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10.28.04 Champions of Kamigawa in Limited – Green Well, we’re winding our way down the Champions limited review, which is good because next week I should have some good stories from the weeks we did these reviews, including states, a PTQ, and me playing Poker and pretending to know what I am doing.
But this week, we go over the color I like most in Champions, Green. Why do I like green most? Because it’s creature base is unbelievable. Its mana fixing and ramping is joyous, and it even has some deck manipulation. Obviously it lacks completely in creature kill, but not every color can have everything, and this is why you play two colors in draft anyways. I personally am a big fan of green and black in sealed, and tend to float towards green and either white or blue in draft. Ok, here we go!
Azusa, Lost but Seeking
The very first card for
this color highlight one of green’s
Budoka Gardener The Gardener is one of those cards that I thought I would never flip, but tend to actually get to do so, and when he flips, he’s unbelievable late game, making 10/10 or bigger creatures every turn. But even if he never flips, he’s good as a mana ramping tool, and as a 2/1 for two mana, there’s nothing wrong with just playing him to play beats as well. Overall I consider him a fairly high pick.
Burr Grafter The Burr Grafter is one of those cards I always find myself playing because I think his ability will be good, and often it does save a creature, but it’s rare he ever swings for me, and he always seems disappointing to draw. He’s slowly falling down the curve of my picks unless I already have several three cost spirits to jack up his value.
Commune with Nature This card on the other hand, I am never unhappy to see. Drawn early, you cast it to find the tempo creature you need at the time. Drawn late, you use if to find the big finisher you need. In addition, it lets you know what four cards you won’t be drawing this game, so you can plan around that as well. It’s not a number one pick, being edged out by a solid creature or a good kill spell, but it’s definitely a middle pick you grab and add to your deck.
Dosan the Falling Leaf While he sometimes makes the cut for me because I need more warm bodies to throw at my opponent, I’m not a fan of this guy in limited at all. He’s a 2/2 for three mana, which is not so impressive to begin with, and, when playing green, his ability can work against you as often as for you.
Dripping-Tongue Zubera While his ability is not horrible, it’s not great either, and green has much better two drops than this. I pass this guy pretty much every time.
Feast of Worms This card is too situational to ever kill more than one land, and land destruction is weak in general for limited. Pass this card.
Feral Deceiver
The Feral Deceiver is
often just what the
Gale Force Green has two spiders this time around to stop the flying beats, although the 2/3 one is useless against the evil that is the Mothrider Samurai. While not a high pick at all, this card can be a devastating sideboard card, so don’t be afraid to scoop it up middle to late pick.
Glimpse of Nature This card is likely to, at best draw you two cards, but more likely it will simply draw one, making it nothing more than an Urza’s Bauble. In limited, this card is simply not worth it.
Hana Kami While not quite as amazing as the Sakura-Tribe Elder for what it does, I have become a big fan of this guy over the weeks. There is very rarely a time that I don’t have an Arcane spell in my graveyard I wouldn’t mind having back, and since his ability is instant speed, more often than not this guy blocks an attacker then gets something back for me. I highly recommend the Hana unless you simply are lacking in Arcane spells.
Heartbeat of Spring Unless you play this after turn seven, more than likely your opponent will get more benefit out of this card than you will, and that’s never a good thing. Pass.
Honden of Life’s Web I had an argument with a friend about this card just a few days ago. He asked me why I wouldn’t like a “free outpost on crack.” While it’s true, at the worst it’s a free outpost, and with more Honden it becomes pretty handy, the fact remains that most games I play in limited are won by either a big trampler, an evasion creature, or any of the “one of” cards I have discussed in previous articles, and the Honden, while nice for providing chump blockers, does not really do anything to fix any of the finisher problems. I personally don’t like it, but try it yourself if you want.
Humble Budoka A 2/2 for two mana is fine in this format, and this guy almost always makes the cut. His ability is helpful and annoying at the same time, especially when drafting green and white, but he’s still a good warm body to play on turn two.
Iname, Life Aspect Both a beefy 4/4 and a guy with a great ability, the Life Aspect is a top pick no matter how you look at it. He’s a solid beater, and when he dies, he gets you all of your spirits back. Who would ask for more?
