
Jonathan Pechon's
Therapy Sessions
Feb 4th, 2004 Clamping Down on Skullclamp
Let’s start off taking a quick peak at the Super Bowl.
While I had the team and the margin of victory correct,
the total score was way over what I (and a lot of other
people) had predicted. Frankly, I think the deciding
factor in the game may have been the necessity for the
Panthers to recover from some jitters at the beginning
of the game; Jake Delhomme and his receivers did not
appear to be working well together for the first few
possessions. That cost them a little too much to make it
up by the end of the game; however, I really enjoyed the
whole game. Many thanks to Jeff Zandi for providing a
good place and surrounding for the event.
Now, let’s get down to business. I keep hearing several
people talking about how Skullclamp might be the best
card in Darksteel. I definitely think it has a place in
a few decks, providing some real ways to beat down on
people. The amount of hate for artifacts that will exist
by the time the block PTQ’s roll around is going to be
disgusting; no one really wants to lose the prepackaged
Affinity deck that Wizards was so kind to provide to us
in this block. However, I think that in Standard we
could definitely see a use for this, giving it some real
While we’re doing this, let’s take a look at an
archetype that just doesn’t have a home in standard for
the time being: white weenie. Unless you’re looking at a
metagame that is skewed very heavily towards mono-red
land destruction, the other decks will tend to treat
white weenie as a bye a lot of the time. There are too
many ways for this deck to just run out of gas after a
Wrath of God, and it simply can’t race against the kind
of beats that Affinity lays on the table. Goblins just
slows down a couple of turns, then proceeds to roll
right over them.
This is before Darksteel, however. Before the Skullclamp.
Let’s take a look at a quick mockup of a deck:
Auriok Steelshaper
4 Leonin Shikari
4 Silver Knight
4 Leonin Skynight
4 Raise the Alarm
2 Whipcorder
4 Suntail Hawk
2 Exalted Angel
2 Sword of Fire and Ice
4 Bonesplitter
4 Skullclamp
4 Chrome Mox
18 Plains
I will immediately claim that I haven’t really put this
deck through any testing; as a matter of fact, this
decklist came right off the top of my head. The idea
here is to be aggressive with some ability to drag out a
game, obviously; without the ability to control the
board, you don’t have too much of an option here.
However, you have a few things going for you here, the
biggest of which involves, of course, Skullclamp.
Say you have a Leonin Shikari, an Auriok Steelshaper,
and a Skullclamp out on the board. If you cast an
end-of-turn Raise the Alarm, you can immediately turn
that into four new cards; repeat process until you feel
like you’ve been abusive enough. You can very quickly
turn that into an offensive force that your opponent
should have significant problems dealing with.
The Skullclamp gives you the means to really recoup card
loss from Chrome Mox; the Swords are in there for a
similar purpose, letting you draw cards while beating on
your opponent pretty hard. You could easily substitute
Loxodon Warhammer or Mask of Memory for that card, but I
like the Sword a lot; I think that all the abilities are
definitely more efficient than the ‘hammer, and more
robust than the Mask.
Traditionally, this deck has had real problems trying to
get ahead in the race for cards, eventually just losing
to any deck that can cast more than one Wrath of God
effect in a game. However, Skullclamp combined with the
Swords gives you a novel opportunity to win through card
advantage through an extended game. Even just chumping a
creature with a Skullclamp equipped on it can cause a
string of events that can have some dire effects on a
game; eventually you can wrap up a lot of games by
chumping until you get an Angel face-up, then there’s
only so much that a deck can do to get things back under
So, here’s an example of a deck that can potentially
abuse the Clamp. But where else can this thing fit into
the game? Well, I think it’s possible that we could even
see Skullclamp in decks like Goblins, where you always
end up with random 1/1’s that you really could do
without in favor of digging for a Siege Gang (or a
Bidding, depending on your flavor of Goblins). This
isn’t to mention what happens with all those goblins the
Siege Gang Commander brings into play himself.
How about in something like red-green Affinity-hate in
block-constructed? Think of casting a Viridian Shaman to
eat a Myr Enforcer, slapping a Clamp on it and blocking
the Enforcer that attacks the next turn, only to draw
into your next Shaman? Putting Skullclamp on a Solemn
Simulacrum seems unfair in a multitude of ways. This
might all depend on if you’re running Molder Slug or
not, but the amount of hate that can exist even without
the Slug could make this card worth considering.
The point here is that, with this new card, there exists
a cheap, colorless way to turn creatures into something
else. We haven’t even gotten into the possibilities of
what can happen if you have multiple Skullclamps in play
with Shikari and Steelshaper in play. Wizards has worked
very hard to try to avoid giving colorless cards effects
like this, then they go and print this, which provides a
mechanism for random creature decks to draw obscene
numbers of cards at a minimal cost.
Finally, we’re going to talk about this card in the
context of limited, both sealed deck and draft. And the
verdict on it is very, very simple: you take it. In
sealed, you will ALWAYS play this card. In draft, if you
see this card you will almost always pick it; if someone
passes it to you, then just say, “Thank you,” take it,
and ship the rest of the pack. I seriously can’t think
of a situation where I wouldn’t take this card, and your
conclusion should be very close to the same.
This weekend, the qualifiers for PT-San Diego begin. I’m
hoping that many of you are planning on playing in these
events; next week, I’m hoping to have some analysis of
this weekend’s event, as well as some puzzles for you to
work out. The difference between sealed and draft in
Mirrodin feels more significant than in blocks gone by;
the types of decks you can end up with from deck to deck
can be widely varied, with much more identifiable
archetypes than in other blocks, depending on things
like available equipment and Myr. It’s going to be a
challenging season of PTQ’s.
Until next week, take care.
-Jonathan Pechon
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