
Today, Champions:
Tomorrow, Betrayers !
Getting Ready For Betrayers of Kamigawa
by Jeff Zandi
Tomorrow, the world gets its hands on
Betrayers of Kamigawa in special pre-release
events all over North America. I will be
head judge of the North Texas event, which
is being held at the Convention Center in
downtown Fort Worth. Today, we have our
experiences from playing sealed deck and
booster drafts with Champions of Kamigawa.
We get to find out what Betrayers of
Kamigawa feels like for real tomorrow.
According to a lot of my teammates and
friends in Magic, Champions of Kamigawa got
a little old in a hurry. The powerful rares
in Champions are generally high in mana
cost, there is a real lack of creature
control cards outside of red and black, and
the ability to spread out into more than two
colors is almost completely limited to the
green player. The best trick in the set is
Splice Onto Arcane, but the number of spells
with this ability (that are really worth
playing) is limited to just a few.
Jonathan Pechon, an outstanding card analyst
and fellow Texas Guildmage, noted that
Champions of Kamigawa is more like Mercadian
Masques than any other big expansion of the
past five or six years. Masques block was
both praised and criticized for the design
strategy that brought about the Rebel (and
to a lesser degree the similar Mercenary)
creature search mechanic.
Deck designed around Rebels and the Rebel
search mechanic featured on the best Rebel
cards seemed to have been completely
pre-destined by Wizards of the Coast. While
this deck type was very solid, and thus a
favorite of many players at the time,
playing Rebels was a lot like playing a
preconstructed deck right off the shelf. In
Champions of Kamigawa, the mechanic
Soulshift and the various abilities, effects
and spells that focus on the Spirit creature
type are very reminiscent of Mercadian
Masques and Rebels/Mercenaries. However,
Champions does improve on Masques’ idea of
focusing on a creature type. In Masques,
Rebels came almost exclusively in white,
Mercenaries almost completely in black. If
you pursued a strong Rebel or Mercenary deck
in a Masques limited format, you were stuck
in either white or black. In an eight man
booster draft, it was not uncommon for half
the players to take a Rebel-searching card
as their first pick. In Champions of
Kamigawa, Soulshift (which returns Spirit
creatures from your graveyard to your hand),
Spirits and cards focusing on Spirits are
spread out across all five colors. Any and
every deck in Champions limited formats are
likely to contain SOME Spirits. In fact,
Spirits make up half of the common creatures
in the set. Spirits make Champions at least
a little better than Masques.
Will the problems associated with Champions
of Kamigawa be solved in Betrayers of
Kamigawa? Unlikely. Like any small expansion
set of the past six or seven years,
Betrayers performs a certain function, and
that function is to extend the spirit
(that’s an unfortunate pun) of the set it
>From what we have seen in the few Betrayers
cards seen so far, the new
very much continues the deck construction
and play styles that we have been using for
the past several months with Champions of
There is certainly reason to hope, however,
that Betrayers can perk up Champions and
make Kamigawa a much more fun place to play
Magic. One hundred and fifty new cards can’t
help but make a big difference in the kind
of limited decks that we’ve been building
exclusively with Champions of Kamigawa so
far. Of course, there is good news and bad
news, even here. In booster drafts, the
third pack will now be Betrayers, supplying
each player with ONE LESS pack to extract a
Glacial Ray, Devouring Greed or Kodama’s
Might. Will Betrayers replace these easy
first picks with new selections just as
desirable in the common slots? Maybe, maybe
not, but at the very least, players will be
required to tune up their drafting skills.
Players will depend less on collecting
several copies of certain spells and spend
more time crafting their decks’ mana curves
and making other strategic deck design
Sealed deck players will see the biggest
difference in the world of Kamigawa. Since
you will now open one tournament pack of
Champions and TWO packs of Betrayers, the
number of spells that you will have multiple
copies of will decrease considerably. Sealed
deck play will require a lot of creativity
for awhile, as players seek to identify the
best cards in Betrayers. Tomorrow, players
at pre-release events will build sealed
decks that will be at least as powerful as
many draft decks, because decks at the
pre-release events are constructed from one
tournament pack of Champions and THREE packs
of Betrayers.
Betrayers of Kamigawa delivers two new
mechanics, Ninjutsu and Offering, as well as
a series of cards called Shoals that allow
alternate ways of paying for spells. Splice
Onto Arcane is back, of course, but with new
non-mana Splice Onto Arcane costs.
When you have a card in your hand with the
Ninjutsu ability, you can play the Ninjutsu
ability by paying the Ninjutsu cost and by
returning an unblocked attacker you control
to your hand. When Ninjutsu resolves, the
creature card in your hand with Ninjutsu is
put into play tapped and attacking. Ninja
creatures have abilities that trigger when
they damage an opponent (Wizards used to
call abilities like this Saboteur
Notice that in order to pay all the costs
for the Ninjutsu ability, you have to return
an unblocked creature you control to your
hand. This means (and I have the Wizards of
the Coast official Betrayers of Kamigawa FAQ
by my side to back me up on this) that the
only times you can activate the Ninjutsu
ability on a card in your hand is either
during the declare blockers step (right
after blockers are declared), the combat
damage step or the end of combat step.
