
Teaming With Magic Players
Preparing for January’s Team PTQs
by Jeff Zandi
The holidays are over and its
time to get serious about Magic again. The
North American PTQ schedule is full of
opportunities this weekend and next for Team
Sealed Deck players. Although qualifiers for
Pro Tour Atlanta (2005’s Pro Tour teams
event) started last month, the two biggest
weekends for PT Atlanta qualifiers are
Tomorrow, you can find Team PTQs in Atlanta,
Louisville, Los Angeles, Dallas,
Philadelphia, Calgary (where they’d RATHER
be watching NHL hockey), Clermont (Florida),
Montreal, Pittsburgh, Bloomington
(Minnesota) and Newington (Connecticut). On
Sunday, if your team hasn’t qualified
already, you can head to Baltimore, Maryland
and try again. NEXT SATURDAY, you can find
pro tour qualifiers in Chicago, Nashville,
Detroit, Boston and the town I was born in
four decades ago, Houston, Texas! On Sunday
the 16th of January, you can even try your
luck in Rochester, New York, where all the
Magic players are all smug about inventing
the Rochester draft format.
The best way to prepare for the sealed deck
portion of this season’s Team PTQs would be
to test extensively building three decks
from two Champions of Kamigawa tournament
packs and four Champions booster packs.
Then, after becoming confident with the
sealed portion of the competition, the truly
prepared Magic tournament player would be a
part of several three-on-three team
Rochester drafts, the format that will be
used for the final two teams in most Team
PTQs and the format that will be used for
the second day at Pro Tour Atlanta.
On the other hand, if you’re like me, you’ve
been busy for the past few weeks celebrating
the holidays, giving (and maybe receiving)
some gifts, watching some football on TV and
eating lots and lots of unhealthy food. If
you’re anything like me, you’re only chance
to get ready for tomorrow’s PTQ is to do
what you did in school…you gotta look on the
other kid’s paper to find the answers. In
this case, this means reviewing the most
important teams tournament of the current
PTQ season, last month’s Grand Prix Chicago.
In the finals of Grand Prix Chicago, the
team called (in quotes) “:B”. One writer
referred to the symbolically-named team as
the Colon Beez. Good enough for me, the
emoticon in question of a colon symbol
followed a capital letter ‘B’ is a pain to
describe over and over and, as a writer, it
kind of hurts my eyes to see the symbol in
the middle of a page of text. Anyway, this
clever team of Timothy Aten, Gadiel Szleifer
and John Pelcak defeated Gindy’s Sister’s
Fan Club in the GP Chicago finals. GSFC
consisted of Adam Chambers, Zach Parker and
Charles Gindy. I wasn’t there so I don’t get
the gag behind their name, maybe Charles’
sister is particularly cute or in some other
way deserving of a fan club. At any rate,
the story of these two teams includes
excellent Rochester drafting on day two of
the Grand Prix. Today’s article, however, is
more interested in the sealed deck portion
of the Team PTQ format, which dominates most
of the play in the tournament.
While your team’s ability to Rochester draft
in the finals of the PTQ will be the last
critical step necessary to propel you to Pro
Tour Atlanta, the fact is that most of your
day will be spent grinding out as many wins
as possible with your team’s three decks
that you build from two Champions of
Kamigawa tournament packs (back in the ‘90s
we called them starter decks) and four
booster packs. If your team fails to make
the most of the sealed product you receive,
you won’t need to worry about the Rochester
draft at the end, because your team won’t be
in it.
Since we’re looking at the sealed deck
construction part of the Team PTQ format,
let’s be sure to look at some very good
examples. At Grand Prix Chicago, there can
be no better example to use than that of the
team called “RIW Redux”. This team consists
of Michael Jacob, Aaron Breider and Peter
Jesuale. While this team did not fare well
enough in day two’s Rochester draft format
at GP Chicago, RIW Redux had the distinction
of being the only team to win ALL of their
sealed deck matches. That’s EIGHT matches,
four with their initial sealed decks and
another four with a second set of sealed
I do not, unfortunately, have their complete
card lists, so we cannot see what cards they
left out of the decks that they built in
each of the two sealed deck constructions
from day one at Grand Prix Chicago. However,
we CAN see the choices that they made in
color separation and their design decisions
in the construction of their undefeated
You usually need to be careful when looking
at a team’s sealed decks. First of all, you
have to look past the most powerful cards in
the deck.
