
Jonathan Pechon's
Therapy Sessions
April 7, 2004 - A Rainbow of Fruity Flavor
For a few years now, Five-color has been one of the
favorite casual formats for people to jump into, from
the guys goofing around playing Type 1 to the
competitive players sitting down at the Pro Tour. Not
too long back, they used Five as one of the formats for
the Invitational; it's changed around a lot since then,
and there's a banned list that is regularly updated (not
by Wizards, though).
With the advent of Magic: Online, you have an
environment where you don't have access to a lot of the
older cards, including some of those most powerful in
Five (like Contract from Below). People started to
clamor for more constructed, casual environments to play
in, and Wizards helped to give it to them.
Welcome to Prismatic, folks.
The rules for building a prismatic deck, if you aren't
familiar, are pretty similar to Five. You need to use at
least 20 of each color card in your deck; split cards
and gold cards count towards one of the colors in them,
not both. Your deck needs to be a minimum of 250 cards,
so, between the size of the deck and the requirements of
color, it's very difficult to create a deck that has a
distinct purpose (i.e. Goblins, etc.). What you end up
with are some pretty wacky decks that are just a lot of
fun to play, if for no other reason than to see what
happens next.
I'm not going to do a real card-by-card of the
environment, for the most part; with so many cards
available, I could write volumes. Instead, what I'm
going to do is go color-by-color and look at what it has
to offer to the format as far as power goes, and point
out the easy-to-get cards that can help to make a deck
that is fun, while not too expensive. First, I'm going
to list a few categories of cards that have proven to be
extremely solid.
All of the common landcyclers have proven to be great in
this format. Twisted Abomination is probably my favorite
and the best; Wirewood Guardian and Shoreline Ranger are
probably running second here. Easy to come by, these
guys make mana manageable and provide a monster for
later in the game.
I've dumped the full 20 of these in my deck (with some
help from friends, thanks Tony!), and they've served as
color-fixers as well as acceleration, letting me run a
few less land in the deck. I've been really happy with
all of these, though so many of them make it difficult
as far as constraints on colored cards go.
The most popular cards in this vein seem to be Deep
Analysis and Roar of the Wurm, though Call of the Herd
and Chainer's Edict seem to be strong (and more
expensive, ticket-wise). Firebolt is a four-of in my
There are so many cheap morphs that are playable they
really can't be listed. My personal favorite (and a
four-of in my deck, thanks to some work trading) is
Chromeshell Crab, normally a pretty easy find around the
TP. Another guy I like is Aphetto Exterminator, just to
provide a source of potential card advantage. Obviously,
access to things like Exalted Angel just makes things a
little saucier.
Separate from the landcyclers, my favorite to have
access to here is Lay Waste; four of these provide you a
solid way to capitalize on potential mana-issues,
keeping opponents off of whatever color they don't have
in abundance. The cycling lands are also favorites among
Every one of the battlemages from Planeshift are
absolutely nuts. Being from Invasion-block, they aren't
terribly easy to come by; personally, I only own two of
the red battlemages (and will gladly accept gifts from
anyone out there). *grin* The green one is probably the
best, or at least my favorite; the others are all
That being said, we'll move over to the separate colors:
Green's specialty in this environment is to fix your
mana. Explosive Growth and Harrow are probably the best
cards to have for this purpose, though Journey of
Discovery and Far Wanderings are also really good. You
also get access to efficient creatures that can cause
issues like Roar of the Wurm and Viridian Shaman.
I personally think that the best creature in the format
might be right here: Arc Slogger. They aren't trading
for too much right now, though that might change when
block-constructed rolls around in the not-too-distant
future. Tephraderm is another reasonably efficient
creature in this deck, while Anarchist allows you to do
all kinds of mean tricks with the powerful spells in
your deck. Burn spells are also a must, at least as a
method of control; I recommend four Firebolt, at least.
You're looking for any wrath-effects possible here, but
if that's too rich for your blood (it is for most, don't
worry), then there's plenty of other good toys here.
Removal spells like Pacifism and Chastise are reasonably
easy to come by, along with things like Cloudchaser
Eagle. Four Disenchant seems like it can also fit in
here nicely.
Removal is the way to go here; Dark Banishing is a nice
common, while the aforementioned Exterminator can be
found without too much difficulty. I personally believe
you shouldn't even consider playing this format without
four Gravedigger; they do ridiculous things, especially
with the number of landcyclers you will probably be
Card drawing, obviously. Deep Analysis and Rush of
Knowledge are my favorites in this slot, as well as
Merfolk Looter. Allied Strategies is another favorite,
along with things like Inspiration and Opportunity if
necessary; obviously, Fact or Fiction is the tops here,
if you have it. You also have the opportunity to run the
best form of control possible: Confiscate. The Crab does
a fine job of making things difficult for your opponent
as well. I also run four Fabricate, mostly just for the
additional chance to draw at the very powerful artifacts
I have access to (see below).
This is somewhat difficult to describe as a niche,
simply because of the number you can feasibly run is
dictated by the number of Talismans you run and the
minimums on colored cards. However, there are a few
cards that you need to be aware of, starting with
Duplicant. Reasonably easy to come by, Duplicant deals
with just about ANYTHING, and leaves you with a solid
beater to smash with. My true favorite card in this
format is also an artifact: Panoptic Mirror. While it
hasn't made much of an impact in constructed at this
point, the number of powerful sorceries you will
probably end up running (along with Anarchist) makes
this a ridiculous card. I played a game where I had both
Rush of Knowledge and Pyrotechnics on my mirror, letting
me either kill some creatures or draw a ton of cards
during my upkeep. There are, of course, plenty of other
options here.
Personally, I haven't been a big fan of casual formats
in the past; Five-color was way too arduous, and the
work that went into creating and maintaining a deck was
a little overwhelming in pretty short order. With
everything being online, a lot of the logistics are
cleaned up, as well as the nasty problem of dealing with
people who have access to much more ridiculous cards
than you do. That problem exists, to an extent, but
there's a little difference between the guy who has all
the Invasion-block dual lands and the guy packing
Tundras and Taigas. This is actually a great format if
you're just looking to kill a little time between draft
matches, or just any other spare minutes (or hours) you
happen to have.
-Jonathan Pechon
Sigmund' on IRC (EFNet)
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