deck, though…if you
played TWO of these, attacked for a bunch,
attacked AGAIN on the next turn without
paying for them, and then finished off your
opponent with some burn cards…
8. Punctuate is an instant for 3R that deals
damage to target creature equal to half the
number of punctuation marks in that
creature’s text box. This is a decent spell
that is likely to deal three or four points
of damage to a creature. Obviously,
Lightning Blast is still a better spell for
the same mana cost, but Punctuate is
completely playable and yet still retains
the fun flavor of Unhinged.
7. When Fluffy Bunnies Attack is an instant
for 3B that gives a target creature –X/-X
until end of turn where X is the number of
times the letter of your choice appears in
that creature’s name. The artwork features a
sad, funny looking dragon cowering in fear
as a dozen or so cute white bunnies appear
ready to strike. The flavor text is “Get it?
Bunnies, letters, -X/-X?
Me neither.” –Bucky, flavor text writer.
Magic’s creative team is not afraid to make
fun of themselves.
6. Frazzled Editor is a 2/2 Human Beaurocrat
for 1R. The text box of this card is a mess
of printed text and red editorial marks. The
red marks are actually being penned by the
figure pictured in the artwork, bending over
to reach below the art box with his extended
hand into the text box. I thought this was
the whole joke, that the character on this
2/2 creature card had essentially marked out
all of his own game text. I thought this was
a ‘vanilla’ 2/2 creature. They got me! In
order to understand this card’s special
ability, you need to “read between the
lines”, that is, you need to struggle
through the edited text thusly: Protection
from wordy (Something is wordy if it has
four or more lines of text in its text box.
This creature has protection from all cards
that contain four or more lines of text in
their text box! This creature, in effect,
has protection from a very large number of
threatening cards and is quite a bargain for
two mana. The flavor text is something you
really have to see on the card to believe.
The CORRECTED flavor text reads less
humorously than the unedited flavor text
beneath. The CORRECTED flavor text reads
“The pen is mightier than the sword.”
5. Duh is an instant for one black mana that
destroys a target creature with reminder
text. (Reminder text is any italicized text
in parentheses that explains rules you
already know.) This card really made my day
when I first saw it! I love this card, I
wish it would be put into a real set RIGHT
I hate reminder text. I’m one of those
people who think that if Wizards went to the
trouble to invent a name for an ability,
like Haste or the more recent Vigilance,
then they shouldn’t include a complete
description of how that ability works on
every new card with the ability. The other
good thing about Duh is that it is very cut
and dried. A card either has reminder text
or it doesn’t. Another very funny thing
about this card is that it might work on one
version of a card and not work on another
version of the SAME card. Example: Bog
Wraith is a 3/3 black creature for 3B that
has Swampwalk.
He has appeared in most of the Magic: the
Gathering base sets from Alpha and Beta all
the way through Seventh Edition. Duh does
NOT destroy the Alpha, Beta and Unlimited
editions which include only the keyword
Swampwalk in its text box. The Seventh
Edition Bog Wraith, however, CAN be
destroyed by Duh, because the Seventh
Edition version of Bog Wraith includes the
reminder text for how Swampwalk works.
4. Johnny, Combo Player is a 1/1 legendary
Human Gamer for 2UU. For four colorless
mana, this card allows you to search your
library for a card and put that card into
your hand. Then shuffle your library. I may
not be the biggest fan in the world of combo
decks, but I can completely understand the
usefulness of Johnny, Combo Player in such
decks. I do not believe this card is too
powerful. This card’s cost and the brittle
nature of its one toughness combine to make
this card risky enough to balance its power.
Of course, from a card design perspective,
Johnny, Combo Player is the perfect Unhinged
compliment to Unglued’s Timmy, Power Gamer.
The difference is that Unhinged’s Combo
Player is a lot more realistic card, all the
more evidence that Wizards of the Coast has
taken Unhinged more seriously in general
than they ever did Unglued.
