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The Judge's Elbow
Sorry about the missed week there, folks. It was finals
week and I had a touch of something that might have been
the flu; anyone at Regionals that heard me trying to
talk realized that there was something amiss. It took a
couple of weeks for me to completely kick the bug and
get school wrapped up…so here we are!
First, let’s talk about Regionals. Down here in Texas,
as you might have seen in previous articles, we had
record numbers of people show up to play. The only
perspective that I had was that of the judge, of working
to make sure that the event went off as smoothly as
possible. I’m going to try to give all of you an idea
of what you see from this side of the table.
Arriving at the site on Saturday morning, I look to see
the huge line of people registering for the event, and
Ben Drago and the rest of the judges just settling down
to begin the judge’s meeting before the event. We
settled in and went over what our duties were going to
be throughout the day. As a team lead, I’m required to
make sure that pairings go up promptly and in set
locations; I’ve got a few people working with me to make
sure that all takes place.
On that note, I’d like to thank Steven Livingston, Erik
Ellison and Jim Shuman for doing such a great job with
me throughout the day. We obviously had help from the
other guys there, but we ended up with a ton of things
to accomplish from round to round, and they did a really
good job making sure that they all got done smoothly. I
don’t think we had a single mishap of any consequence
throughout the day. From what I could see, it was a job
well done, and I was happy to work with everyone that
Sooo…after a considerable amount of time, we’re finally
able to get the entire field seated for the
announcements and greetings. In pretty short order, we
get the first round of pairings up. Our first round of
complaints comes here…namely that the pairings for the
first round were simply too slow in going up. Thanks to
Willa Zandi, we were able to get everyone into the
system as quickly as we did; with 589 names and DCI
numbers to find and enter, I think that a pretty
impressive task was accomplished. Complaints here seem
unfounded in my eyes, simply due to the scale of the
Once announcements are completed, we put up the
pairings…all 45 or so pages of them. I make sure that
each of my guys has a location assigned to put up their
copy of the pairings in a specified location. Due to
the creation of choke points in the rooms and lack of
traffic in certain locations, we made some slight
adjustments to the location of the pairings during the
day, but did the best we can to ensure some level of
consistency of placement.
After getting everyone seated for the round, my team had
to make sure that the result slips were printed and
handed out as quickly as possible (a lengthy task
itself, considering the number of slips that needed to
be printed and sorted). The other judges went to work
doing the deck-checks for each round, while still others
worked to handle quick judge-calls that came up; most of
us handing out slips ended up working calls as well,
making the process stretch out a bit. After getting all
of the slips handed out, it’s time to make sure that all
of the late arrivals receive their game-losses, and the
no-shows are notated appropriately. From then on, it’s
judge-call after judge-call for the rest of the round.
Once time is called, we sit and make sure that matches
are completed quickly and the results are promptly
turned in.
Now…repeat this process eleven times over the day,
you’ll get a pretty brief idea of what made up Regionals
for those of us who worked as judges. There were plenty
of additional issues that made up the day, ranging from
poor questions to badly worded questions to poor
examples of sportsmanship from people of varying ages.
That’s pretty much the bread and butter of any event,
but we don’t normally get that much of it in a day.
There were two additional complaints about the event
from players. The first was regarding the lack of a
break for food. My point of view on this…if you don’t
know what you’re getting into at Regionals (16+ hours of
gaming), then it’s possible you shouldn’t be there to
begin with. Whether you know this or not, you should
probably work to make sure you have some form of
arrangements made to eat during the day, whether you
bring it with you or have someone who can get it for
you. I have zero sympathy for anyone who didn’t have
some form of food to eat; I was provided food as a
judge, and I still had snacks and drinks in my
bag. It’s part of being prepared for the day.
The other complaint was of an auction run between rounds
of the event. I’m not certain how long this took, but
this is an event that occurs pretty regularly at events
that this T.O. runs around the state. For those that
complain about this, I’ll just say this: these wouldn’t
happen if there wasn’t some level of support from
players for these auctions at his tournaments. They are
something that both the players and the organizer enjoy;
I really don’t feel like the amount of time spent here
was not sufficient to provide for a meal break, and I
don’t feel that it was so disruptive as to cause a
Regionals was a whole lot of back-breaking work, dealing
with people both friendly and cordial as well as several
different degrees of unsavory, kinda like rank meat
that’s been out in the sun for a while. Were we paid
adequately for the amount of work that we did? From a
monetary standpoint, probably not…but we all got to work
on a really big event, helping to make sure that
everyone was able to have a shot at Nationals.
Well, now that this is over with…what do we have coming
up here in the near future? Fifth Dawn is coming up
pretty quickly, and boy…does it look bad. I mean, so
far we’ve seen tastes of a “combo” environment that
DOESN’T DO ANYTHING. Look at the Card of the Day for
Wednesday and you’ll see what I mean. I’m not impressed
by anything that I’ve seen come out of this set yet,
with the possible exception of Engineered Explosives as
a method of dealing with Skullclamps.
This coming weekend, I’m going to be playing in a team
PTQ here in Dallas; I’m hoping that I’ll have enough
gravy from that to give a full report. The PR will be
another event that I’ll be working, so I’m sure that
I’ll have a ton of interesting questions regarding wacky
interactions of cards.
‘til next week…
-Jonathan Pechon
Sigmund’ on IRC (EFNet)
Sigmund on Modo
PojoPechon@hotmail.com |
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