Joyous Respite I’ve never been a big fan of life gain in limited, and this card is no exception. The fact that it is a sorcery makes it even worse, as you can’t even use it as a trick when your opponent goes for the final strike. I strongly suggest against this card.
Jugan, the Rising Star It’s rather strange that the least splashable of the legendary dragons is also one with the most situational abilities. All I can guess is that Wizards figured green had so many other great creatures that the dragon could be so-so and still be playable, and they are right. He’s still a first pick.
Jukai Messenger In the green on green match up, the winner is determined by finishers and combat tricks, not by one point dings over a course of time. Skip this creature.
Kami of the Hunt While the Kami of the Hunt is probably the best green three drop, he’s rarely more than a Grey Ogre. He’s still a middle pick to make sure you can fill out your curve, but don’t expect too much of him.
Kashi-Tribe Reaver
In my short time playing
this format, I have seen an unbelievable amount
Kashi-Tribe Warriors While not the powerhouse the Reaver is, the Warriors are playable as warm bodies to fill a slot. This card makes the cut for me less than half the time, but when you need a body, you need a body.
Kodama of the North Tree While this card requires a heavy dedication to green, he is more than worth it. I mentioned earlier that the game is often decided by evasion or tramplers, and this guy is the trampler you opponent is going to have to throw creatures in front of, as his untargetability makes him virtually impossible to get rid of otherwise. He’s a high to first pick.
Kodama of the South Tree Four mana for a 4/4 on it’s own would make this a high pick. The added ability of giving creatures +1/+1 AND trample whenever you play a Spirit or Arcane spell virtually guarantees that this guy will win you some games.
Kodama’s Might There’s very few creature pump spells in this format, and for that reason the Might makes it high on list for me. Its splice ability is even better, but oddly enough I don’t get to splice it very often. A middle pick.
Kodama’s Reach The Reach and the Elder are the best Mana fix/ramp spells in the game, and both are high picks for me. The Reach especially as it thins my deck by two lands. While not quite a legendary dragon in terms of game winning potential, it should be a high pick to guarantee mana stability, and the fact that it is an Arcane spell means you can splice things on it as well, which is always handy.
Lure Lure falls under the category of “one of” cards that normally finish off a game. While not one of the strongest one’s, as it’s not hard for an opponent so simply kill off the Lured creature during combat before blocking, it still makes it a good pick to try to use to steal a game or two.
Matsu-Tribe Decoy Yet another three drop for green that simply provides no temp advantage, the Decoy tears me up inside as to whether I should play it or not. Late game it can be a Lure on it’s own, and early game it can hold off all of those 2/1 and 2/2 creature’s in the format, but in general I like my decks to be more aggressive, and pass on the Decoy.
Moss Kami 5/5 Trampling beat sticks for six mana splashable in almost every deck are a top pick for me. The format is slow enough to easily get to six mana, and when this guy hits the ground, some serious pounding occurs. While very susceptible to black’s Pull Under and Rend Spirit, in general this guy is pretty hard to kill, and that makes him well worth the mana investment.
Myojin of Life’s Web While I have no argument that nine mana for an indestructible 8/8 is a good deal, I simply have never gotten to cast this guy, so can’t give a good review of him to be honest. My thoughts are to consider him a middle pick at best.
Nature’s Will While his card seems very interesting, the ability to tap your opponent’s land is pretty useless since it only happens after combat. The ability to untap your lands may be of some use, but it’s pretty situational if you can get this ability to fire off when you actually need the extra mana. I’d pass on this card.
Orbweaver Kumo
I must admit I have
never, ever, given my Orbweaver Kumo forestwalk,
Order of the Sacred Bell A 4/3 creature for four mana is unbelievably great, as long as your opponent is playing a 2/2 bushido guy for two mana that holds him off. While I still think this guy is a great creature, he’s not longer a first to second pick I used to value him at. Still a great middle pick, though.
Orochi Eggwatcher At three mana for a 1/1, he better have a great ability. He doesn’t. It’s too mana intensive, and he’s unlikely to flip in this format. I vote to pass this creature on.