3. AWOL is an instant for 2W that removes a
target attacking creature from the game,
then removes that creature from the
removed-from-the-game zone and puts it into
zone. I absolutely love this card! I am
quite sure that when the first cards that
remove cards from the game were created (my
mind leaps immediately to Swords to
Plowshares), Magic designers were not
considering the realistic possibility that
future Magic cards would be able to reach
cards that had been, well…REMOVED FROM THE
GAME. What do the words “removed from the
mean to you? I would have thought those
words indicated a zone that was completely
outside of the game, sort of a safe haven
for your ill-fated cards where they stay
until you retrieve them from there after the
current game. Then came the Wish cards, each
intended to access cards that have been
removed from the game. I simply love this
2. Rare-B-Gone is a sorcery for 2BR that
causes each player to sacrifice all rare
permanents, then reveals his or her hand and
discards all rare cards.
This is a great card against so many decks
that are composed of almost entirely rare
cards. It is a comical fly in the ointment
that Rare-B-Gone is also a rare card. But,
for any player that is tired of Bobby
Bigbucks bashing them down with ANOTHER of
his endless supply of rare-filled decks,
Rare-B-Gone can be the thesis that helps you
that is!
1. Richard Garfield, Ph.D. is a 2/2
legendary Human Designer for 3UU. When
Richard Garfield, Ph.D. is in play, you may
play cards as though they were other Magic
cards of your choice with the same mana
cost. You can’t choose the same card twice.
This card is simply a stunner, featuring a
truly unique card border elegantly framing a
highly stylized portrait of the man without
whom there would be no Magic: the Gathering,
Dr. Richard Garfield. This card legalizes
Mental Magic, an ‘underground’ way to play
Magic with any old pile of commons. This
card just BEGS to be played in decks with
lots of cards with the same mana cost,
preferably having good abilities on their
face, but with a mana cost in common with a
large number of good cards. I kind of like
the mana cost of 1U, a cost shared by such
goodies as Time Walk, Accumulated Knowledge,
Copy Artifact, Memory Lapse, Arcane Denial
or even Impulse.
10. Shoe Tree, “It grows several feet a
9. Number Crunch, “Can you digit?”
8. Frankie Peanuts, “Don’t cross him or
you’ll end up sleeping with the merfolk.”
7. Carnivorous Death-Parrot, “Save a kill
spell to deal with this guy.”
6. Keeper of the Sacred Word, “This is not a
subliminal message.”
5. Punctuate, “Ooh---right in the colon.”
4. Yet Another Aether Vortex, “It puts the
‘vortex’ in ‘flavortext’.”
3. Double Header, “Players that don’t read
flavor text aren’t too bright, sorta smell
and dress funny. But let’s just keep this
between us, okay? They can get kind of
2. Supersize, “You want ‘mise’ with that?”
1. Graphic Violence, “WARNING: The
Dominarian Surgeon General has found that
savage beatings can lead to chump blocks,
life reduction and even game loss.”
In the end, I have to admit that even though
I think Unhinged is a funny parody set that
is purely intended for show, we did include
an Unhinged pack in a Champions of Kamigawa
booster draft at our most recent team
practice, and it was definitely fun. Simply
trying to take some of the sillier cards
seriously can be the most fun. We had to
argue about where it was legal to balance
cards on your body, how quickly you had to
say “Gotcha!” in order to retrieve a Gotcha
card from a graveyard, and whether touching
a card with something wrapped around your
hand was the same as touching it with your
hand. As a tournament judge (who DID help
out last weekend at an Unhinged release
event) I am VERY glad that I don’t have to
face the HUNDREDS of headaches created by
these cards on a regular basis. Still, these
cards were fun to play with. A year from
now, however, I can assure you that the fun
of actually playing with Unhinged cards will
be gone and these cards will go where they
belong, in collector’s notebooks where they
Everything about Unhinged seems to be a
sharp improvement to Unglued, even though
the two sets are very much alike. It seems
like Research and Development went to a lot
of trouble to make these cards playable. In
some cases, they seem to have watered down
the actual power of several cards just in
order to make some funny mechanic a little
less “broken” or to make some
less-than-plausible aspect of some card
slightly more realistic. In my opinion, they
should have worried less about playability
and stuck to the ultimate spirit of
Unhinged, which is pure spoofy fun.
As always, I’d love to know what YOU think.
Jeff Zandi
Texas Guildmages
Level II DCI Judge
Zanman on Magic Online