
March 19, 2004 Getting
There is Half the Fun: Magic Travel
by Jeff Zandi
Tomorrow morning, my Magic day starts pretty
early. At not one minute later
than 5:30am on Saturday, my Toyota Avalon
will pull away from the curb in
front of my house. Hopefully, I won't be the
only person in the car.
Starting late is not an option. You see,
tomorrow is a early morning mission
to Houston for my last chance at a seat at
Pro Tour San Diego. Hopefully, it
will be another fun Magic trip. There have
been many, many before this one.
My team is great at traveling, you have to
be when the average drive to a
pro tour qualifier is three hours one way.
My first Magic road trip included
six people driving five or so hours to
Lubbock, Texas, for Regionals in May,
1996. Two weeks ago, it was me and Brent
Kaskel driving five hours to San
Antonio for a PTQ for San Diego (Kaskel
won). When you invest a lot of hours
traveling to Magic tournaments, you need
some rules, or at least some
guidelines, so that you and your traveling
companions can STILL be friends
AFTER the trip is over.
Most tournament trips involve a car trip.
The longer the car trip, the more
important that travel etiquette becomes.
Generally speaking, travelers will
have to follow the edicts of whoever the car
belongs to. Car ownership will
have a lot to do with whether food and
drinks are allowed in the car,
whether or not smoking will be okay, and
what music will be played.
Dictators usually have a hard time getting
anyone to ride with them, so if
the team is using your car this weekend, try
to have a heart and consider
everyone's needs and desires. Everybody has
their own preferences for music,
eating on car trips and just riding in cars
in general. The more people you
have in your car, the more of these
differences you can expect. It's a
really good idea to be Semper Gumby (always
flexible) when it comes to your
trip. Long car trips are a bad time to be
Mister High Maintenance. You might
need to go along in order to get along. In
other words, if everyone in the
car but you wants to stop at McDonalds, then
you should probably go along
with it even though you would much rather
get your Wendy's on. But let's
start from the beginning of a typical Magic
car trip.
First of all, its pretty important to show
up on time. Wherever you are
starting the trip from, everyone in your
party needs to know ahead of time
when they are supposed to be ready to get
into the car and go. If your team
is traveling on the night before a big
tournament, you might have more room
for error here. Lately, my team routinely
makes three or four hour trips the
same day as the tournament. This means we
have very little room for error.
Tomorrow, registration begins at Midnight
Comics in Houston, Texas, at
9:00am and ends at 10:00am. Houston is every
bit of three hours from my
house, maybe a little bit further. Making
the trip on the same morning as
the tournament means everyone has to get to
my house, the Guildhall, the
Deployment Facility, at exactly the right
time, or else you just plain get
left behind. Cell phones are cool, and since
just about everyone on your
team has one, they should certainly be
expected to call you with some last
minute trip updates if they find themselves
running a tiny bit late.
Have you ever seen a tree full of red
plastic containers full of high octane
gasoline? Me neither, I guess that's because
The point is that everyone in the car needs
to pony up some dough for the
gas. Sometimes, because they are the Coolest
Magic Player in the World or
because they are broke, some of the guys in
the car will fail to offer some
coin for the gas. It's regrettable, but the
driver should probably lift
these persons up by their feet and shake
them until some of their treasure
falls out of their pockets. It's only fair,
everyone needs to share in this
expense. If you ARE totally broke, then
break out some of your valuable
Magic cards and MAKE IT RIGHT with whoever
is paying for the gas.
Whether or not there will be smoking in the
car is usually determined by who
the car belongs to. If smoking is allowed in
the car, be a pal and try to
allow for some ventilation on behalf of your
non-smoking friends. If the
driver is an anti-smoking nazi, then one
stop an hour for smoking is a very
doable compromise.
When it comes to food, your whole team has
one thing in common, they all
need to eat. Usually, because you are
usually in a hurry, some eating is
going to take place in the car. Of course,
this is another thing usually
decided by the car owner. If you are going
to eat anything in anybody's car,
make sure you go out of your way to make
sure you remove all of your garbage
from the car the moment that you stop
anywhere. It doesn't matter if the car
already has some trash in it when the trip
starts, you shouldn't assume that
the car's owner is interested in adding any
of your food-related rubbish to
his collection. It should go without saying,
but which I'll say anyway, you
shouldn't spill or lose any part of your
food in the car. Also, try not to
puke in the trip car, even if you are the
owner or even if the driver is
Dale Earnhardt Junior. The rules on trip
vomit are very simple. Make sure
there isn't any. If it does happen, it is
primarily the duty of the sick
individual to clean up the mess. Unless you
are traveling by school bus,
there probably isn't a bucket full of
sawdust or kitty litter in the vehicle
to soak up the regurgitant.
Sometimes people smell bad. Smelling bad is
usually a personal drawback, but
on a Magic trip, one smelly guy can make
everyone in the car less happy. On
the other hand, everybody smell like
something, and that can't be avoided.
All that should be expected is that everyone
attempt to begin the trip as
clean and odor free as possible. Traveling
home after the tournament will
probably be more smelly than the morning
trip. Your whole party has spent
the entire day in a crowded, often poorly
ventilated facility rubbing up
against Magic players that don't have the
high standards of personal hygiene
that you and me do. This is nothing to get
into a big fight over, it will
only be embarrassing. If things get bad,
roll down the windows and don't let
Stinky ride with you next time.
You know that guy that falls asleep the
MINUTE that he gets in the car for
the trip and stays asleep until you arrive
at the tournament. Nobody likes
that guy. This is sort of rude behavior on
the morning trip to the
tournament. On the ride home late at night,
being sleepy may be more
understandable. Either way, it's very bad
for everyone in the car to fall
asleep leaving the driver with no one to
talk to during the trip. If you are
the driver on a night trip, and everyone
else in the car falls asleep, they
deserve to be thoroughly punked, so feel
free to pull off at a truck stop,
drive right in front of a giant parked truck
that has its lights on, then
scream and slam on the brake like you're in
a head-on collision. If you do
this, hopefully you won't need the bucket of
sawdust again.
Back in the day, I used to create a trivia
game based on Magic to take along
on the long trips. I would create seven
different categories with titles
like Does This Card Suck or Stat Geek. We
would come up with a prize for the
winner. You can't believe how many hours
would disappear "magically" because
we had a game to play in the car. I don't
recommend drinking games or risqué
games like Truth or Dare or Strip Poker.
Even if your team is into it, it's
simply not safe motoring.
Finally, our team likes to reward everyone
who travels on the trip by
agreeing to a split of all Magic product won
by all the players in the car
at the tournament. Not only does this
produce a greater feeling of teamwork,
but it's really only fair. Even if you made
the top eight and your friend
didn't, he still has to be inconvenienced
with a later return trip thanks to
your top eight heroics. Cut everybody in for
part of the product prizes, and
everybody gets to feel like a winner.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a
single laugh. Remember to have a
good time and getting there truly will be
half the fun of your Magic car
As always, I'd love to hear what YOU think!
Jeff Zandi
Texas Guildmages
Level II DCI Judge
Zanman on Magic Online