Orochi Leafcaller I am not a big fan of one drops in this format, as I am sure you have seen by now, and the Leafcaller is no exception. I pay him occasional in sealed deck when playing three colors, but in general, he just doesn’t make the cut.
Orochi Ranger The Ranger is a nice solid two drop for green, getting in some early beats, and threatening to take out a larger attacker for two turns later on just by blocking it. While not a top pick, he should be pretty high on your list, and he’s such a great curve filler.
Orochi Sustainer While I place him below the Elder and Reach, I normally still find myself picking up this guy in limited. Since I pick Moss Kami so highly, I want a way to get them out early, and he helps do it. While I’m not a huge fan of playing what is basically a Llanowar Elf for two mana, in limited he does the trick.
Rootrunner The Rootrunner is simply a solid creature for the base green deck. It’s a Hill Giant, sporting a 3/3 for four mana, and has an ability to set an opponent back a mana, and soulshift, which can get you a replacement creature when you need it. A nice middle pick.
Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro 1) I don’t want to pay mana for a 1/3. 2) I don’t need my shamans to have T: add GG, since I don’t think I have any other shamans. 3) My snakes need more power, not more toughness. 4) I will be shipping you to the next player.
Sakura-Tribe Elder This creature is mana acceleration, mana fixing, an early beater (of small beats), and a chump blocker all in one. While not a first pick, he’s easily a third pick, and always worth playing.
Serpent Skin This card seems better than you would expect simply because of the lack of combat tricks in general in this format. While not a high pick, it’s a good middle pick to grab and use for surprise value in game one, then sub out in game two, or vice versa.
Seshiro the Anointed While slightly expensive for a 3/4, the Annointed’s boost to other snakes and the draw a card ability makes him well worth playing, especially if you picked up some snakes earlier. A high pick.
Shisato, Whispering Hunter The simple fact is that you more often than not will never have a snake to sacrifice to Shisato, and even if you do, your four mana 2/2 will be help off by your opponent’s 2/2 bushido guy. Pass on Shisato.
Soilshaper While the Soilshaper seems to be a card that strikes fear into your opponent because they are concerned about a 3/3 land jumping out in front of their attackers, the reality is his ability will rarely go off, so unless you are either a) playing an Arcane heavy deck or b) playing against bad players, pass on the Soilshaper.
Sosuke, Son of Seshiro Four mana for a 3/4 is fantastic in this format, and his ability to pump up other snakes, and to give warriors the “poison” type ability makes him a high pick whether you have other snakes or not. Pick him up.
Strength of Cedars
A first pick. Possibly
the best “one of” card out there,
Thousand-Legged Kami The more I play limited in this format, the more often that even seems to be line of mana I rarely cross, unless I build my deck for it. I get to cast my Vine Kami all of the time, but I think I only have cast the Thousand-Legged Kami once. And for that reason he’s low on the pick scale for me.
Time of Need If you already have a big broken dragon or some other fantastic legendary creature, then this card becomes a first pick, because obviously you want twice the chance of drawing him. If not, pass this card. It’s all or nothing.
Venerable Kumo While able to hold off the smaller fliers, the Kumo continually disappoints me as a real Giant Spider. Still, his ability is necessary in most green decks to make sure no one just flies over your head for the win, and his soulshift is hand more often than not. A middle pick.
Vine Kami As I mentioned earlier, I tend to cast this guy a lot. I am sure this leads you to wonder why I bother paying seven mana for a 4/4. The answer is very much in line with the way I draft. First, his ability means that sometimes they do not have two creatures to block with, and this guy steals a win. If not, he often kills a creature, and then gets me back a Moss Kami, which is really what I wanted anyways. In short, because I value Moss Kami so highly, this guy goes higher up my scale as well. Heck, this guy can bring back Legendary Dragons. For that alone he’s a middle pick for me.
Wear Away I know there are some scary things out there that can hurt you, but more often than not you can play around them anyway. While Wear Away is a completely respectable pick, it may sit in your sideboard more than you think. A middle level pick for the cautious.
And we’re done with green. Next week we’ll do artifacts real quick, then jump into some catch up stories about what’s been doing on for the last few weeks. See you there!
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