Basically, the Ninja DOs and DON’Ts are easy
to remember. DO play a Ninjutsu ability when
you have attacked with three creatures and
your opponent has only blocked two of them.
DON’T try to use the Ninjutsu ability after
you have declared attackers, you MUST wait
until the Declare Blockers step, which means
you have to wait until your opponent has
decided whether or not to block each
attacking creature. Definitely DON’T try to
activate Ninjutsu any time OTHER than your
own Attack Step.
Onslaught block brought us the Morphing
ability, where a generic 2/2 colorless face
down card could suddenly have its Morph
ability activated, causing it to flip face
up, revealing its true nature. Ninjutsu
involves some similar ideas. In both cases,
you basically make an investment in time and
mana. In both cases, you basically replace
one creature with another, either by
Morphing it into another form or by
replacing it with a Ninja from your hand.
Creatures with Morph played face down as 2/2
colorless creatures for a standard cost of
three colorless mana and could be flipped
over at any time their Morph ability was
activated. Ninjutsu is more limited than
Morph, because Ninjutsu can only be
activated during your Attack step after
blockers are declared and before the end of
combat. Ninjutsu also has its advantages.
When you USED TO attack with two face down
creatures, one was capable of flipping over
to become an amazing creature with a
Saboteur ability that could really hurt your
opponent’s board position while your other
face down man was not nearly as useful. If
your opponent was only able to block one of
them, he had a fifty-fifty chance of
blocking the creature you DIDN’T WANT him to
block. Ninjutsu is better because no matter
which of your two attackers is blocked, you
are able to replace the unblocked creature
with your Ninja. In both cases, the card
economy you can gain by expertly using
Ninjutsu or Morph makes the time and mana
commitment well worth the trouble.
Offering is an ability that allows you to
play a card any time you could play an
instant by sacrificing a certain type of
permanent in play and then paying the
difference between the mana cost of the
sacrificed permanent and the cost of the
card with the Offering ability. It is A LOT
easier to understand this ability when you
see an example, and so I’ll use Magic Rules
Manager John Carter’s from his Saturday
School story last week. Patron of Orochi is
a creature that costs 6GG and has the
ability of Offering:Snake.
First of all, you could play the Patron
without using the Offering ability,
essentially “paying retail” for the
creature, tapping 6GG, and playing the
creature when you normally can play a
creature, meaning your main step. If you
activate the Offering ability of the Patron,
you could play the Patron anytime you could
play an instant by sacrificing a single
Snake creature in play that you control and
then paying the difference in mana between
the cost of the Snake you sacrificed and the
cost of the Patron. If you sacrificed a
Snake in play on your side that cost 2GG,
then you would only have to pay an
additional four colorless mana to get the
Patron into play.
If the Snake you sacrificed only cost a
single green mana, then you would have to
pay the remaining 5GG in order to get the
Patron into play.
Betrayers includes a cycle of five Arcane
spells called “Shoals”. These cards allow
players to play them by removing a card from
their hand instead of paying the Shoal’s
mana cost. Each Shoal is an “X” spell. Shoal
spells can be played normally by paying
their mana cost. If a Shoal is played
without paying mana, a card of the
appropriate color is discarded as the cost
of playing the Shoal spell. The “X” in the
spell’s casting cost is replaced by the
converted mana cost of the discarded card.
Blazing Shoal is an Arcane instant for XRR
that can also be played without tapping mana
by discarding a red card. If Stone Rain were
discarded, which has a converted mana cost
of three (2R), Blazing Shoal’s “X” value
would equal three, and a target creature
would gain +X/+0 until end of turn.
Betrayers of Kamigawa introduces alternate
costs for Splice onto Arcane.
Horobi’s Whisper is an Arcane instant for
1BB that has a Splice onto Arcane cost of
removing four cards from your graveyard from
the game. DELICIOUS! A crucial aspect of
cards with the Splice onto Arcane ability is
the cost to Splice. Alternate Splice costs
like this one give players more options and
more opportunities to make the most of their
Splice onto Arcane spells.
Champions of Kamigawa is a decent set with
lots of cards that are good for limited and
constructed formats and lots of cards that
are just fun to play with. However, if many
players grew quickly tired of Champions, the
question is whether Betrayers of Kamigawa
will turn the trend around and make limited
formats fun to play again. The only real way
to find out is to dive into the new set and
see what Betrayers delivers. Heading to the
closest Betrayers of Kamigawa pre-release
event would be a really good way to get
As always, I’m interested in what YOU think!
Jeff Zandi
Texas Guildmages
Level II DCI Judge
Zanman on Magic Online