Obviously, the most powerful cards in each
deck were important in winning matches, but
you can’t learn much from knowing what
powerful cards are in a sealed deck, because
you ALREADY KNOW how to put your most busty
rares in a deck. The purpose of this
exercise is to examine the little choices
that the deck builders made, what little
cards were used, commons that you don’t
always play with yourself? As useful as
looking at the so-called “small cards” in
each deck is, it is important to be careful
that you don’t overvalue the construction of
any one sealed deck, or any set of three
decks in the case of Team Sealed. Having
said all that, remember than these three
guys beat every team they played against on
Saturday in Chicago, and they did it with
two different sets of cards. When you look
at these decks carefully, I think you will
see that these guys had a lot more going for
their construction strategy than just some
good cards.
Mountain x8
Swamp x9
Cruel Deceiver x3
Gibbering Kami – doesn’t always make the cut
for me Nezumi Ronin Nezumi Shortfang – a
little lucky, but not totally BROKEN
Scuttling Death x2 Kami of Fire’s Roar –
probably added mainly to keep deck two
colored Kumano, Master Yamabushi – yeah,
here’s this deck’s BROKEN rare Pain Kami
Ronin Houndmaster x2 – these two hasty
Samurai round up Mike’s 13 creatures
Long-Forgotten Gohei – a quality RARE to
enhance his Spirit creatures Dance of
Shadows – this card helps you close out
games Hideous Laughter – mass removal Rend
Flesh – the more important of the two, if
you didn’t already know Rend Spirit Soulless
Revival x2 – I haven’t ever tried to play
two of these before… Blind With Anger –
another potential game winning card Glacial
Ray x2 – NOW I think I understand the two
Michael’s first deck of the tournament looks
like the best deck the team had in the
entire tournament. Considering the
challenges in both Aaron and Peter’s first
decks, Michael’s red/black machine looks a
little greedy to me.
Forest x7
Plains x7
Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers – pump up
a Legend +1/+1 Tranquil Garden Kitsune
Blademaster Kitsune Diviner – didn’t know
two was a good idea Kitsune Healer Konda,
Lord of Eiganjo – costs 7, but can be a late
game wrecking ball Konda’s Hatomoto
Mothrider Samurai x2 Myojin of Cleansing
Fire – costs 8, good enough in sealed,
though Nagao, Bound by Honor Kami of the
Hunt Moss Kami Order of the Sacred Bell x2 –
this deck’s turn 4 plays are impressive
Orochi Ranger Sakura-Tribe Elder x2 - …make
Blessed Breath
Cage of Hands
Call to Glory – iffy, but this deck
definitely needs combat tricks Indomitable
Will Reciprocate Commune with Nature – grabs
a Tribe Elder on turn one Kodama’s Reach
Removal is a real problem in Aaron’s first
GP Chicago deck, but he certainly has the
creatures to overwhelm an opponent. His deck
needs a lot of time to really develop, Tribe
Elders and Kodama’s Reach make the deck at
least one turn faster than it might
otherwise appear.
Forest x8
Island x9
River Kaijin x2
Soratami Cloudskater
Soratami Mirror-Guard x2 – the 3/1 beater
Soratami Mirror-Mage – the 2/1 BOUNCER!
Soratami Seer
Teller of Tales x2 – this deck has PLENTY of
flyers Dripping-Tongue Zubera – acceptable
as a ground stall card for this deck Humble
Budoka Matsu-Tribe Decoy – the OTHER green
deck got the fat, this one gets the tricks
Orochi Ranger – rounds out a stable of 13
creatures Honden of Seeing Winds – best
Honden in the set Hankyu – clumsy but
probably necessary in this deck Consuming
Vortex x2 – in lieu of ACTUAL removal, this
is what Pete has to use Hinder Hisoka’s
Defiance x2 – probably better in sealed than
in draft decks Petals of Insight – don’t
like this card at all, but it worked for
Peter… Kodama’s Might – the ONLY copy in
either of their two green decks!
If I were Peter, I would have been pretty
worried about my deck. Usually, I would
prefer to put blue with a removal color like
red or black. Both blue/black and blue/red
are popular color combinations in Champions
of Kamigawa limited decks. However, this
team only had a small number of black and
red removal cards and decided to make the
third deck blue/green instead of the
blue/white that I think is more popular in
this format. Even though this team went
undefeated in the sealed deck rounds, we do
not know if two of the decks were doing most
of the winning in order to cover the
consistent losing of their third deck. If
that WERE the case, I would be most
concerned about this blue/green deck.
Forest x9
Swamp x6
Waterveil Cavern – not sure why Mike wanted
access to blue mana… Cruel Deceiver Nezumi
Ronin x2 Scuttling Death Burr Grafter
Dripping-Tongue Zubera Feral Deceiver – my
favorite Deceiver creature, definitely the
most Deceiver for the money Hana Kami –
simply to get back one of this deck’s
quality Arcane cards Matsu-Tribe Decoy Moss
Kami Orochi Sustainer – mana helper,
important with this deck’s high mana cost
cards Rootrunner Sakura-Tribe Elder – this
card is my favorite turn two play in
Champions Seshiro, the Anointed –
snake-enhancer and card drawing machine
Sosuke, Son of Seshiro – four casting cost
3/4 WITH ABILITIES Sensei’s Divining Top
Befoul Hideous Laughter Rend Flesh x2 Rend
Spirit Soulless Revival Kodama’s Reach x2 –
this deck has 4 mana acceleration cards
Strength of Cedars – this deck’s knockout
In his second deck of Grand Prix Chicago,
Michael goes from red/black to green/black.
While this creation doesn’t have the amazing
double Glacial Ray and Blind with Anger of
his first deck, this second deck is solid
with decent creatures and better than
average removal.
Mountain x6
Plains x10
Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep – the
affects-Legends rare lands don’t really mean
much to me Kami of Ancient Law Devoted
Retainer – a lot of times, these are simply
speed bumps Eight-and-a-Half-Tails – BROKEN
if you have enough mana in play
Hundred-Talon Kami Kabuto Moth x2 – double
Kabuto Moth is way more important than Tails
in this deck Kitsune Blademaster Kitsune
Diviner Kitsune Healer Mothrider Samurai x3
– basically a 2/2 flying Bushido moth on
turn four in EVERY GAME Samurai of the Pale
Curtain – simply an excellent early game
attacker Brothers Yamazaki Ryusei, the
Falling Star – yes, in case you’re counting,
this is a lot of playable rares Blessed
Breath – a popular choice Cage of Hands x2
Honden of Cleansing Fire – passive life gain
can be very valuable Indomitable Will Honden
of Infinite Rage – one point a turn is not
really “Infinite Rage”
when you think about it
Yamabushi’s Flame
Yamabushi’s Storm
This is a solid white/red deck primarily
built with little white guys with some
quality red support cards. I like this deck
better than Aaron’s white/green deck from
the first half of the sealed deck day at
Grand Prix Chicago.
Island x8
Mountain x9
Soratami Cloudskater
Soratami Mirror-Guard
Soratami Rainshaper x3
Teller of Tales
Brutal Deceiver
Ember-Fist Zubera x3 – hard to get too
excited about three of these guys in the
deck Frostwielder Hearth Kami Ronin
Houndmaster No-Dachi – way better in this
deck than either of the others Consuming
Vortex Hinder Hisoka’s Defiance Reach
Through Mists – a weak card I would normally
like to leave out Blood Rites – can be very
good, can be better than Honden of Infinite
Rage Uncontrollable Anger Yamabushi’s Flame
Once again, in my opinion, Peter gets the
hardest deck to win with. Overall, I think
the second decks are a little more balanced
than the first decks.
When you look at the cards in these decks, I
think you have to agree that these boys did
very well with a LOT of less-desirable
cards. This team certainly did not go
undefeated in the sealed deck portion of
Grand Prix Chicago simply on the strength of
their rares.
If I were picking one of this team’s set of
cards over the other, I think I might choose
the cards that they built their second set
of decks with, just because I think the
decks you can end up with are substantial
with slightly better win conditions. On an
individual card basis, I would prefer the
first set of cards, especially the fat
red/black deck with its twin Glacial Rays.
I like the fact that none of this team’s
players played the same two colors in their
two sealed decks.
Tomorrow morning, I’ll be playing in the
Dallas Team PTQ (actually being held nearly
an hour north of Dallas in a town called
McKinney). After the experience of
tomorrow’s tournament, I’ll be ready to
examine the strategies involved in the
Rochester draft portion of your Team PTQ. If
you play in a Team PTQ this weekend, I hope
you will think a lot about the smaller cards
in your team’s pile of cards. I consider a
real sign of strength of character that none
of these players gave in and splashed for a
few cards of a third color. Their vigilance
seems to have paid off in Chicago, achieving
a perfect performance on day one with each
player respecting the power of playing a
purely two color deck.
As always, I’m interested in what YOU think!
Jeff Zandi
Texas Guildmages
Level II DCI Judge
Zanman on Magic Online